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2012-05-15 13:05:35

原文地址:Qemu启动网络设置 作者:tezuka158


Licy 2008.6.17
Testing environment: Ubuntu 7.10(gcc 4.1.3) on Inter Celeron CPU 2.53G and 512M memory.

Now let's divide the process into four steps.

1> Compile and setup qemu and kqemu

   If you use debian or ubuntu, you can use

 apt-cache search qemu        
 sudo apt-get install qemu

   or if you use other linux versions, you can try to download a qemu package first
   and remember to check your gcc version, sometimes there will be some problems.

./configure && make && make install

   Then you can verify qemu install correctly or not

whereis qemu

   Now next we should install the kqemu, go to the directories of your kqemu-source and install.

sudo ./configure                                     
sudo make                                          
sudo make install                                  

   Verify that device node /dev/kqemu exists.

ls -l /dev/kqemu

   If not, execute the following commands.

sudo mknod /dev/kqemu c 250 0             
sudo chmod 666 /dev/kqemu 

   Then activate module kqemu and verify that it loaded properly.

sudo modprobe kqemu || sudo insmod kqemu.ko  
lsmod | grep kqemu      
dmesg | tail   

 2> Installation of guestOS

   I have finished the installation of ubuntu in qemu, you can
   try others, win, freebsd, or something else. And you need a
   cd or an ISO file to install.

qemu-img create ubuntu.img -f raw 10G                 
qemu -hda ubuntu.img -cdrom ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso -kernel-kqemu -m 512

 3> Setup of tun/tap network interface on hostOS and guest OS

   First you need to check whether the kernel support the tun/tap network interface
   or not. I use 2.6.24 and it does, in fact, after the 2.6.18 version, the kernel
   support the tun/tap network interface and if you use an old kernel you should
   choose the options in the process of compiling the kernel.

ls -l /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/tun.ko

   If everything is ok, now go to execute the next commands.

sudo apt-get install uml-utilities   
sudo modprobe tun                                     
sudo mkdir /dev/net                                   
sudo mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200                      
sudo tunctl  

   Then edit the /etc/qemu-ifup, the content is:

/sbin/ifconfig $1 netmask

   My ip address is, so don't set the ip as 192.168.1.X.
   Then you can start the guestOS in the ubuntu.img in qemu and setup the guestOS
   network interface eth0 and network route table.

ifconfig eth0 up                
route add default gw 

 4> NAT setup to allow guestOS access to the internet.

   Execute the following as root, so first change to the root user.

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward                                iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE

   Now it's ok, start the qemu:

qemu -serial stdio -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net tap ubuntu.img

   The guestOS not only can access the hostOS, but also can access the
   internet. And you can access the hostOS and guestOS with
   and via the internet, too.
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