- typedef uint16_t GpsStatusValue;
- #define GPS_STATUS_NONE 0
- AgpsCallbacks
- AgpsInterface
- typedef struct {
- size_t size;
- GpsStatusValue status;
- } GpsStatus;
/** GPS status event values. */ typedef uint16_t GpsStatusValue; // IMPORTANT: Note that the following values must match // constants in GpsLocationProvider.java. /** GPS status unknown. */ #define GPS_STATUS_NONE 0 /** GPS has begun navigating. */ #define GPS_STATUS_SESSION_BEGIN 1 /** GPS has stopped navigating. */ #define GPS_STATUS_SESSION_END 2 /** GPS has powered on but is not navigating. */ #define GPS_STATUS_ENGINE_ON 3 /** GPS is powered off. */AgpsCallbacks AgpsInterface #define GPS_STATUS_ENGINE_OFF 4 /** Represents the status. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(GpsStatus) */ size_t size; GpsStatusValue status; } GpsStatus;
- typedef struct {
- size_t size;
- int prn;
- float snr;
- float elevation;
- float azimuth;
- } GpsSvInfo;
/** Represents SV information. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(GpsSvInfo) */ size_t size; /** Pseudo-random number for the SV. */ int prn; /** Signal to noise ratio. */ float snr; /** Elevation of SV in degrees. */ float elevation; /** Azimuth of SV in degrees. */ float azimuth; } GpsSvInfo;
- typedef struct {
- size_t size;
- int num_svs;
- GpsSvInfo sv_list[GPS_MAX_SVS];
- uint32_t ephemeris_mask;
- uint32_t almanac_mask;
- uint32_t used_in_fix_mask;
- } GpsSvStatus;
/** Represents SV status. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(GpsSvStatus) */ size_t size; /** Number of SVs currently visible. */ int num_svs; /** Contains an array of SV information. */ GpsSvInfo sv_list[GPS_MAX_SVS]; /** Represents a bit mask indicating which SVs * have ephemeris data. */ uint32_t ephemeris_mask; /** Represents a bit mask indicating which SVs * have almanac data. */ uint32_t almanac_mask; /** * Represents a bit mask indicating which SVs * were used for computing the most recent position fix. */ uint32_t used_in_fix_mask; } GpsSvStatus;
- typedef void (* gps_location_callback)(GpsLocation* location);
- typedef void (* gps_status_callback)(GpsStatus* status);
- typedef void (* gps_sv_status_callback)(GpsSvStatus* sv_info);
- typedef void (* gps_nmea_callback)(GpsUtcTime timestamp, const char* nmea, int length);
- typedef void (* gps_set_capabilities)(uint32_t capabilities);
- typedef void (* gps_acquire_wakelock)();
- 释放锁
- typedef void (* gps_release_wakelock)();
- typedef pthread_t (* gps_create_thread)(const char* name, void (*start)(void *), void* arg);
- typedef struct {
- size_t size;
- gps_location_callback location_cb;
- gps_status_callback status_cb;
- gps_sv_status_callback sv_status_cb;
- gps_nmea_callback nmea_cb;
- gps_set_capabilities set_capabilities_cb;
- gps_acquire_wakelock acquire_wakelock_cb;
- gps_release_wakelock release_wakelock_cb;
- gps_create_thread create_thread_cb;
- } GpsCallbacks;
/** Callback with location information. 向上层传递GPS位置信息 * Can only be called from a thread created by create_thread_cb. */ typedef void (* gps_location_callback)(GpsLocation* location); /** Callback with status information. 向上层传递GPS状态信息 * Can only be called from a thread created by create_thread_cb. */ typedef void (* gps_status_callback)(GpsStatus* status); /** Callback with SV status information. 向上层传递GPS卫星信息 * Can only be called from a thread created by create_thread_cb. */ typedef void (* gps_sv_status_callback)(GpsSvStatus* sv_info); /** Callback for reporting NMEA sentences. 向上层传递MEMA数据 * Can only be called from a thread created by create_thread_cb. */ typedef void (* gps_nmea_callback)(GpsUtcTime timestamp, const char* nmea, int length); /** Callback to inform framework of the GPS engine's capabilities.告知GPS模块可以实现的功能 * Capability parameter is a bit field of GPS_CAPABILITY_* flags. */ typedef void (* gps_set_capabilities)(uint32_t capabilities); /** Callback utility for acquiring the GPS wakelock.上锁,防止处理GPS事件时中止。 * This can be used to prevent the CPU from suspending while handling GPS events. */ typedef void (* gps_acquire_wakelock)(); /** Callback utility for releasing the GPS wakelock. */释放锁 typedef void (* gps_release_wakelock)(); /** Callback for creating a thread that can call into the Java framework code.等待上层请求 * This must be used to create any threads that report events up to the framework. */ typedef pthread_t (* gps_create_thread)(const char* name, void (*start)(void *), void* arg); /** GPS callback structure. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(GpsCallbacks) */ size_t size; gps_location_callback location_cb; gps_status_callback status_cb; gps_sv_status_callback sv_status_cb; gps_nmea_callback nmea_cb; gps_set_capabilities set_capabilities_cb; gps_acquire_wakelock acquire_wakelock_cb; gps_release_wakelock release_wakelock_cb; gps_create_thread create_thread_cb; } GpsCallbacks;
- typedef struct {
- size_t size;
- int (*init)( GpsCallbacks* callbacks );
- int (*start)( void );
- int (*stop)( void );
- void (*cleanup)( void );
- int (*inject_time)(GpsUtcTime time, int64_t timeReference,
- int uncertainty);
- int (*inject_location)(double latitude, double longitude, float accuracy);
- void (*delete_aiding_data)(GpsAidingData flags);
- int (*set_position_mode)(GpsPositionMode mode, GpsPositionRecurrence recurrence,
- uint32_t min_interval, uint32_t preferred_accuracy, uint32_t preferred_time);
- const void* (*get_extension)(const char* name);
- } GpsInterface;
/** Represents the standard GPS interface. */ typedef struct { /** set to sizeof(GpsInterface) */ size_t size; /** * Opens the interface and provides the callback routines * to the implemenation of this interface. */ int (*init)( GpsCallbacks* callbacks ); /** Starts navigating. 启动定位*/ int (*start)( void ); /** Stops navigating. 取消定位*/ int (*stop)( void ); /** Closes the interface. 关闭GPS接口*/ void (*cleanup)( void ); /** Injects the current time.填入时间 */ int (*inject_time)(GpsUtcTime time, int64_t timeReference, int uncertainty); /** Injects current location from another location provider填入位置 * (typically cell ID). * latitude and longitude are measured in degrees * expected accuracy is measured in meters */ int (*inject_location)(double latitude, double longitude, float accuracy); /** * Specifies that the next call to start will not use the删除全部或部分辅助数据,在性能测试时使用 * information defined in the flags. GPS_DELETE_ALL is passed for * a cold start. */ void (*delete_aiding_data)(GpsAidingData flags); /**设置定位模式和GPS工作模式等 * min_interval represents the time between fixes in milliseconds. * preferred_accuracy represents the requested fix accuracy in meters. * preferred_time represents the requested time to first fix in milliseconds. */ int (*set_position_mode)(GpsPositionMode mode, GpsPositionRecurrence recurrence, uint32_t min_interval, uint32_t preferred_accuracy, uint32_t preferred_time); /** Get a pointer to extension information. 自定义的接口*/ const void* (*get_extension)(const char* name); } GpsInterface;
- struct gps_device_t {
- struct hw_device_t common;
- const GpsInterface* (*get_gps_interface)(struct gps_device_t* dev);
- };
struct gps_device_t { struct hw_device_t common; /** * Set the provided lights to the provided values. * * Returns: 0 on succes, error code on failure. */ const GpsInterface* (*get_gps_interface)(struct gps_device_t* dev); };
- const struct hw_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
- .version_major = 1,
- .version_minor = 0,
- .name = "loc_api GPS Module",
- .author = "Qualcomm USA, Inc.",
- .methods = &gps_module_methods,
- };
const struct hw_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = { .tag = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG, .version_major = 1, .version_minor = 0, .id = GPS_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, .name = "loc_api GPS Module", .author = "Qualcomm USA, Inc.", .methods = &gps_module_methods, };
- static struct hw_module_methods_t gps_module_methods = {
- .open = open_gps
- };
static struct hw_module_methods_t gps_module_methods = { .open = open_gps };
- static int open_gps(const struct hw_module_t* module, char const* name,
- struct hw_device_t** device)
- {
- struct gps_device_t *dev = malloc(sizeof(struct gps_device_t));
- memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev));
- dev->common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
- dev->common.version = 0;
- dev->common.module = (struct hw_module_t*)module;
- dev->get_gps_interface = gps__get_gps_interface;
- *device = (struct hw_device_t*)dev;
- return 0;
- }
static int open_gps(const struct hw_module_t* module, char const* name, struct hw_device_t** device) { struct gps_device_t *dev = malloc(sizeof(struct gps_device_t)); memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); dev->common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG; dev->common.version = 0; dev->common.module = (struct hw_module_t*)module; dev->get_gps_interface = gps__get_gps_interface; *device = (struct hw_device_t*)dev; return 0; }
- const GpsInterface* gps__get_gps_interface(struct gps_device_t* dev)
- {
- return get_gps_interface();
- }
const GpsInterface* gps__get_gps_interface(struct gps_device_t* dev) { return get_gps_interface(); }
- static const GpsInterface sLocEngInterface =
- {
- sizeof(GpsInterface),
- loc_eng_init,
- loc_eng_start,
- loc_eng_stop,
- loc_eng_cleanup,
- loc_eng_inject_time,
- loc_eng_inject_location,
- loc_eng_delete_aiding_data,
- loc_eng_set_position_mode,
- loc_eng_get_extension,
- };
// Defines the GpsInterface in gps.h static const GpsInterface sLocEngInterface = { sizeof(GpsInterface), loc_eng_init, loc_eng_start, loc_eng_stop, loc_eng_cleanup, loc_eng_inject_time, loc_eng_inject_location, loc_eng_delete_aiding_data, loc_eng_set_position_mode, loc_eng_get_extension, };
2.2 JNI适配层
- int register_android_server_location_GpsLocationProvider(JNIEnv* env)
- {
- return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/server/location/GpsLocationProvider", sMethods, NELEM(sMethods));
- }
int register_android_server_location_GpsLocationProvider(JNIEnv* env) { return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/server/location/GpsLocationProvider", sMethods, NELEM(sMethods)); }
- extern "C" jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved)
- {
- JNIEnv* env = NULL;
- jint result = -1;
- if (vm->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) {
- LOGE("GetEnv failed!");
- return result;
- }
- LOG_ASSERT(env, "Could not retrieve the env!");
- register_android_server_location_GpsLocationProvider(env);
- return JNI_VERSION_1_4;
- }
extern "C" jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) { JNIEnv* env = NULL; jint result = -1; if (vm->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) { LOGE("GetEnv failed!"); return result; } LOG_ASSERT(env, "Could not retrieve the env!"); //...省略其他注册代码 register_android_server_location_GpsLocationProvider(env); return JNI_VERSION_1_4; }
- static JNINativeMethod sMethods[] = {
- {"class_init_native", "()V", (void *)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_class_init_native},
- {"native_is_supported", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_is_supported},
- {"native_init", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_init},
- {"native_cleanup", "()V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_cleanup},
- {"native_set_position_mode", "(IIIII)Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_set_position_mode},
- {"native_start", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_start},
- {"native_stop", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_stop},
- {"native_delete_aiding_data", "(I)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_delete_aiding_data},
- {"native_read_sv_status", "([I[F[F[F[I)I", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_read_sv_status},
- {"native_read_nmea", "([BI)I", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_read_nmea},
- {"native_inject_time", "(JJI)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_inject_time},
- {"native_inject_location", "(DDF)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_inject_location},
- {"native_supports_xtra", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_supports_xtra},
- {"native_inject_xtra_data", "([BI)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_inject_xtra_data},
- {"native_agps_data_conn_open", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_data_conn_open},
- {"native_agps_data_conn_closed", "()V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_data_conn_closed},
- {"native_agps_data_conn_failed", "()V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_data_conn_failed},
- {"native_agps_set_id","(ILjava/lang/String;)V",(void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_set_id},
- {"native_agps_set_ref_location_cellid","(IIIII)V",(void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_set_reference_location_cellid},
- {"native_set_agps_server", "(ILjava/lang/String;I)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_set_agps_server},
- {"native_send_ni_response", "(II)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_send_ni_response},
- {"native_agps_ni_message", "([BI)V", (void *)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_send_ni_message},
- {"native_get_internal_state", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_get_internal_state},
- {"native_update_network_state", "(ZIZLjava/lang/String;)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_update_network_state },
- };
static JNINativeMethod sMethods[] = { /* name, signature, funcPtr */ {"class_init_native", "()V", (void *)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_class_init_native}, {"native_is_supported", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_is_supported}, {"native_init", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_init}, {"native_cleanup", "()V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_cleanup}, {"native_set_position_mode", "(IIIII)Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_set_position_mode}, {"native_start", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_start}, {"native_stop", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_stop}, {"native_delete_aiding_data", "(I)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_delete_aiding_data}, {"native_read_sv_status", "([I[F[F[F[I)I", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_read_sv_status}, {"native_read_nmea", "([BI)I", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_read_nmea}, {"native_inject_time", "(JJI)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_inject_time}, {"native_inject_location", "(DDF)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_inject_location}, {"native_supports_xtra", "()Z", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_supports_xtra}, {"native_inject_xtra_data", "([BI)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_inject_xtra_data}, {"native_agps_data_conn_open", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_data_conn_open}, {"native_agps_data_conn_closed", "()V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_data_conn_closed}, {"native_agps_data_conn_failed", "()V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_data_conn_failed}, {"native_agps_set_id","(ILjava/lang/String;)V",(void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_set_id}, {"native_agps_set_ref_location_cellid","(IIIII)V",(void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_set_reference_location_cellid}, {"native_set_agps_server", "(ILjava/lang/String;I)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_set_agps_server}, {"native_send_ni_response", "(II)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_send_ni_response}, {"native_agps_ni_message", "([BI)V", (void *)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_send_ni_message}, {"native_get_internal_state", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_get_internal_state}, {"native_update_network_state", "(ZIZLjava/lang/String;)V", (void*)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_update_network_state }, };
- static jboolean android_location_GpsLocationProvider_start(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj)
- {
- const GpsInterface* interface = GetGpsInterface(env, obj);
- if (interface)
- return (interface->start() == 0);
- else
- return false;
- }
static jboolean android_location_GpsLocationProvider_start(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { const GpsInterface* interface = GetGpsInterface(env, obj); if (interface) return (interface->start() == 0); else return false; }
- static const GpsInterface* GetGpsInterface(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
- if (!mCallbacksObj)
- mCallbacksObj = env->NewGlobalRef(obj);
- if (!sGpsInterface) {
- sGpsInterface = get_gps_interface();
- if (!sGpsInterface || sGpsInterface->init(&sGpsCallbacks) != 0) {
- sGpsInterface = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return sGpsInterface;
- }
static const GpsInterface* GetGpsInterface(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { // this must be set before calling into the HAL library if (!mCallbacksObj) mCallbacksObj = env->NewGlobalRef(obj); if (!sGpsInterface) { sGpsInterface = get_gps_interface(); if (!sGpsInterface || sGpsInterface->init(&sGpsCallbacks) != 0) { sGpsInterface = NULL; return NULL; } } return sGpsInterface; }
- static const GpsInterface* get_gps_interface() {
- int err;
- hw_module_t* module;
- const GpsInterface* interface = NULL;
- err = hw_get_module(GPS_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (hw_module_t const**)&module);
- if (err == 0) {
- hw_device_t* device;
- err = module->methods->open(module, GPS_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &device);
- if (err == 0) {
- gps_device_t* gps_device = (gps_device_t *)device;
- interface = gps_device->get_gps_interface(gps_device);
- }
- }
- return interface;
- }
static const GpsInterface* get_gps_interface() { int err; hw_module_t* module; const GpsInterface* interface = NULL; err = hw_get_module(GPS_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (hw_module_t const**)&module); if (err == 0) { hw_device_t* device; err = module->methods->open(module, GPS_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &device); if (err == 0) { gps_device_t* gps_device = (gps_device_t *)device; interface = gps_device->get_gps_interface(gps_device); } } return interface; }
2.3 Java Framework
2.3.2 使用
- LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
- Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
- criteria.setAccuracy(Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE);
- criteria.setAltitudeRequired(false);
- criteria.setBearingRequired(false);
- criteria.setCostAllowed(false);
- criteria.setPowerRequirement(Criteria.POWER_LOW);
- String provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true);
- Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);
- Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(this);
- List addresses = null;
- try {
- addresses = gc.getFromLocation(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), 1);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } if (addresses.size() > 0) {
- Sring msg = “”;
- msg += "AddressLine:" + addresses.get(0).getAddressLine(0)+ "\n";
- msg += "CountryName:" + addresses.get(0).getCountryName()+ "\n";
- msg += "Locality:" + addresses.get(0).getLocality() + "\n";
- msg += "FeatureName:" + addresses.get(0).getFeatureName();
- }
//获取位置服务 LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); // 获得最好的定位效果 criteria.setAccuracy(Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE); //设置为最大精度 criteria.setAltitudeRequired(false); //不获取海拔信息 criteria.setBearingRequired(false); //不获取方位信息 criteria.setCostAllowed(false); //是否允许付费 criteria.setPowerRequirement(Criteria.POWER_LOW); // 使用省电模式 // 获得当前的位置提供者 String provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true); // 获得当前的位置 Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider); Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(this); List
addresses = null; try { //根据经纬度获得地址信息 addresses = gc.getFromLocation(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), 1); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (addresses.size() > 0) { //获取address类的成员信息 Sring msg = “”; msg += "AddressLine:" + addresses.get(0).getAddressLine(0)+ "\n"; msg += "CountryName:" + addresses.get(0).getCountryName()+ "\n"; msg += "Locality:" + addresses.get(0).getLocality() + "\n"; msg += "FeatureName:" + addresses.get(0).getFeatureName(); }
- private final LocationListener locationListener = new LocationListener() {
- public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
- updateWithNewLocation(location);
- }
- public void onProviderDisabled(String provider){
- updateWithNewLocation(null);
- }
- public void onProviderEnabled(String provider){ }
- public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status,Bundle extras){ }
- };
- private void updateWithNewLocation(Location location) {
- if (location != null) {
- double lat = location.getLatitude();
- double lng = location.getLongitude();
- }
- locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(provider, 2000, 10,locationListener);
//匿名类,继承自LocationListener接口 private final LocationListener locationListener = new LocationListener() { public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { updateWithNewLocation(location);//更新位置信息 } public void onProviderDisabled(String provider){ updateWithNewLocation(null);//更新位置信息 } public void onProviderEnabled(String provider){ } public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status,Bundle extras){ } }; //更新位置信息 private void updateWithNewLocation(Location location) { if (location != null) { //获取经纬度 double lat = location.getLatitude(); double lng = location.getLongitude(); } //添加侦听 locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(provider, 2000, 10,locationListener);
下面对相关的类或接口进行分析,LocationManager的代码文件位于: frameworks/base/location/java/location/LocationManager.java
- public LocationManager(ILocationManager service) {
- mService = service;
- }
public LocationManager(ILocationManager service) { mService = service; }
- LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
- …
- LocationManagerService location = null;
- …
- try {
- Slog.i(TAG, "Location Manager");
- location = new LocationManagerService(context);
- ServiceManager.addService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE, location);
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- Slog.e(TAG, "Failure starting Location Manager", e);
- }
…//省略其他代码 LocationManagerService location = null; …//省略其他代码 try { Slog.i(TAG, "Location Manager"); location = new LocationManagerService(context); ServiceManager.addService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE, location); } catch (Throwable e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Failure starting Location Manager", e); }
- interface ILocationManager
- {
- List getAllProviders();
- List getProviders(in Criteria criteria, boolean enabledOnly);
- String getBestProvider(in Criteria criteria, boolean enabledOnly);
- boolean providerMeetsCriteria(String provider, in Criteria criteria);
- void requestLocationUpdates(String provider, in Criteria criteria, long minTime, float minDistance,
- boolean singleShot, in ILocationListener listener);
- void requestLocationUpdatesPI(String provider, in Criteria criteria, long minTime, float minDistance,
- boolean singleShot, in PendingIntent intent);
- void removeUpdates(in ILocationListener listener);
- void removeUpdatesPI(in PendingIntent intent);
- boolean addGpsStatusListener(IGpsStatusListener listener);
- void removeGpsStatusListener(IGpsStatusListener listener);
- void locationCallbackFinished(ILocationListener listener);
- boolean sendExtraCommand(String provider, String command, inout Bundle extras);
- void addProximityAlert(double latitude, double longitude, float distance,
- long expiration, in PendingIntent intent);
- void removeProximityAlert(in PendingIntent intent);
- Bundle getProviderInfo(String provider);
- boolean isProviderEnabled(String provider);
- Location getLastKnownLocation(String provider);
- void reportLocation(in Location location, boolean passive);
- boolean geocoderIsPresent();
- String getFromLocation(double latitude, double longitude, int maxResults,
- in GeocoderParams params, out List addrs);
- String getFromLocationName(String locationName,
- double lowerLeftLatitude, double lowerLeftLongitude,
- double upperRightLatitude, double upperRightLongitude, int maxResults,
- in GeocoderParams params, out List addrs);
- void addTestProvider(String name, boolean requiresNetwork, boolean requiresSatellite,
- boolean requiresCell, boolean hasMonetaryCost, boolean supportsAltitude,
- boolean supportsSpeed, boolean supportsBearing, int powerRequirement, int accuracy);
- void removeTestProvider(String provider);
- void setTestProviderLocation(String provider, in Location loc);
- void clearTestProviderLocation(String provider);
- void setTestProviderEnabled(String provider, boolean enabled);
- void clearTestProviderEnabled(String provider);
- void setTestProviderStatus(String provider, int status, in Bundle extras, long updateTime);
- void clearTestProviderStatus(String provider);
- boolean sendNiResponse(int notifId, int userResponse);
- }
/** * System private API for talking with the location service. * * {@hide} */ interface ILocationManager { List
getAllProviders(); List getProviders(in Criteria criteria, boolean enabledOnly); String getBestProvider(in Criteria criteria, boolean enabledOnly); boolean providerMeetsCriteria(String provider, in Criteria criteria); void requestLocationUpdates(String provider, in Criteria criteria, long minTime, float minDistance, boolean singleShot, in ILocationListener listener); void requestLocationUpdatesPI(String provider, in Criteria criteria, long minTime, float minDistance, boolean singleShot, in PendingIntent intent); void removeUpdates(in ILocationListener listener); void removeUpdatesPI(in PendingIntent intent); boolean addGpsStatusListener(IGpsStatusListener listener); void removeGpsStatusListener(IGpsStatusListener listener); // for reporting callback completion void locationCallbackFinished(ILocationListener listener); boolean sendExtraCommand(String provider, String command, inout Bundle extras); void addProximityAlert(double latitude, double longitude, float distance, long expiration, in PendingIntent intent); void removeProximityAlert(in PendingIntent intent); Bundle getProviderInfo(String provider); boolean isProviderEnabled(String provider); Location getLastKnownLocation(String provider); // Used by location providers to tell the location manager when it has a new location. // Passive is true if the location is coming from the passive provider, in which case // it need not be shared with other providers. void reportLocation(in Location location, boolean passive); boolean geocoderIsPresent(); String getFromLocation(double latitude, double longitude, int maxResults, in GeocoderParams params, out List addrs); String getFromLocationName(String locationName, double lowerLeftLatitude, double lowerLeftLongitude, double upperRightLatitude, double upperRightLongitude, int maxResults, in GeocoderParams params, out List addrs); void addTestProvider(String name, boolean requiresNetwork, boolean requiresSatellite, boolean requiresCell, boolean hasMonetaryCost, boolean supportsAltitude, boolean supportsSpeed, boolean supportsBearing, int powerRequirement, int accuracy); void removeTestProvider(String provider); void setTestProviderLocation(String provider, in Location loc); void clearTestProviderLocation(String provider); void setTestProviderEnabled(String provider, boolean enabled); void clearTestProviderEnabled(String provider); void setTestProviderStatus(String provider, int status, in Bundle extras, long updateTime); void clearTestProviderStatus(String provider); // for NI support boolean sendNiResponse(int notifId, int userResponse); }
- ILocationManager mLocationManager;
- IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
- mLocationManager = IlocationManager.Stub.asInterface(b);
ILocationManager mLocationManager; IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); mLocationManager = IlocationManager.Stub.asInterface(b);
- void systemReady() {
- Thread thread = new Thread(null, this, "LocationManagerService");
- thread.start();
- }
void systemReady() { // we defer starting up the service until the system is ready Thread thread = new Thread(null, this, "LocationManagerService"); thread.start(); }
- public void run()
- {
- Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);
- Looper.prepare();
- mLocationHandler = new LocationWorkerHandler();
- initialize();
- Looper.loop();
- }
public void run() { Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); Looper.prepare(); mLocationHandler = new LocationWorkerHandler(); initialize(); Looper.loop(); }
- private void initialize() {
- loadProviders();
- }
private void initialize() { //...省略其他代码 loadProviders(); //...省略其他代码 }
- private void _loadProvidersLocked() {
- if (GpsLocationProvider.isSupported()) {
- GpsLocationProvider gpsProvider = new GpsLocationProvider(mContext, this);
- mGpsStatusProvider = gpsProvider.getGpsStatusProvider();
- mNetInitiatedListener = gpsProvider.getNetInitiatedListener();
- addProvider(gpsProvider);
- mGpsLocationProvider = gpsProvider;
- }
- PassiveProvider passiveProvider = new PassiveProvider(this);
- addProvider(passiveProvider);
- mEnabledProviders.add(passiveProvider.getName());
- if (mNetworkLocationProviderPackageName != null) {
- mNetworkLocationProvider =
- new LocationProviderProxy(mContext, LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER,
- mNetworkLocationProviderPackageName, mLocationHandler);
- addProvider(mNetworkLocationProvider);
- }
- if (mGeocodeProviderPackageName != null) {
- mGeocodeProvider = new GeocoderProxy(mContext, mGeocodeProviderPackageName);
- }
- updateProvidersLocked();
- }
private void _loadProvidersLocked() { // Attempt to load "real" providers first if (GpsLocationProvider.isSupported()) { // Create a gps location provider GpsLocationProvider gpsProvider = new GpsLocationProvider(mContext, this); mGpsStatusProvider = gpsProvider.getGpsStatusProvider(); mNetInitiatedListener = gpsProvider.getNetInitiatedListener(); addProvider(gpsProvider); mGpsLocationProvider = gpsProvider; } // create a passive location provider, which is always enabled PassiveProvider passiveProvider = new PassiveProvider(this); addProvider(passiveProvider); mEnabledProviders.add(passiveProvider.getName()); // initialize external network location and geocoder services if (mNetworkLocationProviderPackageName != null) { mNetworkLocationProvider = new LocationProviderProxy(mContext, LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, mNetworkLocationProviderPackageName, mLocationHandler); addProvider(mNetworkLocationProvider); } if (mGeocodeProviderPackageName != null) { mGeocodeProvider = new GeocoderProxy(mContext, mGeocodeProviderPackageName); } updateProvidersLocked(); }
- String provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true);
// 获得当前的位置提供者 String provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true);
- public GpsLocationProvider(Context context, ILocationManager locationManager) {
- //...省略部分代码
- IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
- intentFilter.addAction(Intents.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION);
- intentFilter.addDataScheme("sms");
- intentFilter.addDataAuthority("localhost","7275");
- context.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReciever, intentFilter);
- intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
- intentFilter.addAction(Intents.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED_ACTION);
- try {
- intentFilter.addDataType("application/vnd.omaloc-supl-init");
- } catch (IntentFilter.MalformedMimeTypeException e) {
- Log.w(TAG, "Malformed SUPL init mime type");
- }
- context.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReciever, intentFilter);
- //...省略部分代码
- // wait until we are fully initialized before returning
- mThread = new GpsLocationProviderThread();
- mThread.start();
- while (true) {
- try {
- mInitializedLatch.await();
- break;
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
- }
- }
- }
public GpsLocationProvider(Context context, ILocationManager locationManager) { //...省略部分代码 IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(Intents.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION); intentFilter.addDataScheme("sms"); intentFilter.addDataAuthority("localhost","7275"); context.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReciever, intentFilter); intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(Intents.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED_ACTION); try { intentFilter.addDataType("application/vnd.omaloc-supl-init"); } catch (IntentFilter.MalformedMimeTypeException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Malformed SUPL init mime type"); } context.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReciever, intentFilter); //...省略部分代码 // wait until we are fully initialized before returning mThread = new GpsLocationProviderThread(); mThread.start(); while (true) { try { mInitializedLatch.await(); break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }
- private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReciever = new BroadcastReceiver() {
- @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
- String action = intent.getAction();
- if (action.equals(ALARM_WAKEUP)) {
- if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "ALARM_WAKEUP");
- startNavigating(false);
- } else if (action.equals(ALARM_TIMEOUT)) {
- hibernate();
- } else if (action.equals(Intents.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION)) {
- checkSmsSuplInit(intent);
- } else if (action.equals(Intents.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED_ACTION)) {
- checkWapSuplInit(intent);
- }
- }
- };
private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReciever = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(ALARM_WAKEUP)) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "ALARM_WAKEUP"); startNavigating(false); } else if (action.equals(ALARM_TIMEOUT)) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "ALARM_TIMEOUT"); hibernate(); } else if (action.equals(Intents.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION)) { checkSmsSuplInit(intent); } else if (action.equals(Intents.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED_ACTION)) { checkWapSuplInit(intent); } } };
- private void startNavigating(boolean singleShot) {
- if (!native_set_position_mode(mPositionMode, GPS_POSITION_RECURRENCE_PERIODIC,
- interval, 0, 0)) {
- mStarted = false;
- Log.e(TAG, "set_position_mode failed in startNavigating()");
- return;
- }
- if (!native_start()) {
- mStarted = false;
- Log.e(TAG, "native_start failed in startNavigating()");
- return;
- }
- }
private void startNavigating(boolean singleShot) { //...省略部分代码 if (!native_set_position_mode(mPositionMode, GPS_POSITION_RECURRENCE_PERIODIC, interval, 0, 0)) { mStarted = false; Log.e(TAG, "set_position_mode failed in startNavigating()"); return; } if (!native_start()) { mStarted = false; Log.e(TAG, "native_start failed in startNavigating()"); return; } //...省略部分代码 }
- private Location _getLastKnownLocationLocked(String provider) {
- checkPermissionsSafe(provider);
- LocationProviderInterface p = mProvidersByName.get(provider);
- if (p == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (!isAllowedBySettingsLocked(provider)) {
- return null;
- }
- return mLastKnownLocation.get(provider);
- }
private Location _getLastKnownLocationLocked(String provider) { checkPermissionsSafe(provider); LocationProviderInterface p = mProvidersByName.get(provider); if (p == null) { return null; } if (!isAllowedBySettingsLocked(provider)) { return null; } return mLastKnownLocation.get(provider); }
- public void run()
- {
- Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);
- Looper.prepare();
- mLocationHandler = new LocationWorkerHandler();
- initialize();
- Looper.loop();
- }
public void run() { Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); Looper.prepare(); mLocationHandler = new LocationWorkerHandler(); initialize(); Looper.loop(); }
- private class LocationWorkerHandler extends Handler {
- @Override
- public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
- try {
- if (msg.what == MESSAGE_LOCATION_CHANGED) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- Location location = (Location) msg.obj;
- String provider = location.getProvider();
- boolean passive = (msg.arg1 == 1);
- if (!passive) {
- for (int i = mProviders.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- LocationProviderInterface p = mProviders.get(i);
- if (!provider.equals(p.getName())) {
- p.updateLocation(location);
- }
- }
- }
- if (isAllowedBySettingsLocked(provider)) {
- handleLocationChangedLocked(location, passive);
- }
- }
- } else if (msg.what == MESSAGE_PACKAGE_UPDATED) {
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- Slog.e(TAG, "Exception in LocationWorkerHandler.handleMessage:", e);
- }
- }
- }
private class LocationWorkerHandler extends Handler { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { try { if (msg.what == MESSAGE_LOCATION_CHANGED) { // log("LocationWorkerHandler: MESSAGE_LOCATION_CHANGED!"); synchronized (mLock) { Location location = (Location) msg.obj; String provider = location.getProvider(); boolean passive = (msg.arg1 == 1); if (!passive) { // notify other providers of the new location for (int i = mProviders.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { LocationProviderInterface p = mProviders.get(i); if (!provider.equals(p.getName())) { p.updateLocation(location); } } } if (isAllowedBySettingsLocked(provider)) { handleLocationChangedLocked(location, passive); } } } else if (msg.what == MESSAGE_PACKAGE_UPDATED) { //...省略部分代码 } } } catch (Exception e) { // Log, don't crash! Slog.e(TAG, "Exception in LocationWorkerHandler.handleMessage:", e); } } }
- private void handleLocationChangedLocked(Location location, boolean passive) {
- Location lastLocation = mLastKnownLocation.get(provider);
- if (lastLocation == null) {
- mLastKnownLocation.put(provider, new Location(location));
- } else {
- lastLocation.set(location);
- }
- }
private void handleLocationChangedLocked(Location location, boolean passive) { //...省略部分代码 // Update last known location for provider Location lastLocation = mLastKnownLocation.get(provider); if (lastLocation == null) { mLastKnownLocation.put(provider, new Location(location)); } else { lastLocation.set(location); } //...省略部分代码 }
- public void reportLocation(Location location, boolean passive) {
- if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER)
- != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
- throw new SecurityException("Requires INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER permission");
- }
- mLocationHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_LOCATION_CHANGED, location);
- Message m = Message.obtain(mLocationHandler, MESSAGE_LOCATION_CHANGED, location);
- m.arg1 = (passive ? 1 : 0);
- mLocationHandler.sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(m);
- }
public void reportLocation(Location location, boolean passive) { if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { throw new SecurityException("Requires INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER permission"); } mLocationHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_LOCATION_CHANGED, location); Message m = Message.obtain(mLocationHandler, MESSAGE_LOCATION_CHANGED, location); m.arg1 = (passive ? 1 : 0); mLocationHandler.sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(m); }
- try {
- mLocationManager.reportLocation(mLocation, false);
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException calling reportLocation");
- }
try { mLocationManager.reportLocation(mLocation, false); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException calling reportLocation"); }
- typedef void (* gps_location_callback)(GpsLocation* location);
/** Callback with location information. 向上层传递GPS位置信息 * Can only be called from a thread created by create_thread_cb. */ typedef void (* gps_location_callback)(GpsLocation* location);
- static const GpsInterface* GetGpsInterface(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
- if (!mCallbacksObj)
- mCallbacksObj = env->NewGlobalRef(obj);
- if (!sGpsInterface) {
- sGpsInterface = get_gps_interface();
- if (!sGpsInterface || sGpsInterface->init(&sGpsCallbacks) != 0) {
- sGpsInterface = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return sGpsInterface;
- }
static const GpsInterface* GetGpsInterface(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) { // this must be set before calling into the HAL library if (!mCallbacksObj) mCallbacksObj = env->NewGlobalRef(obj); if (!sGpsInterface) { sGpsInterface = get_gps_interface(); if (!sGpsInterface || sGpsInterface->init(&sGpsCallbacks) != 0) { sGpsInterface = NULL; return NULL; } } return sGpsInterface; }
- GpsCallbacks sGpsCallbacks = {
- sizeof(GpsCallbacks),
- location_callback,
- status_callback,
- sv_status_callback,
- nmea_callback,
- set_capabilities_callback,
- acquire_wakelock_callback,
- release_wakelock_callback,
- create_thread_callback,
- };
GpsCallbacks sGpsCallbacks = { sizeof(GpsCallbacks), location_callback, status_callback, sv_status_callback, nmea_callback, set_capabilities_callback, acquire_wakelock_callback, release_wakelock_callback, create_thread_callback, };
- typedef struct {
- size_t size;
- gps_location_callback location_cb;
- gps_status_callback status_cb;
- gps_sv_status_callback sv_status_cb;
- gps_nmea_callback nmea_cb;
- gps_set_capabilities set_capabilities_cb;
- gps_acquire_wakelock acquire_wakelock_cb;
- gps_release_wakelock release_wakelock_cb;
- gps_create_thread create_thread_cb;
- } GpsCallbacks;
typedef struct { size_t size; gps_location_callback location_cb; gps_status_callback status_cb; gps_sv_status_callback sv_status_cb; gps_nmea_callback nmea_cb; gps_set_capabilities set_capabilities_cb; gps_acquire_wakelock acquire_wakelock_cb; gps_release_wakelock release_wakelock_cb; gps_create_thread create_thread_cb; } GpsCallbacks;
- static void location_callback(GpsLocation* location)
- {
- JNIEnv* env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();
- env->CallVoidMethod(mCallbacksObj, method_reportLocation, location->flags,
- (jdouble)location->latitude, (jdouble)location->longitude,
- (jdouble)location->altitude,
- (jfloat)location->speed, (jfloat)location->bearing,
- (jfloat)location->accuracy, (jlong)location->timestamp);
- checkAndClearExceptionFromCallback(env, __FUNCTION__);
- }
static void location_callback(GpsLocation* location) { JNIEnv* env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv(); env->CallVoidMethod(mCallbacksObj, method_reportLocation, location->flags, (jdouble)location->latitude, (jdouble)location->longitude, (jdouble)location->altitude, (jfloat)location->speed, (jfloat)location->bearing, (jfloat)location->accuracy, (jlong)location->timestamp); checkAndClearExceptionFromCallback(env, __FUNCTION__); }
- static void android_location_GpsLocationProvider_class_init_native(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
- method_reportLocation = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "reportLocation", "(IDDDFFFJ)V");
- }
static void android_location_GpsLocationProvider_class_init_native(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) { method_reportLocation = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "reportLocation", "(IDDDFFFJ)V"); //...省略部分代码 }
- tatic JNINativeMethod sMethods[] = {
- {"class_init_native", "()V", (void *)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_class_init_native},
- }
tatic JNINativeMethod sMethods[] = { /* name, signature, funcPtr */ {"class_init_native", "()V", (void *)android_location_GpsLocationProvider_class_init_native}, //...省略部分代码 }
- static { class_init_native(); }
static { class_init_native(); }
3 参考文章