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  • 注册时间: 2011-09-25 20:34








分类: DB2/Informix

2013-07-15 23:18:59

    1. 在窗口1,设置非自动提交

    db2set db2options=+c

    1. 在窗口1,执行一条insert,但是不提交

    $ db2  +c "insert into t1 values('leo1','leo2')"

    DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

    $ db2 "select * from t1"


    NAME1      NAME2

    ---------- ----------

    leo1       leo2

    leo1       leo2


      2 record(s) selected


    $ db2 "select * from t1"


    NAME1      NAME2

    ---------- ----------

    leo1       leo2


      1 record(s) selected.


    1. 在窗口2,编写脚本,并执行,脚本内容如下:

    db2 connect to sample >> /dev/null


    while [ $i -lt 10000 ]


    db2 "insert into t1 values('3','3')" >> /dev/null

    db2 commit >> /dev/null




    1. 在窗口1,查询插入条数,发现一段时间后,数据不增长了

    $ db2 "select count(*) from t1"






    1. 在窗口1,查看db2diag,其中报错如下:

    2013-07-15- I8184848A550       LEVEL: Error

    PID     : 19857580             TID  : 9983        PROC : db2sysc 0

    INSTANCE: db2test              NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE

    APPHDL  : 0-10490              APPID: *LOCAL.db2test.130715132615


    EDUID   : 9983                 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0

    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data protection services, sqlpWriteLR, probe:6680

    MESSAGE : ZRC=0x85100009=-2062548983=SQLP_NOSPACE

              "Log File has reached its saturation point"

              DIA8309C Log file was full.


    2013-07-15- E8185399A590       LEVEL: Error

    PID     : 19857580             TID  : 9983        PROC : db2sysc 0

    INSTANCE: db2test              NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE

    APPHDL  : 0-10490              APPID: *LOCAL.db2test.130715132615


    EDUID   : 9983                 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0

    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data protection services, sqlpgResSpace, probe:2860

    MESSAGE : ADM1823E  The active log is full and is held by application handle

              "10409..".  Terminate this application by COMMIT, ROLLBACK or FORCE


    1. 查看最早未提交的事务

    db2  "select db.DBPARTITIONNUM,ai.agent_id, substr(ai.appl_status,1,20) as Status,substr(ai.primary_auth_id,1,10) as Authid,substr(ai.appl_name,1,15) as Appl_Name,int(ap.UOW_LOG_SPACE_USED/1024/1024) as Log_Used_M,int(ap.appl_idle_time/60) as Idle_for_min,ap.appl_con_time as Connected_Since from sysibmadm.snapdb db,sysibmadm.snapappl ap,sysibmadm.snapappl_info ai where ai.agent_id=db.APPL_ID_OLDEST_XACT and ap.agent_id=ai.agent_id"


    -------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ----------- ------------ --------------------------

                 0                10409 UOWWAIT              DB2TEST    db2bp                     0            0 2013-07-15-


      1 record(s) selected



    db2 get snapshot for database on sample

    Appl id holding the oldest transaction     = 10409

    1. 查看此application的状态

    db2 list applications show detail

    CONNECT Auth Id                                                                                                                  Application Name     Appl.      Application Id                                                 Seq#  Number of  Coordinating DB  Coordinator     Status                         Status Change Time         DB Name  DB Path

                                                                                                                                                          Handle                                                                          Agents     partition number pid/thread

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- ---------------- --------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------- -------- --------------------

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw7               10421      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124733                                        00001 1          0                9211            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw0               10414      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124726                                        00001 1          0                7156            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw6               10420      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124732                                        00001 1          0                8954            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2lused             10413      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124725                                        00001 1          0                6899            UOW Waiting                    Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw5               10419      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124731                                        00001 1          0                8697            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2wlmd              10412      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124724                                        00001 1          0                6642            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw4               10418      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124730                                        00001 1          0                8440            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2taskd             10411      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124723                                        00001 1          0                6385            UOW Waiting                    Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw3               10417      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124729                                        00001 1          0                8183            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2stmm              10410      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124722                                        00001 1          0                6128            UOW Waiting                    Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw2               10416      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124728                                        00001 1          0                7670            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2bp                10409      *LOCAL.db2test.130715124721                                    00006 1          0                1759            UOW Waiting                    Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2bp                10455      *LOCAL.db2test.130715130654                                    00003 1          0                9726            UOW Waiting                    Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2evmg_DB2DETAILDEA 10422      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124734                                        00001 1          0                9468            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw1               10415      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124727                                        00001 1          0                7413            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/


    处于uow waiting 状态;

    1. 此时,尝试插入数据

    $ db2 "insert into t1 values ('4','4')"

    DB21034E  The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a

    valid Command Line Processor command.  During SQL processing it returned:

    SQL0964C  The transaction log for the database is full.  SQLSTATE=57011


    1. 查看此时的活动日志所在的目录空间

    $ df -g /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLOGDIR/

    Filesystem    GB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on

    /dev/hd1           5.00      4.10   18%      470     1% /home

    1. 查看此时活动日志中的日志文件

    $ ls /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLOGDIR/

    S0000001.LOG  S0000002.LOG  S0000003.LOG  S0000004.LOG  S0000005.LOG

    1. 查看此时归档日志中的日志文件以及归档情况

    $ ls /home/db2test/arch_log/db2test/SAMPLE/NODE0000/C0000000/

    S0000000.LOG  S0000001.LOG  S0000002.LOG  S0000003.LOG  S0000004.LOG

    $ db2pd -d sample -logs


    Database Partition 0 -- Database SAMPLE -- Active -- Up 0 days 01:01:57 -- Date 07/15/2013 15:49:18



    Current Log Number            5

    Pages Written                 2

    Cur Commit Disk Log Reads     0

    Cur Commit Total Log Reads    0

    Method 1 Archive Status       Success

    Method 1 Next Log to Archive  5

    Method 1 First Failure        n/a

    Method 2 Archive Status       n/a

    Method 2 Next Log to Archive  n/a

    Method 2 First Failure        n/a

    Log Chain ID                  0

    Current LSN                   0x0000000004A53F21


    Address            StartLSN         State      Size       Pages      Filename

    0x0A00020010068650 0000000004A3D010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000001.LOG

    0x0A00020010068EB0 0000000004A42010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000002.LOG

    0x0A00020010042330 0000000004A47010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000003.LOG

    0x0A00020013EE8BB0 0000000004A4C010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000004.LOG

    0x0A00020013EE9410 0000000004A51010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000005.LOG




    1. 解决此问题

    如果是uow waiting且已经等待很多天,force application

    $ db2 force application (10409)db2 "force application (10409)"force application (10409)"

    DB20000I  The FORCE APPLICATION command completed successfully.

    DB21024I  This command is asynchronous and may not be effective immediately.


    $ db2 list applications show detail


    CONNECT Auth Id                                                                                                                  Application Name     Appl.      Application Id                                                 Seq#  Number of  Coordinating DB  Coordinator     Status                         Status Change Time         DB Name  DB Path

                                                                                                                                                          Handle                                                                          Agents     partition number pid/thread

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- ---------------- --------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------- -------- --------------------

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw7               10421      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124733                                        00001 1          0                9211            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw0               10414      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124726                                        00001 1          0                7156            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw6               10420      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124732                                        00001 1          0                8954            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2lused             10413      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124725                                        00001 1          0                6899            UOW Waiting                    Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw5               10419      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124731                                        00001 1          0                8697            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2wlmd              10412      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124724                                        00001 1          0                6642            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw4               10418      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124730                                        00001 1          0                8440            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2taskd             10411      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124723                                        00001 1          0                6385            UOW Waiting                    Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw3               10417      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124729                                        00001 1          0                8183            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2stmm              10410      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124722                                        00001 1          0                6128            UOW Waiting                    Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw2               10416      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124728                                        00001 1          0                7670            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2bp                10455      *LOCAL.db2test.130715130654                                    00003 1          0                9726            UOW Waiting                    Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2evmg_DB2DETAILDEA 10422      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124734                                        00001 1          0                9468            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/

    DB2TEST                                                                                                                          db2fw1               10415      *LOCAL.DB2.130715124727                                        00001 1          0                7413            Connect Completed              Not Collected              SAMPLE   /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/


    1. 检查hold日志的应用是否还存在

    db2  "select db.DBPARTITIONNUM,ai.agent_id, substr(ai.appl_status,1,20) as Status,substr(ai.primary_auth_id,1,10) as Authid,substr(ai.appl_name,1,15) as Appl_Name,int(ap.UOW_LOG_SPACE_USED/1024/1024) as Log_Used_M,int(ap.appl_idle_time/60) as Idle_for_min,ap.appl_con_time as Connected_Since from sysibmadm.snapdb db,sysibmadm.snapappl ap,sysibmadm.snapappl_info ai where ai.agent_id=db.APPL_ID_OLDEST_XACT and ap.agent_id=ai.agent_id"


    -------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ----------- ------------ --------------------------


      0 record(s) selected.

    1. 查看归档日志和活动日志状况


    $ db2pd -d sample -logs


    Database Partition 0 -- Database SAMPLE -- Active -- Up 0 days 01:06:22 -- Date 07/15/2013 15:53:43



    Current Log Number            5

    Pages Written                 2

    Cur Commit Disk Log Reads     0

    Cur Commit Total Log Reads    0

    Method 1 Archive Status       Success

    Method 1 Next Log to Archive  5

    Method 1 First Failure        n/a

    Method 2 Archive Status       n/a

    Method 2 Next Log to Archive  n/a

    Method 2 First Failure        n/a

    Log Chain ID                  0

    Current LSN                   0x0000000004A53F6B


    Address            StartLSN         State      Size       Pages      Filename

    0x0A00020013EE9410 0000000004A51010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000005.LOG

    0x0A00020010068650 0000000004A56010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000006.LOG

    0x0A00020010068EB0 0000000004A5B010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000007.LOG

    0x0A00020010042330 0000000004A60010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000008.LOG

    0x0A00020013E099B0 0000000004A65010 0x00000000 5          5          S0000009.LOG

    $ ls /home/db2test/arch_log/db2test/SAMPLE/NODE0000/C0000000/

    S0000000.LOG  S0000001.LOG  S0000002.LOG  S0000003.LOG  S0000004.LOG


    $ ls /home/db2test/db2test/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLOGDIR/

    S0000005.LOG  S0000006.LOG  S0000007.LOG  S0000008.LOG  S0000009.LOG



    1. 查询数据库在窗口1

    $ db2 "select count(*) from t1"

    SQL1224N  The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has

    terminated all requests in progress, or has terminated the specified request

    because of an error or a forced interrupt.  SQLSTATE=55032


    $ db2 connect to sample


       Database Connection Information


     Database server        = DB2/AIX64 9.7.5

     SQL authorization ID   = DB2TEST

     Local database alias   = SAMPLE


    $ db2 "select count(*) from t1"






      1 record(s) selected.






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fish0072013-07-16 16:56:50
