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2008-08-01 17:10:11

1. 如何与GSM MODEM建立通信联系
您可用诸如Windows下的超级终端或Pcomm等终端仿真软件,将计算机的串行口与GSM MODEM的串行口用电缆直接连接。

2. 不能与GSM MODEM进行正常的通信或总是在仿真终端上出现乱码
检查您的串口是否保证正常连接,计算机的串口引线与GSM MODEM的串口引线应是一一对应的。GSM MODEM与仿真终端应设置相同的通信速率。
但您初次使用GSM MODEM时,请在仿真终端上设置为通信速率9600bps、8位数据位、无较验位、1位停止位。

3. 如果您想在出错后得到错误代码号,需将GSM Modem作如下设置:

4. 发送短消息后,收到出错信息+CMS ERROR 512
表示您的GSM MODEM在发送短消息的同时它收到了新的短消息,发送短消息被拒绝,您需要重新发送此条短消息。

5. 发送短消息后,收到出错信息+CMS ERROR 513
a) 您的GSM MODEM失去了无线链路连接;
b) 在发送完短消息后的28秒内,您的GSM MODEM没有收到短消息中心送来的接收确认+CMGS:〈顺序号〉;
c) 在送出请求建立发送短消息的控制信道指令后的42秒内,您的GSM MODEM没有收到基站送来的确认〉。

6. 发送短消息后,收到出错信息+CMS ERROR 514
a) 您设置的短消息中心的号码是错误的;
b) 短消息将要送达的目的号码是错误的;

7. 发送短消息后,收到出错信息+CMS ERROR 515
如果您的GSM MODEM在初始化期间或在指令执行过程当中GSM MODEM又接受新的指令,将会出现此错误。您必须等到初始化完成或指令执行完毕。

a) 采用文本格式发送
在您采用文本格式发送短消息时,您的GSM MODEM须作以下的设置:
b) 采用PDU格式发送
在您采用PDU格式发送短消息时,您的GSM MODEM须作以下的设置:

9. 如何发送中文短消息
采用现有的GSM MODEM发送中文短消息,都必须先将准备发送的中文短消息转换成16位的Unicode编码。
A) 采用文本方式发送
在您采用文本格式发送Unicode编码中文短消息时,您的GSM MODEM须作的设置:
B) 采用PDU方式发送

10. 如何建立一个话音呼叫
向GSM MODEM的串口送指令ATD〈电话号码〉;〈回车〉必须确认电话号码是一个话音号码而非传真或数据号码。

11. 如何建立一个数据呼叫
先将您的GSM MODEM作如下设置:
向GSM MODEM的串口送指令ATD〈电话号码〉〈回车〉

12.当GSM MODEM作被叫时,如何显示主叫的电话号码
将您的GSM MODEM作如下设置:

13.当GSM MODEM作被叫时,如何判别主叫发起的是话音、数据或传真呼叫
将您的GSM MODEM作如下设置:

14.当GSM MODEM作被叫时,如何使其自动应答或不能自动应答
如果您想让您的GSM MODEM自动应答,将您的GSM MODEM作如下设置:
ats0=〈N〉 N是代表GSM MODEM震铃的次数的一个整数,即GSM MODEM在N 次震铃后将自动应答。
如果您想让您的GSM MODEM不能自动应答,将您的GSM MODEM作如下设置:

以下的描述介绍了如何采用这种方法在Falcom A2系列和数据终端MT4002之间不通过SIM卡交换数据,这种方法也可用与2个MT4002之间。
a) 串口上的从终端来的RTS信号可用来指示数据交换时隙是否忙,串口准备好接收数据
b) 如果终端双方都可用来接收和发送短消息,在设置时双方都要设同样的命令和常数。
在发送端,设命令AT+CSMP=17,167,0,240 (当使用PDU格式发送时,240改成字符串DCS(F0))
c) 当程序发现短消息以前缀+CMT后跟所传送的数据这种格式时,立即将此短消息捕获并将其分发到原定的地址。
d) 当发送端如果没有设置CSMP=17,167,0,240时,捕获到的短消息应有前缀+CMTI,此时用命令AT+CMGR=n读取并分发到原定的地址,随后用命令AT+CMGD=n将此短消息删除以保证SIM卡有足够多的空间。

0 phone failure
1  no connection to phone
2  phone-adaptor link reserved
3  operation not allowed
4  operation not supported
5  PH-SIM PIN required
6  PH-FSIM PIN required
7  PH-FSIM PUK required
10  SIM not inserted
11  SIM PIN required
12  SIM PUK required
13 SIM failure SIM300 AT Command Set
14 SIM busy
15 SIM wrong
16 incorrect password
17  SIM PIN2 required
18  SIM PUK2 required
20 memory full
21 invalid index
22 not found
23 memory failure
24  text string too long
25  invalid characters in text string
26  dial string too long
27  invalid characters in dial string
30 no network service
31 network timeout
32  network not allowed - emergency calls only
40  network personalization PIN required
41  network personalization PUK required
42  network subset personalization PIN required
43  network subset personalization PUK required
44  service provider personalization PIN required
45  service provider personalization PUK required
46  corporate personalization PIN required
47  corporate personalization PUK required
100 unknown
103 illegal MS
106 illegal ME
107  GPRS services not allowed
111  PLMN not allowed
112  location area not allowed
113  roaming not allowed in this location area
132  service option not supported
133  requested service option not subscribed
134  service option temporarily out of order
148  unspecified GPRS error
149  PDP authentication failure
150  invalid mobile class
577  GPRS - activation rejected by GGSN
578  PRS - unspecified activation rejection
579  GPRS - bad code or protocol rejection
580  GPRS - can't modify address
581  GPRS - CHAP close
582  GPRS - profile (cid) currently unavailable
583  GPRS - a profile (cid) is currently active SIM300 AT Command Set
584  GPRS - combined services not allowed
585  GPRS - conditional IE error
586  GPRS - context activation rejected
587  GPRS - duplicate TI received
588  GPRS - feature not supported
589  GPRS - service not available
590  GPRS - unknown IE from network
591  GPRS - implicitly detached
592  GPRS - insufficient resources
593  GPRS - invalid activation state (0-1)
594  GPRS - invalid address length
595  GPRS - invalid character in address string
596  GPRS - invalid cid value
597  GPRS - invalid dial string length
598  GPRS - mode value not in range
599  GPRS - invalid MAND information
600  GPRS - SMS service preference out of range
601  GPRS - invalid TI value
602  GPRS - IPCP negotiation timeout
603  GPRS - LCP negotiation timeout
604  GPRS - LLC error
605  GPRS - LLC or SNDCP failure
606  GPRS - lower layer failure
607  GPRS - missing or unknown APN
608  GPRS - mobile not ready
609  GPRS - MS identity not in network
610  GPRS - MSC temporarily not reachable
611  GPRS - message incompatible with state
612  GPRS - message type incompatible with state
613  GPRS - unknown message from network
614  GPRS - NCP close
615  GPRS - network failure
616  PRS - no echo reply
617  GPRS - no free NSAPIs
618  GPRS - processing of multiple cids not supported
619  GPRS - no PDP context activated
620  GPRS - normal termination
621  GPRS - NSAPI already used
622  GPRS - address element out of range
623  GPRS - PAP close
624  GPRS - PDP context w/o TFT already activated
625  GPRS - PDP type not supported
626  GPRS - peer refuses our ACCM
627  GPRS - peer refuses our IP address SIM300 AT Command Set
628  GPRS - peer refuses our MRU
629  GPRS - peer requested CHAP
630  GPRS - profile (cid) not defined
631  GPRS - unspecified protocol error
632  GPRS - QOS not accepted
633  GPRS - QOS validation fail
634  GPRS - reactivation required
635  GPRS - regular deactivation
636  GPRS - semantic error in TFT operation
637  GPRS - semantic errors in packet filter
638  GPRS - semantically incorrect message
639  GPRS - service type not yet available
640  GPRS - syntactical error in TFT operation
641  GPRS - syntactical errors in packet filter
642  PRS - too many RXJs
643  GPRS - unknown PDP address or type
644  GPRS - unknown PDP context
645  GPRS - user authorization failed
646  GPRS - QOS invalid parameter
673  audio manager not ready
674  audio format cannot be configured
705  SIM toolkit menu has not been configured
706  SIM toolkit already in use
707  SIM toolkit not enabled
737  +CSCS type not supported
738  CSCS type not found
741  must include with
742 incorrect format
743  length too long
744 SIM full
745  unable to change PLMN list
746  network operator not recognized
749 invalid command length
750 invalid input string
753  missing required cmd parameter
754 invalid SIM command
755  invalid File Id
756  missing required P1/2/3 parameter
757  invalid P1/2/3 parameter
758  missing required command data
759  invalid characters in command data
765 invalid input value
766  unsupported value or mode
767 operation failed SIM300 AT Command Set
768  multiplexer already active
769  unable to get control of required module
770  SIM invalid - network reject
771  call setup in progress
772 SIM powered down
773  SIM File not present

300 ME failure
301  SMS ME reserved
302  operation not allowed
303  operation not supported
304  invalid PDU mode
305 invalid text mode
310  SIM not inserted
311  SIM pin necessary
312  PH SIM pin necessary
313 SIM failure
314 SIM busy
315 SIM wrong
316  SIM PUK required
317  SIM PIN2 required
318  SIM PUK2 required
320 memory failure
321  invalid memory index
322 memory full
330  SMSC address unknown
331 no network
332 network timeout
500 unknown
512  SIM not ready
513  unread records on SIM
514 CB error unknown
515 PS busy
517  SM BL not ready
528  Invalid (non-hex) chars in PDU SIM300 AT Command Set
529  Incorrect PDU length
530 Invalid MTI
531  Invalid (non-hex) chars in address
532  Invalid address (no digits read)
533  Incorrect PDU length (UDL)
534  Incorrect SCA length
536  Invalid First Octet (should be 2 or 34)
537 Invalid Command Type
538  SRR bit not set
539  SRR bit set
540  Invalid User Data Header IE  

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