- /* Divide the file and set the locations for each connection */
- static void axel_divide( axel_t *axel )
- {
- int i;
- axel->conn[0].currentbyte = 0;
- axel->conn[0].lastbyte = axel->size / axel->conf->num_connections - 1;
- for( i = 1; i < axel->conf->num_connections; i )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf( "Downloading %lld-%lld using conn. %i\n", axel->conn[i-1].currentbyte, axel->conn[i-1].lastbyte, i - 1 );
- #endif
- axel->conn[i].currentbyte = axel->conn[i-1].lastbyte 1;
- axel->conn[i].lastbyte = axel->conn[i].currentbyte axel->size / axel->conf->num_connections;
- }
- axel->conn[axel->conf->num_connections-1].lastbyte = axel->size - 1;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf( "Downloading %lld-%lld using conn. %i\n", axel->conn[i-1].currentbyte, axel->conn[i-1].lastbyte, i - 1 );
- #endif
- }
- /* Open a local file to store the downloaded data */
- int axel_open( axel_t *axel )
- {
- int i, fd;
- long long int j;
- if( axel->conf->verbose > 0 )
- axel_message( axel, _("Opening output file %s"), axel->filename );
- snprintf( buffer, MAX_STRING, "%s.st", axel->filename );
- axel->outfd = -1;
- /* Check whether server knows about RESTart and switch back to
- single connection download if necessary */
- if( !axel->conn[0].supported )
- {
- axel_message( axel, _("Server unsupported, "
- "starting from scratch with one connection.") );
- axel->conf->num_connections = 1;
- axel->conn = realloc( axel->conn, sizeof( conn_t ) );
- axel_divide( axel );
- }
- else if( ( fd = open( buffer, O_RDONLY ) ) != -1 )
- {
- read( fd, &axel->conf->num_connections, sizeof( axel->conf->num_connections ) );
- axel->conn = realloc( axel->conn, sizeof( conn_t ) * axel->conf->num_connections );
- memset( axel->conn 1, 0, sizeof( conn_t ) * ( axel->conf->num_connections - 1 ) );
- axel_divide( axel );
- read( fd, &axel->bytes_done, sizeof( axel->bytes_done ) );
- for( i = 0; i < axel->conf->num_connections; i )
- read( fd, &axel->conn[i].currentbyte, sizeof( axel->conn[i].currentbyte ) );
- axel_message( axel, _("State file found: %lld bytes downloaded, %lld to go."),
- axel->bytes_done, axel->size - axel->bytes_done );
- close( fd );
- if( ( axel->outfd = open( axel->filename, O_WRONLY, 0666 ) ) == -1 )
- {
- axel_message( axel, _("Error opening local file") );
- return( 0 );
- }
- }
- /* If outfd == -1 we have to start from scrath now */
- if( axel->outfd == -1 )
- {
- axel_divide( axel );
- if( ( axel->outfd = open( axel->filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0666 ) ) == -1 )
- {
- axel_message( axel, _("Error opening local file") );
- return( 0 );
- }
- /* And check whether the filesystem can handle seeks to
- past-EOF areas.. Speeds things up. :) AFAIK this
- should just not happen: */
- if( lseek( axel->outfd, axel->size, SEEK_SET ) == -1 && axel->conf->num_connections > 1 )
- {
- /* But if the OS/fs does not allow to seek behind
- EOF, we have to fill the file with zeroes before
- starting. Slow.. */
- axel_message( axel, _("Crappy filesystem/OS.. Working around. :-(") );
- lseek( axel->outfd, 0, SEEK_SET );
- memset( buffer, 0, axel->conf->buffer_size );
- j = axel->size;
- while( j > 0 )
- {
- write( axel->outfd, buffer, min( j, axel->conf->buffer_size ) );
- j -= axel->conf->buffer_size;
- }
- }
- }
- return( 1 );
- }
如果存储的文件不存在,就新建一个。接着的注释挺详细,就是把文件指针指到文件末尾,“ But if the OS/fs does not allow to seek behind EOF, we have to fill the file with zeroes before
starting. Slow..”
- void axel_start( axel_t *axel )
- {
- int i;
- /* HTTP might've redirected and FTP handles wildcards, so
- re-scan the URL for every conn */
- for( i = 0; i < axel->conf->num_connections; i ++ )
- {
- conn_set( &axel->conn[i], axel->url->text );
- axel->url = axel->url->next;
- axel->conn[i].local_if = axel->conf->interfaces->text;
- axel->conf->interfaces = axel->conf->interfaces->next;
- axel->conn[i].conf = axel->conf;
- if( i ) axel->conn[i].supported = 1;
- }
- if( axel->conf->verbose > 0 )
- axel_message( axel, _("Starting download") );
- for( i = 0; i < axel->conf->num_connections; i ++ )
- if( axel->conn[i].currentbyte <= axel->conn[i].lastbyte )
- {
- if( axel->conf->verbose >= 2 )
- {
- axel_message( axel, _("Connection %i downloading from %s:%i using interface %s"),
- i, axel->conn[i].host, axel->conn[i].port, axel->conn[i].local_if );
- }
- axel->conn[i].state = 1;
- if( pthread_create( axel->conn[i].setup_thread, NULL, setup_thread, &axel->conn[i] ) != 0 )
- {
- axel_message( axel, _("pthread error!!!") );
- axel->ready = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- axel->conn[i].last_transfer = gettime();
- }
- }
- /* The real downloading will start now, so let's start counting */
- axel->start_time = gettime();
- axel->ready = 0;
- }
- /* Thread used to set up a connection */
- void *setup_thread( void *c )
- {
- conn_t *conn = c;
- int oldstate;
- /* Allow this thread to be killed at any time. */
- pthread_setcancelstate( PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &oldstate );
- pthread_setcanceltype( PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &oldstate );
- if( conn_setup( conn ) )
- {
- conn->last_transfer = gettime();
- if( conn_exec( conn ) )
- {
- conn->last_transfer = gettime();
- conn->enabled = 1;
- conn->state = 0;
- return( NULL );
- }
- }
- conn_disconnect( conn );
- conn->state = 0;
- return( NULL );
- }
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