1. inotifyd
inotifyd PROG FILE1[:MASK]...
If PROG is -, events are sent to stdout.
a File is accessed
c File is modified
e Metadata changed
w Writable file is closed
0 Unwritable file is closed
r File is opened
D File is deleted
M File is moved
u Backing fs is unmounted
o Event queue overflowed
x File can't be watched anymore
If watching a directory:
m Subfile is moved into dir
y Subfile is moved out of dir
n Subfile is created
d Subfile is deleted
./_install/busybox inotifyd - /tmp/test/1.c:r
a. 监测文件
cong@msi:/tmp/test$ cat 1.c //-->terminal1
cong@msi:/work/busybox$ ./_install/busybox inotifyd - /tmp/test/1.c:r //-->terminal2先运行
r /tmp/test/1.c
b. 监测目录
cong@msi:/tmp/test$ touch 4.c //-->terminal1
cong@msi:/work/busybox$ ./_install/busybox inotifyd - /tmp/test/:n //-->terminal2 先运行
n /tmp/test/ 4.c
cong@msi:/tmp/test$ rm 4.c //-->terminal1
cong@msi:/work/busybox$ ./_install/busybox inotifyd - /tmp/test/:d //-->terminal2 先运行
d /tmp/test/ 4.c
2. 源码
cong@msi:/work/test/busytest/14inotify$ cat inotify.c
#include "./utils.h"
#include <sys/inotify.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h> //FIONREAD
//static const char mask_names[] ALIGN1 =
static const char mask_names[] =
"a" // 0x00000001 File was accessed
"c" // 0x00000002 File was modified
"e" // 0x00000004 Metadata changed
"w" // 0x00000008 Writable file was closed
"0" // 0x00000010 Unwritable file closed
"r" // 0x00000020 File was opened
"m" // 0x00000040 File was moved from X
"y" // 0x00000080 File was moved to Y
"n" // 0x00000100 Subfile was created
"d" // 0x00000200 Subfile was deleted
"D" // 0x00000400 Self was deleted
"M" // 0x00000800 Self was moved
"\0" // 0x00001000 (unused) //-->\0之后就没有用了,mask=0x0fff也是12位的
// Kernel events, always reported:
"u" // 0x00002000 Backing fs was unmounted
"o" // 0x00004000 Event queued overflowed
"x" // 0x00008000 File is no longer watched (usually deleted)
enum {
MASK_BITS = sizeof(mask_names) - 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int n;
unsigned mask;
struct pollfd pfd;
char **watches; // names of files being watched
const char *args[5];
char eventbuf[1024];
//argv[1]结果显示的地方,-代表输出到stdout; argv[2]是要监测的文件或目录
if (!argv[1] || !argv[2])
printf("usage: inotify - [FILE]:[MASK]\n");
return -1;
watches = argv;
args[0] = *argv;
args[4] = NULL;
argc -= 2; // number of files we watch
//a. 创建 inotify实例
pfd.fd = inotify_init();
if (pfd.fd < 0)
dbmsg("no kernel support");
while (*++argv) { //假设参数="/tmp/test/1.c:r"
char *path = *argv; //此处path="/tmp/test/1.c:r"
char *masks = strchr(path, ':'); //查找:此时masks=:r
mask = 0x0fff;
if (masks) {
*masks = '\0'; //masks=\0r,那么path="/tmp/test/1.c"
mask = 0;
while (*++masks) { //因为是++masks,所以*masks='r'
const char *found;
found = memchr(mask_names, *masks, MASK_BITS); //从mask_names[] ="acew0rmyndDm\0uox";中找到r的地址
if (found)
mask |= (1 << (found - mask_names)); //found-mask_names就是r在mask_names中的第几项,然后移位就是mask
n = inotify_add_watch(pfd.fd, path, mask);
if (n < 0)
dbmsg("add watch (%s) failed", path);
pfd.events = POLLIN;
while (1) {
int len;
void *buf;
struct inotify_event *ie;
n = poll(&pfd, 1, -1); //d.调用poll轮询监控watch上有没有事件发生
if (n < 0 && errno == EINTR) //被信号中断,返回继续等待
goto again;
if (n <= 0) //真正有error了,就break退出
ioctl(pfd.fd, FIONREAD, &len); //调用ioctl 命令的FIONREAD 来得到当前队列的长度
ie = buf = (len <= sizeof(eventbuf)) ? eventbuf : malloc(len);
len = read(pfd.fd, buf, len);
while (len > 0) {
int i;
// cache relevant events mask
unsigned m = ie->mask & ((1 << MASK_BITS) - 1);
if (m) {
char events[MASK_BITS + 1];
char *s = events;
for (i = 0; i < MASK_BITS; ++i, m >>= 1) {
if ((m & 1) && (mask_names[i] != '\0'))
*s++ = mask_names[i];
*s = '\0';
if ( strncmp(args[0],"-", 1) == 0) { //如果argv[1]=='-'时就输出到终端
printf(ie->len ? "%s\t%s\t%s\n" : "%s\t%s\n", events, watches[ie->wd], ie->name);
} else {
args[1] = events;
args[2] = watches[ie->wd];
args[3] = ie->len ? ie->name : NULL;
//spawn_and_wait((char **)args);
// we are done if all files got final x event
if (ie->mask & 0x8000) {
if (--argc <= 0)
goto done;
inotify_rm_watch(pfd.fd, ie->wd);
// next event
i = sizeof(struct inotify_event) + ie->len;
len -= i;
ie = (void*)((char*)ie + i);
if (eventbuf != buf)
return 0;
a. pfd.fd = inotify_init(); //创建 inotify实例,这儿也可以直接用int fd,但为了后面poll方便就放在了pfd中
b. inotify_add_watch(pfd.fd, path, mask); //添加一个watch
c. pfd.events = POLLIN; //初始化poll
d. poll(&pfd, 1, -1); //调用poll轮询监控watch上有没有事件发生
e. 解析poll的结果 //如果有事件发生就解析事件
14inotify.rar (下载后解压为14inotify.tar.gz)
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