How can I handle events in the titlebar and change its color etc ?
A: The titlebar belongs to the OS and we don't have control over that one. You can create your own titlebar, but note that this requires some work. In order to create your own titlebar then make a QWidget subclass that contains three toolbuttons that handle the close, minimize and maximize events in addition to the moving of the window. Then make a QFrame subclass which does not have a titlebar provided via the window system. This is done by setting the Qt::FramelessWindowHint window flag, however this will make it impossible to resize or move the window via the window system. What can be done is you can add your custom titlbar as a private member to the frame and add the it first to the frame's vertical layout. The frame also needs a content widget which allows widgets to be added to it. Finally the QFrame subclass needs to reimplement the mouse events to handle the resizing and moving of the window. The example below demonstrates how this can be achieved.
QFrame派生一个子类,为使些子类不要从窗口系统得到标题栏,设置Qt::FramelessWindowHint 窗口标记,
再在你的QFrame子类中添加一个content widget,以做为其它部件的容器(注:相当于窗口客户区).最后你的QFrame子类需要重载一些鼠标事件以控制窗口的缩放与移动.
- #include
- class TitleBar : public QWidget
- {
- public:
- TitleBar(QWidget *parent)
- {
- // Don't let this widget inherit the parent's backround color
- setAutoFillBackground(true);
- // Use a brush with a Highlight color role to render the background
- setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Highlight);
- minimize = new QToolButton(this);
- maximize = new QToolButton(this);
- close= new QToolButton(this);
- // Use the style to set the button pixmaps
- QPixmap pix = style()->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_TitleBarCloseButton);
- close->setIcon(pix);
- maxPix = style()->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_TitleBarMaxButton);
- maximize->setIcon(maxPix);
- pix = style()->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_TitleBarMinButton);
- minimize->setIcon(pix);
- restorePix = style()->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_TitleBarNormalButton);
- minimize->setMinimumHeight(20);
- close->setMinimumHeight(20);
- maximize->setMinimumHeight(20);
- QLabel *label = new QLabel(this);
- label->setText("Window Title");
- parent->setWindowTitle("Window Title");
- QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(this);
- hbox->addWidget(label);
- hbox->addWidget(minimize);
- hbox->addWidget(maximize);
- hbox->addWidget(close);
- hbox->insertStretch(1, 500);
- hbox->setSpacing(0);
- setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
- maxNormal = false;
- connect(close, SIGNAL( clicked() ), parent, SLOT(close() ) );
- connect(minimize, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(showSmall() ) );
- connect(maximize, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(showMaxRestore() ) );
- }
- public slots:
- void showSmall()
- {
- parentWidget()->showMinimized();
- }
- void showMaxRestore()
- {
- if (maxNormal) {
- parentWidget()->showNormal();
- maxNormal = !maxNormal;
- maximize->setIcon(maxPix);
- } else {
- parentWidget()->showMaximized();
- maxNormal = !maxNormal;
- maximize->setIcon(restorePix);
- }
- }
- protected:
- void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
- {
- startPos = me->globalPos();
- clickPos = mapToParent(me->pos());
- }
- void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *me)
- {
- if (maxNormal)
- return;
- parentWidget()->move(me->globalPos() - clickPos);
- }
- private:
- QToolButton *minimize;
- QToolButton *maximize;
- QToolButton *close;
- QPixmap restorePix, maxPix;
- bool maxNormal;
- QPoint startPos;
- QPoint clickPos;
- };
- class Frame : public QFrame
- {
- public:
- Frame()
- {
- m_mouse_down = false;
- setFrameShape(Panel);
- // Make this a borderless window which can't
- // be resized or moved via the window system
- setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
- setMouseTracking(true);
- m_titleBar = new TitleBar(this);
- m_content = new QWidget(this);
- QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- vbox->addWidget(m_titleBar);
- vbox->setMargin(0);
- vbox->setSpacing(0);
- QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- layout->addWidget(m_content);
- layout->setMargin(5);
- layout->setSpacing(0);
- vbox->addLayout(layout);
- }
- // Allows you to access the content area of the frame
- // where widgets and layouts can be added
- QWidget *contentWidget() const { return m_content; }
- TitleBar *titleBar() const { return m_titleBar; }
- void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
- {
- m_old_pos = e->pos();
- m_mouse_down = e->button() == Qt::LeftButton;
- }
- void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
- {
- int x = e->x();
- int y = e->y();
- if (m_mouse_down) {
- int dx = x - m_old_pos.x();
- int dy = y - m_old_pos.y();
- QRect g = geometry();
- if (left)
- g.setLeft(g.left() + dx);
- if (right)
- g.setRight(g.right() + dx);
- if (bottom)
- g.setBottom(g.bottom() + dy);
- setGeometry(g);
- m_old_pos = QPoint(!left ? e->x() : m_old_pos.x(), e->y());
- } else {
- QRect r = rect();
- left = qAbs(x - r.left()) <= 5;
- right = qAbs(x - r.right()) <= 5;
- bottom = qAbs(y - r.bottom()) <= 5;
- bool hor = left | right;
- if (hor && bottom) {
- if (left)
- setCursor(Qt::SizeBDiagCursor);
- else
- setCursor(Qt::SizeFDiagCursor);
- } else if (hor) {
- setCursor(Qt::SizeHorCursor);
- } else if (bottom) {
- setCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor);
- } else {
- setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
- }
- }
- }
- void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
- {
- m_mouse_down = false;
- }
- private:
- TitleBar *m_titleBar;
- QWidget *m_content;
- QPoint m_old_pos;
- bool m_mouse_down;
- bool left, right, bottom;
- };
- #include "main.moc"
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- QApplication app(argc, argv);
- Frame box;
- box.move(0,0);
- QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout(box.contentWidget());
- l->setMargin(0);
- QTextEdit *edit = new QTextEdit(box.contentWidget());
- l->addWidget(edit);
- box.show();
- return app.exec();
- }
How can I handle events in the titlebar and change its color etc ?
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