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2013-01-18 12:05:03
It may take a few years for the appearance of breasts to fade, but in some cases symptoms disappear in a period of just a few months. The cause of the remaining 10% of gynecomastia cases is generally unknown, but often attributed to an imbalance of sex hormones: estrogen and androgen, in the favor of estrogen.
Some of the possible causes include steroid abuse, obesity, tumors, genetic disorders, chronic liver disease, side effects of many medications, castration, Klinefelter Syndrome, Gilbert's Syndrome, and aging.
Men who suffer from this condition often feel shame and humiliation. Their masculinity is threatened and they feel out of place. Sometimes they feel extreme social uneasiness and can find simple tasks such as taking off their shirt to swim embarrassing.
Men who suffer from gynecomastia and its accompanying social anxiety have been looking for an effective method of breast reduction for a long time. In the case of obesity, the treatment is relatively simple: just lose weight. But when obesity is not the cause, the treatment of gynecomastia is not so simple.
One of the first treatment methods includes eliminating medications that trigger breast growth as a side effect. A few medications your physician might consider include ADALAT, Amitriptyline, Anafranil, Carbamazepine, Chlorpromazine , Clonazepam, Elavil, Fluphenazine Decanoate, Humegon, Nutropin, Prostate Cancer Drugs, Protriptyline, Protropin, Spironolactone, Thiothixene, and Zoloft.
Medications are also used to alter the hormone imbalance. Tamoxifen and clomiphene, or androgens or aromatase inhibitors such as Letrozole are medical treatment options, although they are not universally approved as effective.
In most cases, the only effective solution is plastic surgery. The procedure used to treat gynecomastia is called breast reduction surgery or reduction mammoplasty, and is very similar to the one that women with large breasts undergo. During the surgery, a licensed and experienced plastic surgeon will anesthetize the area before performing liposuction or an excision.
If this condition is the result of excess fatty tissue, liposuction is usually performed. This requires several small incisions where a small tube is inserted and moved around to loosen the fatty tissue. The loosened tissue is then removed by a vacuum tool.
When gynecomastia is due to glandular tissue growth, excision is required. In this method, the plastic surgeon will remove glandular tissue, fat, and skin to reform the chest into an ideal shape.
In some cases, both liposuction and excision may be necessary. Scars are often concealed by natural contours in the skin, however sometimes they are more apparent. Most men have reported that they would rather have scars resulting from surgery than enlarged breasts due to gynecomastia. fmcx20130118
Although plastic surgery and medications treatments may reduce the size of large breasts in men, they may not remove the psychological scars or the social insecurities caused by the original condition.