Flash为4M, 内存为32M, 控制继电器为GPIO 26, 同时红灯亮. 按键为GPIO 11, 蓝灯同703N
按一下开, 再按一下关, 长按 恢复出厂设置
手机端: WiFi连接openwrt-xu1, 密码: 12345678. 点中继模式, 选择上级的WiFI并输入密码后点确认, 则设备重启, 耐心等待.
1. 开机自启动
# Put your custom commands here that should be executed once
# the system init finished. By default this file does nothing.
#2014-11, 上级WiFi不存在则OP中继异常, 切换到AP模式
if ping -w 1 -c 1 www.baidu.com #ping测试
then #如果网络在线则放弃脚本
echo "network is online"
else #如果网络不在线则开始切换网络
exit 0
2. 定时任务
*/1 * * * * /xutest/703n_led_blink.sh
*/1 * * * * /xutest/lewei_dongle.sh
#*/1 * * * * /xutest/yeelink_photo.sh
#0 */1 * * * /xutest/upnp.sh
3. 因为无luci, 需用ssh登陆, 修改配置文件 /usr/lib/lua/dongle_config.lua
--- 设备选择, 1=有效, 0=无效
wenshidu_valid = 1
sharp2_valid = 0
ds18b20_valid = 0
--- 网关和密码, 修改成自己的
gateid = "01"
userkey = "36be8ff22f794f1e8a0bee3336eexxxx"
--- TCP服务器的参数
tcp_host = ""
tcp_port = 9960
--- 温度和湿度的标识, 改成自己的
t1_id = "T1"
h1_id = "H1"
dongle1_tty = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
--- sharp2的标志, 改成自己的
u1_id = "U1"
sharp2_tty = "/dev/ttyUSB1"
--- DS18B20的标识
t2_id = "T2"
ds9490_usb = "USB"
---控制器的标识, 修改成自己的
c1_id = "C1"
c2_id = "C2"
c3_id = "C3"
c4_id = "C4"
c5_id = "C5"
4. 新固件开机未启动TCP反控, 先修改上面的参数OK.
#自动启动命令, 然后重启设备
/etc/init.d/tcp_lewei enable
#禁止自动启动, 然后重启设备
/etc/init.d/tcp_lewei disable
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