主要是修改/etc/gdm/custom.conf ,添加AutomaticLogin和TimedLogin 重启即可。
- vim /etc/gdm/custom.conf
- [daemon]
- AutomaticLoginEnable=true #设置系统自动登陆为可用
- AutomaticLogin=username #这里改为你要知动登陆的用户名
- TimedLoginEnable=true #
- TimedLogin=username #同样将这里修改为你需要登陆的用户名
- TimedLoginDelay=7
- /*如果这个地方是个空白,则把上面的代码全给填上*/
- [security]
- AllowRoot=false
- [xdmcp]
- [gui]
- [greeter]
- DefaultWelcome=false
- Welcome=Wait seconds...
- Logo=/usr/share/pixmaps/faces/penguin.jpg
- [chooser]
- [debug]
- # Note that to disable servers defined in the defaults.conf file (such as
- # 0=Standard, you must put a line in this file that says 0=inactive, as
- # described in the Configuration section of the GDM documentation.
- #
- [servers]
- # Also note, that if you redefine a [server-foo] section, then GDM will
- # use the definition in this file, not the defaults.conf file. It is
- # currently not possible to disable a [server-foo] section defined
- # in the defaults.conf file.
- #
- [server-Chooser]
- name=Chooser server
- command=/usr/bin/Xorg -audit 0
- chooser=false
- handled=true
- flexible=false
- priority=0
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