Solution 1 :这个二分法插入是不额外开辟空间的,逐个插入。
复杂度大致为 b*log(a)
Solution 2 :从B中用二分法选取插入的连续元素块,直接插入数个元素
复杂度大致为log2(a)+log2(b). 最差时比较和移动了a+b次
- my @a = (1,3,5,7);
- my @b = (1,2,4,6,8);
- my $start = 0;
- my $end = @a -1 ;
- for my $t (@b){
- print "Tracking $t \n";
- my $cur;
- #binary search
- do{
- $cur = int(($start+$end)/2);
- $end = $cur if($t<$a[$cur]);
- $start = $cur if($t>$a[$cur]);
- if($t == $a[$cur]){
- $end = $cur +1;
- $start = $cur;
- }
- }
- while($end-$start >1);
- #assign the proper postion
- $cur = $end;
- #if the value is larger than the last element in current array, then append thelement to the last;
- if($t>$a[$end]){
- $cur = $end+1;
- }
- #move elements after current postion with distance 1
- for(my $i = @a-1; $i >= $cur; $i--){
- $a[$i+1] = $a[$i];
- }
- $a[$cur] = $t;
- $start = $cur;
- $end = @a-1;
- print ;
- }
- #! /usr/bin/perl
- my @b = (2,4,6,8);
- my @a = (1,3,5,7);
- my $count = 0;
- sub getInsertPostion{
- my ($in, $si, $ei, @queue) = @_;
- if($in<$queue[$si]){
- $count++;
- return $si;
- }
- if($in>=$queue[$ei]){
- $count++;
- return @queue;
- }
- my $cur;
- do{
- $cur = int(($si+$ei)/2);
- $ei = $cur if($in<=$queue[$cur]);
- $si = $cur if($in>=$queue[$cur]);
- $count ++;
- }
- while($ei-$si >1);
- return $ei;
- }
- my $asi = 0;
- my $bsi = 0;
- my $aei = @a-1;
- my $bei = @b-1;
- my $size = @a+@b;
- while(@a<$size){
- #while instert elements of b into a at the postion $cur
- my $cur = getInsertPostion($b[$bsi], $asi, $aei, @a);
- my $bei = getInsertPostion($a[$cur], $bsi, $bei, @b);
- #the steps for @a to move forward
- my $steps = () = ($bsi..$bei);
- $steps --;
- print "Step = $steps \n";
- #move the elements of a after postion $cur by steps
- for(0..(@a-$cur-1)){
- $a[$aei-$_+$steps] = $a[$aei-$_];
- }
- print "after move foward by step $steps: @a \n";
- #insert elements selected from b
- #if steps is 0, it means that all left element of @b should append to @a.
- $bei = @b if($steps == 0);
- for($bsi..$bei-1){
- print "fill a[$cur] with $b[$_]\n";
- $a[$cur] = $b[$_];
- $cur++;
- }
- print "@a \n";
- #next round, select elements of b from the postion that ending this round
- $bsi = $bei;
- $bei = @b-1;
- #the next round will start from the postion after insert.
- $asi = $cur+ $steps;
- $aei = @a-1;
- print "--------------------------------------\n";
- }
- print "@a \n";
- print "Compare executed for $count times\n";
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