CHAP(Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)询问握手认证协议,或者叫做冲击握手认证协议,属于三次握手协议,相对于PAP来说安全性高一些,防止了重放攻击,以为每次询问内容是不同的。这个流程我们还是分为一下两部分分析:1. PC <——> NAS:所说的三次握手也是这个过程,当链路建立以后,首先NAS会向PC发送一个Challenge字符串,这个字符串是随机的,PC利用用户输入的明文密码和Challenge使用单向加密算法加密后将用户名和密文密码一同发送给NAS设备;
2. NAS <——> AAA:NAS设备收到PC发送的认证请求后,将用户名和密码分别放到User-Name和CHAP-Passowrd
(1)第一个字节是CHAP Identifier,是PC发送给NAS的Response的ID值;
(2)计算:C = MD5(CHAP-Ident + 明文密码 + Challenge)计算的到密文;
- For PAP, the NAS takes the PAP ID and password and sends them in an Access-Request packet as the User-Name and User-Password. The NAS MAY include the Attributes Service-Type = Framed-User and Framed-Protocol = PPP as a hint to the RADIUS server that PPP service is expected.
- For CHAP, the NAS generates a random challenge (preferably 16 octets) and sends it to the user, who returns a CHAP response along with a CHAP ID and CHAP username. The NAS then sends an Access-Request packet to the RADIUS server with the CHAP username as the User-Name and with the CHAP ID and CHAP response as the CHAP-Password (Attribute 3). The random challenge can either be included in the CHAP-Challenge attribute or, if it is 16 octets long, it can be placed in the Request Authenticator field of the Access-Request packet. The NAS MAY include the Attributes Service-Type = Framed-User and Framed-Protocol = PPP as a hint to the RADIUS server that PPP service is expected.
- The RADIUS server looks up a password based on the User-Name, encrypts the challenge using MD5 on the CHAP ID octet, that password, and the CHAP challenge (from the CHAP-Challenge attribute if present, otherwise from the Request Authenticator), and compares that result to the CHAP-Password. If they match, the server sends back an Access-Accept, otherwise it sends back an Access-Reject.
- If the RADIUS server is unable to perform the requested authentication it MUST return an Access-Reject. For example, CHAP requires that the user's password be available in cleartext to the server so that it can encrypt the CHAP challenge and compare that to the CHAP response. If the password is not available in cleartext to the RADIUS server then the server MUST send an Access-Reject to the client.
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