-- ===============================================================
-- Error Code: 1449.
-- ===============================================================
select v.*,concat('replace into sync_cdp.',table_name,' select * from web_cdp.',table_name,';') from
information_schema.tables v
where table_schema='sync_cdp' order by table_name ;
replace into sync_cdp.accountding_std select * from web_cdp.accountding_std;
replace into sync_cdp.comp_results select * from web_cdp.comp_results;
replace into sync_cdp.auditor select * from web_cdp.auditor;
replace into sync_cdp.cpny_view_record select * from web_cdp.cpny_view_record;
replace into sync_cdp.doc_trace select * from web_cdp.doc_trace;
replace into sync_cdp.exchange select * from web_cdp.exchange;
replace into sync_cdp.industry select * from web_cdp.industry;
replace into sync_cdp.listed_cpny_fin_item select * from web_cdp.listed_cpny_fin_item;
replace into sync_cdp.listed_cpny_fin_rpt_prd select * from web_cdp.listed_cpny_fin_rpt_prd;
replace into sync_cdp.listed_cpny_trading_data select * from web_cdp.listed_cpny_trading_data;
replace into sync_cdp.accountding_std select * from web_cdp.accountding_std
Error Code: 1449. The user specified as a definer ('skyman.man'@'%') does not exist
一开始以为是账号的权限玩呢提,查了好久,才找到原因,因为sync_cdp.accountding_std是视图,所以不能replace into操作,但是
我的取得所以表的sql应该再加一个限制and table_type !='VIEW'才行。
select v.*,concat('replace into sync_cdp.',table_name,' select * from web_cdp.',table_name,';') from
information_schema.tables v
where table_schema='sync_cdp' and table_type !='VIEW' order by table_name ;
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