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分类: C/C++

2011-06-01 12:53:13

m-colorChangeColor(COLORREF color)color,WM-DRAWITEM上面代码中数据成员m-color和来保存按钮的颜色.ChangeColor(COLORREF color)函数负责改变按钮颜色值为color,然后通过使控制的客户区无效而激发WM-DRAWITEM消息.现在这个按钮控制类就算搭好了.下面我们把它加入到对话框中来试验一下(中) 用VC++实现自绘按钮控制1.首先通过AppWizard创建一个单文档的应用.


  并将其ID设置为 IDC-COLORBUTTON.最后一定要记住将push Button Properties对话框中的Owner Draw检查框置上检查标志.



  ccolorButton m-ColorButton;

  4.现在剩下的问题是到底要怎样才能使m-ColorButton的DrawItem函数能响应系统发往ID值为IDC-COLORBUTTON的按钮控制的WM-DRAWITEM消息.这时就要用到CWnd类的成员函数BOOL CWnd::Subcla

  ssDlgItem(UINT nID,CWnd *pParent).通过调用这个函数,我们可以动态地接管从对话框模板产生的控制,并把它隶属于CWnd对象.即用当前的CWnd对象接管发向隶属于pParent的ID号为nID的控制的一切消息.对于按钮控制而言,它把当前的按钮控制的位置和大小也清成和nID对应的按钮控制一样.于是我们对CTestDialog的源文件进行如下的编辑:

BOOL CTestDialog::OnInitDialog()
{ CDialog::OnInitDialog();
//TODO:Add extra initialization here


void CTestDialog::OnColerbutton()
{ //TODO:Add your control notification handler code
int r=int(((float)rand()/RAND-MAX)*255
int g=int(((float)rand()/RAND-MAX)*255
int b=int(((float)rand()/RAND-MAX)*255

void CTestView::OnLButton?Down(UINT nflags,POINT point)
{ CTestDialog dlg;




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One of the problems with the Windows architecture is in the inability to draw buttons in a color other than gray. While the class offered here isn’t cutting-edge technology, it is something that a lot of people ask for and use (especially in multi-media applications). The only way to draw the buttons in color is to use the owner-draw capabilities (or create a bitmap button which is a horrible solution). CColorButton does all this behind the scene and allows the developer to:

  • Draw a button in DevStudio's editor for placement, size, and setting button captions.
  • Set the foreground color (text color), background (button color), and disabled color (Note: the focus rectangle is drawn in the text color).
  • Set the bevel width

Consider this simple dialog, displayed in the first example with light blue buttons and blue text and in the second example, with multiple colored buttons and different text colors: Note: CTLCOLOR changes the background but not the buttons):


There is only one function, Attach(), which initializes an owner-draw button – usually in a dialog’s OnInitDialog() function.

BOOL Attach(const UINT nID, CWnd* pParent,

            const COLORREF BGColor = RGB(192, 192, 192),

            const COLORREF FGColor = RGB(1, 1, 1),

            const COLORREF DisabledColor = RGB(128, 128, 128),

            const UINT nBevel = 2);


  • nID is your button's control ID and
  • pParent is the parent window.

Only the first two arguments are required; background, foreground, and disabled colors default to a gray button, black text, and dark gray disabled text.

  • nBevel (bevel width) defaults to 2).

How to use CColorButton

  • Include colorBtn.h and colorBtn.cpp in your project.
  • Draw a button in Developer Studio; make sure the button's Owner-Draw property is checked.
  • In your program's .h file, include "#include colorbtn.h"
  • Also in your program's .h file, declare as many variables as you have buttons

    CColorButton m_btn1;
    CColorButton m_btn2;
  • In your program's OnInitDialog function, initialize the colors:

   VERIFY(m_btn1.SetColors(IDOK, this, CLOUDBLUE, DKBLUE, WHITE));

   VERIFY(m_btn2.SetColors(IDCANCEL, this, DKBLUE, WHITE));

Note: the colors used in this example - BLACK, WHITE, BLUE, DKGRAY, etc. - are COLORREF constants that you define in your own program via the RGB() macro:

        const COLORREF CLOUDBLUE = RGB(128, 184, 223);

        const COLORREF WHITE = RGB(255, 255, 255);

        const COLORREF BLACK = RGB(1, 1, 1);

        const COLORREF DKGRAY = RGB(128, 128, 128);

        const COLORREF etc...

That's it. It's pretty easy to use and very useful for multi-media applications. This is a very simple class to work with and anyone with even the slightest GDI background can add or modify functions.


  • At this time, you cannot reset the button's colors once the window has been realized.
  • It doesn't support a dynamic Create() function - yet.
  • It doesn't support 256 Color palette - yet.
  • It doesn't allow the font to be overridden for the button text - yet.
  • The bevel color isn't customizable - yet.
  • Final caveat: this class wasn't designed to be industrial strength and was written over a year ago - it has always been one of my own home-grown classes, so you are welcome to make it more robust.

Last updated: 9 May 1998







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