序:近来一直在打酱油,闲暇之余分析了下usb gadget驱动。每天的工作就是扯,工作吧,你不扯还不行,哎,所以近来工作很郁闷,不过也该走啦。离开这个让我几乎窒息的华为,一直不明白为什么还有那么多的人挤着要进华为,哎,好啦,不扯啦,开始言归正转,分析下代码,不过我也是现学现卖,欢迎高手拍砖。
| gadaet驱动 |(adb,大容量存储设备)
| gadget API |(对UDC控制器驱动操作函数的封装)
| UDC控制器驱动|(设备的控制器驱动)
- struct android_dev {
- struct android_usb_function **functions;//该android_dev支持的功能如adb,大容量存储
- struct list_head enabled_functions;// 开启的功能链表
- struct usb_composite_dev *cdev;//符合设备的dev
- struct device *dev;//支持设备驱动模型的dev
- bool enabled;
- struct mutex mutex;//操作该结构体是用到的互斥锁
- bool connected;//记录当前的连接状态
- bool sw_connected;//记录切换后的连接状态
- struct work_struct work;//支持的工作队列
- };
- struct android_usb_function {
- char *name;//该功能的名字
- void *config;//该功能所依赖的配置
- struct device *dev;//为设备驱动模型准备的device
- char *dev_name;
- struct device_attribute **attributes;
- /* 挂入android_dev中的enabled_functions的链表节点*/
- struct list_head enabled_list;
- /* 在绑定的时候,执行的初始化函数*/
- int (*init)(struct android_usb_function *, struct usb_composite_dev *);
- /* 在解除绑定时,执行清除的函数*/
- void (*cleanup)(struct android_usb_function *);
- /* 把该function绑定到特定的配置上,此时function相当一个接口*/
- int (*bind_config)(struct android_usb_function *, struct usb_configuration *);
- /* Optional: called when the configuration is removed */
- void (*unbind_config)(struct android_usb_function *, struct usb_configuration *);
- /* Optional: handle ctrl requests before the device is configured */
- int (*ctrlrequest)(struct android_usb_function *,
- struct usb_composite_dev *,
- const struct usb_ctrlrequest *);
- };
Example: a device with a single configuration supporting both network
link and mass storage functions is a composite device. Those functions
might alternatively be packaged in individual configurations, but in
the composite model the host can use both functions at the same time.
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