Sharing Environments
Exporting Variables
env = Environment()
env = Environment()
debug = ARGUMENTS[’debug’]
Export(’env’, ’debug’)
Second, you can specify a list of variables to export as a second argument to the SConscript function
SConscript(’src/SConscript’, ’env’)
Or as the exports keyword argument:
SConscript(’src/SConscript’, exports=’env’)
These calls export the specified variables to only the listed SConscript files. You may, however, specify
more than one SConscript file in a list:
’src2/SConscript’], exports=’env’)
Importing Variables
env.Program(’prog’, [’prog.c’])
The Import call makes the env construction environment available to the SConscript file, after which
the variable can be used to build programs, libraries, etc.
Like the Export function, the Import function can be used with multiple variable names:
Import(’env’, ’debug’)
env = env.Clone(DEBUG = debug)
env.Program(’prog’, [’prog.c’])
And the Import function will similarly split a string along white-space into separate variable names:
Import(’env debug’)
env = env.Clone(DEBUG = debug)
env.Program(’prog’, [’prog.c’])
Lastly, as a special case, you may import all of the variables that have been exported by supplying an asterisk to the Import function:
Import(’*’) 输出所有的已经exported变量
env = env.Clone(DEBUG = debug)
env.Program(’prog’, [’prog.c’])
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