现象:远程ESXi上的虚拟机无法连接,在VMware Workstation上标记为红叉,通过vSphere client登录到vCenter server上看到ESXi主机断开连接,下属的虚拟机显示为灰色,尝试重新登录,失败。
可能是由于系统负载过大,虚拟机过多,内存消耗,引起的通信故障,vCenter agent无法通信
To resolve this issue, manually stop and restart the stuck service.
To stop and restart the stuck service:
Log in as root to the ESXi/ESX host command-line via the physical console or via KVM connection.
Navigate to the /var/run/vmware directory with the command:
# cd /var/run/vmware
Run this command to list the files vmware-hostd.PID and watchdog-hostd.PID:
# ls -l vmware-hostd.PID watchdog-hostd.PID
Determine theProcess ID (PID) management service. View the contents of the vmware-hostd.PID file with the command:
# cat vmware-hostd.PID
For example:
[root@vmware]# cat vmware-hostd.PID
Use the resulting PID to kill the process.
Caution: Use the kill -9 command with care. It kills the process of the supplied PID without exception or confirmation.
# kill -9 PID
In this example, you run kill -9 1191.
Delete the vmware-hostd.PID and watchdog-hostd.PID files with the command:
# rm vmware-hostd.PID watchdog-hostd.PID
Start the management service:
For ESX, run the command:
# service mgmt-vmware start
For ESXi, run the command:
# /etc/init.d/hostd start
This issue may also occur if the /etc/vmware/hostd/config.xml is blank or has invalid entries. If a backup of the config.xml exists in the same directory, the issue may be resolved by replacing the config.xml with this backup file.
This issue also occurs if the /etc/vmware/hostd/proxy.xml file is empty or has invalid entries. This issue may be resolved by copying the proxy.xml file from a working host and then restarting the hostd service.
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