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2011-09-06 14:14:45

MARIO RITTER: And I'm Mario Ritter with the VOA Special English explorations. Today we learn the meaning of? Ecological and agricultural Bev? Usen lkerung of Flederm?. And we visit the " Cod Academy?, A training program for the fishermen in the U.S. state of Maine.

Barbara Klein: The United Nations has twenty years 11-20 years zw lf the bat?. The campaign was launched last year as an M? Opportunity to efforts by the world's only flying south? Strengths protect mammal st?. These creatures

k? Can be found in many parts of the world. Flederm  Mice live in St ldern? Dten, deserts, savannas, and W?. There are over 1200 species of usen Flederm?.

MARIO RITTER: The smallest bat in the world is South Asia. The bumblebee bat measures about three? Ig mm in L? Length. The gr? Te bat world, the Giant Golden Crowned Flying Fox, has a wingspan of five foot. Most Flederm Mice eat insects, but many ren? Lead on fruits and nectar from flowers. Many  people think

Flederm Mice that are blind, but that's not true. Many species have a very good  Sehverm? Gen qweig0906  Most Flederm communicate Mice and find their way through? Echolocation? Rm L?. They produce high-frequency noise and Tzen, the distance of an object with sound echoes that bounce back to them beautiful. So, w? During Flederm use? In v? Can move lliger darkness k?, Right? See? with sound.

Barbara Klein: Unfortunately Flederm use  are widely feared and misunderstood. Most Flederm Mice leave their hiding places only at nightfall. Three types on the blood of a bat on ren? Lead. Because of this quality? Th Flederm have? Use in many cultures, death, darkness and vampires have been brought together. But

Flederm Mice fmdw110906 addjgvldo are important for agriculture and our environment. Help you best? Exert plants  and spread seeds. They also help fight against the insects. Flederm Mice eat big e number of insects, including the types that damage crops.

MARIO RITTER: For example, a brown bat can eat more than a thousand insects of the size s of a mosquito in an hour?. A report shows that Erntesch Flederm Mice farmers to save billions of dollars each year through the reduction? And limiting the need for chemicals, the insects to t? Ten. The report has been different this year Published tt? In the journal Science.  

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