How to find Temperature Range on Sun Blade [TM] Sun Fire[TM] systems
(一)prtpicl -v -c temperature-sensor
Keyword(s):Sun Fire V880/ V480r/ V280r, Sun Blade 1000/2000 /100/150, cpu temp
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The way to find out what the temperature range is on Sun Blade Desktop or a Sun Fire entry level server is to use a command.
#prtpicl -v -c temperature-sensor
This will look at the fru info on the CPU and display it to the screen.
The temps are different from system to system, and CPU to CPU.
The info in the fru id is set at manufacturing, and can varies from CPU speed to CPU type. It should not be assumed that there is a default temp for all CPUs.
# prtpicl -v -c temperature-sensor
CPU0_DIE_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR (temperature-sensor, 3a00000579)
:PSVC_FRU (3a000006ebTBL)
| (3a0000058dH) |
| (3a000005a1H) |
:PSVC_PARENT (3a000005ebTBL)
| (3a0000049dH) |
| (3a000004e1H) |
:HighShutdownThreshold 95
:HighWarningThreshold 93
:LowShutdownThreshold -10
:LowWarningThreshold 0
:Temperature 59
:FaultInformation NO_FAULT
:State OK
:_class temperature-sensor
CPU1_DIE_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR (temperature-sensor, 3a00000583)
:PSVC_FRU (3a000006eeTBL)
| (3a00000592H) |
| (3a000005a6H) |
:PSVC_PARENT (3a000005eeTBL)
| (3a000004a2H) |
| (3a000004e1H) |
:HighShutdownThreshold 95
:HighWarningThreshold 93
:LowShutdownThreshold -10
:LowWarningThreshold 0
:Temperature 57
:FaultInformation NO_FAULT
:State OK
:_class temperature-sensor
From the example above:
The "Temperature 57" is the temp. that the CPU is at, at this current time.
The "HighShutdownThreshold 95" is the temp. at which the system will shut itself down.
The "HighWarningThreshold 93" is the temp. at which the system will start to send warnings out to the console.
Note that all temps are in degrees centigrade.
keywords: Sun Fire V880/ V480r/ V280r , Sun Blade 1000/2000 /100/150 , cpu temp
(二)/usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag -v 部分机型支持
bash-2.03$ /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag -v
System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u Sun Blade 150 (UltraSPARC-IIe 650MHz)
System clock frequency: 93 MHZ
Memory size: 1GB
==================================== CPUs ====================================
E$ CPU CPU Temperature
CPU Freq Size Impl. Mask Die Ambient
--- -------- ---------- ------ ---- -------- --------
0 650 MHz 512KB US-IIe 3.3 36 C 36 C
================================= IO Devices =================================
Bus Freq
Brd Type MHz Slot Name Model
--- ---- ---- ---------- -------------------------------- ----------------------
0 pci 33 7 isa/dma-isadma (dma)
0 pci 33 7 isa/serial-su16550 (serial)
0 pci 33 7 isa/serial-su16550 (serial)
0 pci 33 8 sound-pci10b9,5451.10b9.5451.1 (+
0 pci 33 12 network-pci108e,1101.1 (network) SUNW,pci-eri
0 pci 33 12 firewire-pci108e,1102.1001 (fire+
0 pci 33 13 ide-pci10b9,5229.c3 (ide)
0 pci 33 19 SUNW,m64B (display) ATY,RageXL
============================ Memory Configuration ============================
Segment Table:
Base Address Size Interleave Factor Contains
0x0 256MB 1 Label -
0x40000000 256MB 1 Label -
0x80000000 256MB 1 Label -
0xc0000000 256MB 1 Label -
=============================== usb Devices ===============================
Name Port#
------------ -----
mouse 2
keyboard 4
============================ Environmental Status ============================
Fan Speeds:
Fan Device Speed
system 100%
================================ HW Revisions ================================
ASIC Revisions:
ebus: Rev 1
System PROM revisions:
OBP 4.10.6 2003/06/06 12:30
POST 2.0.1 2001/08/23 17:13
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