分类: C/C++
2012-08-21 14:47:08
文档名称 |
Qt布局管理 |
创建时间 |
2012/8/21 |
修改时间 |
2012/8/22 |
创建人 |
Baifx |
简介(收获) |
Qt布局介绍、常用函数列举 |
布局 VS 控件
而在QT中,Layout和Widget是相对独立的类,但是Layout本身单独存在并没有意义,需要和Widget配合使用。而Widget本身不负责子控件的布局管理。你可以认为,Layout类其实只是一组预先撰写好的代码,在父控件尺寸变化时,根据预设参数和子控件的各种Geometry hint,管理控件的位置和尺寸。
QHBoxLayout::QHBoxLayout ()
Constructs a new horizontal box. You must add it to another layout.
QHBoxLayout::QHBoxLayout ( QWidget * parent )
Constructs a new top-level horizontal box with parent parent.
void QLayout::addWidget ( QWidget * w )
Adds widget w to this layout in a manner specific to the layout. This function uses addItem().
void QBoxLayout::addWidget ( * widget, int stretch = 0, alignment = 0 )
Adds widget to the end of this box layout, with a stretch factor of stretch and alignment alignment.
The stretch factor applies only in the of the , and is relative to the other boxes and widgets in this . Widgets and boxes with higher stretch factors grow more.
If the stretch factor is 0 and nothing else in the has a stretch factor greater than zero, the space is distributed according to the:sizePolicy() of each widget that's involved.
The alignment is specified by alignment. The default alignment is 0, which means that the widget fills the entire cell.
void QBoxLayout::addLayout ( * layout,int stretch = 0 )
Adds layout to the end of the box, with serial stretch factor stretch.
void QBoxLayout::addSpacing ( int size )
Adds a non-stretchable space (a ) with size size to the end of this box layout. provides default margin and spacing. This function adds additional space.
void QBoxLayout::addStretch ( int stretch = 0 )
Adds a stretchable space (a QSpacerItem) with zero minimum size and stretch factor stretch to the end of this box layout.
setSizeConstraint( SizeConstraint )
void QBoxLayout::setSpacing ( int spacing )
Reimplements QLayout::setSpacing().
Sets the spacing property to spacing.
说明:spacing是针对于layout内部控件的间距,与控件的添加顺序无关(contentsMargins也一样,只和控件间的层次有关); 例如VBoxLayout, 则是当前子控件的纵向间距受spacing值的影响。所以你不可能在一个layout中实现三个以上控件的间距不相同。
void QBoxLayout::setStretch ( int index, int stretch )
Sets the stretch factor at position index. to stretch.
This function was introduced in Qt 4.5.
void QLayout::setMenuBar ( QWidget * widget )
Tells the geometry manager to place the menu bar widget at the top of parentWidget(), outside QWidget::contentsMargins(). All child widgets are placed below the bottom edge of the menu bar.
QWidget * QLayout::menuBar () const
Returns the menu bar set for this layout, or 0 if no menu bar is set.
QGridLayout::QGridLayout ( QWidget * parent )
Constructs a new QGridLayout with parent widget, parent.
The layout has one row and one column initially, and will expand when new items are inserted.
QGridLayout::QGridLayout ()
Constructs a new grid layout.
You must insert this grid into another layout.
You can insert widgets and layouts into this layout at any time, but laying out will not be performed before this is inserted into another layout.
void QGridLayout::addWidget ( QWidget * widget, int row, int column, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )
Adds the given widget to the cell grid at row, column. The top-left position is (0, 0) by default.
The alignment is specified by alignment. The default alignment is 0, which means that the widget fills the entire cell.
void QGridLayout::addWidget ( QWidget * widget, int fromRow, int fromColumn, int rowSpan, intcolumnSpan, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )
This is an overloaded function.
This version adds the given widget to the cell grid, spanning multiple rows/columns.
The cell will start at fromRow, fromColumn spanning rowSpanrows and columnSpan columns. The widget will have the given alignment.
If rowSpan and/or columnSpan is -1, then the widget will extend to the bottom and/or right edge, respectively.
void QGridLayout::addLayout ( QLayout * layout, int row, int column, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )
Places the layout at position (row, column) in the grid. The top-left position is (0, 0).
The alignment is specified by alignment. The default alignment is 0, which means that the widget fills the entire cell.
A non-zero alignment indicates that the layout should not grow to fill the available space but should be sized according to sizeHint().
layout becomes a child of the grid layout.
void QGridLayout::addLayout ( QLayout * layout, int row, int column, int rowSpan, intcolumnSpan, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )
This is an overloaded function.
This version adds the layout layout to the cell grid, spanning multiple rows/columns.
The cell will start at row, column spanning rowSpan rows andcolumnSpan columns.
If rowSpan and/or columnSpan is -1, then the layout will extend to the bottom and/or right edge, respectively.
void QGridLayout::setColumnMinimumWidth ( int column, int minSize )
Sets the minimum width of column column to minSize pixels.
void QGridLayout::setRowMinimumHeight ( int row, int minSize )
Sets the minimum height of row row to minSize pixels.
void setColumnStretch ( int column, int stretch )
Sets the stretch factor of column column to stretch. The first column is number 0.
The stretch factor is relative to the other columns in this grid. Columns with a higher stretch factor take more of the available space.
The default stretch factor is 0. If the stretch factor is 0 and no other column in this table can grow at all, the column may still grow.
An alternative approach is to add spacing using addItem() with a QSpacerItem.
void QGridLayout::setRowStretch ( int row, int stretch )
Sets the stretch factor of row row to stretch. The first row is number 0.
The stretch factor is relative to the other rows in this grid. Rows with a higher stretch factor take more of the available space.
The default stretch factor is 0. If the stretch factor is 0 and no other row in this table can grow at all, the row may still grow.
void QGridLayout::setSpacing ( int spacing )
This function sets both the vertical and horizontal spacing to spacing.
bool QObject::blockSignals ( bool block )
If block is true, signals emitted by this object are blocked (i.e., emitting a signal will not invoke anything connected to it). If block is false, no such blocking will occur.
The return value is the previous value of ().
Note that the () signal will be emitted even if the signals for this object have been blocked.
bool QLayout::setAlignment ( * w, alignment )
Sets the alignment for widget w to alignment and returns true if w is found in this layout (not including child layouts); otherwise returns false.
void QLayout::setAlignment ( alignment )
Sets the alignment of this item to alignment.
bool QLayout::setAlignment ( QLayout * l, alignment )
This is an overloaded function.
Sets the alignment for the layout l to alignment and returns true if l is found in this layout (not including child layouts); otherwise returns false.
layout->addWidget( widget, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan );
layout->addWidget( widget, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan );
( row, column ):控件占据左上角的单元格位置。
layout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
或者this->setLayout( layout ); (this可以省略)
layout->addStretch(); //可伸缩空间
layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); //布局内控件水平居中
layout->setSpacing( 10 ); //控件间隔为10
layout->setMargin( 10 ); //页边距为10