#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>
#define LIST_MAX_SIZE 10 typedef int elem_t;
typedef struct _List list_t; struct _List { elem_t data[LIST_MAX_SIZE]; int tail; };
// create list
list_t *CreateList(void) { list_t *l; l=(list_t *)malloc(sizeof(list_t)); if (l==NULL) { printf("could not alloc memory for list!"); exit(1); } memset(&l->data,0,LIST_MAX_SIZE*sizeof(elem_t)); l->tail = 0; return l; }
// delete list
int DeleteList(list_t *l) { free(l); return 0; }
// inser one data into the tail of list
int InserList(list_t *l,int d) { if (l->tail == LIST_MAX_SIZE) return 1;
l->data[l->tail] = d; l->tail++; return 0; }
// return one data by address
elem_t ReadTailFromList(list_t *l) { if (l->tail == 0) { printf("\nError!list is empty"); exit(1); } return l->data[l->tail-1]; }
// delete the last data
elem_t DelDataFromTail(list_t *l) { elem_t tmp; if (l->tail == 0) { printf("\nError!list is empty"); exit(1); }
tmp = l->data[l->tail]; l->tail--; return tmp; }
// whether list is empty
int IsEmptyList(list_t *l) { return !l->tail; }
int IsFullList(list_t *l) { return (l->tail == LIST_MAX_SIZE); }
// find data from the list
int FindDataFromList(list_t *l,elem_t d) { int i; for (i=0;i<=l->tail;i++) if (l->data[i] == d) // finded,return the position
return i; // can not find it
return -1; }
// inser data at position
int InserDateAtPos(list_t *l,int pos,elem_t d) { int i; elem_t t1,t2;
if (IsFullList(l)) { printf("\nError!list is full"); exit(1); }else if(pos > l->tail){ printf("\nError!position out of range!"); exit(1); } l->tail++;
for(i=pos,t2=d ; i<l->tail ; i++) { t1 = l->data[i]; l->data[i] = t2; t2 = t1; }
return 0; }
// delete data at position
elem_t DeleteDateAtPos(list_t *l,int pos) { elem_t retval;
if (IsEmptyList(l)) { printf("\nError!list is empty"); exit(1); }else if(pos > l->tail){ printf("\nError!position out of range!"); exit(1); } // save data to return
retval = l->data[pos];
for( pos ; pos<l->tail ; pos++) { l->data[pos] = l->data[pos+1]; } l->tail--; return retval; }
// change data at position
int ChangeDateAtPos(list_t *l,int pos,elem_t d) { if(pos >= l->tail){ printf("\nError!position out of range!"); exit(1); } l->data[pos] = d;
return 0; }
// traverse list
void TraverseList(list_t *l) { int i=0;
printf("\n"); if (l->tail == 0) { printf("list is empty!"); }else{ for(i=0;i<l->tail;i++) printf("%d,",l->data[i]); } }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { list_t *list; int i; int retval; list = CreateList(); for (i=0;i<8;i++) InserList(list,i*i); retval = FindDataFromList(list,2); printf("\nfind data 2 in list return %d",retval); TraverseList(list); InserDateAtPos(list,5,100);
return 0; }