#this shell program file is used when you
# are in a new net environment;you can get an ip
#,but you can not ping an external netip
#then you can surf the Internet by using a static ip
ip=`ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr"`
ipaddr=`echo $ip | awk -F: '{ print $2 }' | awk '{print $1}'`
#ipaddr=`echo $ip | awk -F: '{ print $2 }' | sed -r 's/ +\w+$//g' `
#ipaddr=`echo $ip | awk -F: '{print $2}' | sed -r 's/[a-Z]+$//'`
gateway=`echo "$ipaddr" | awk -F "." '$4="1"' | sed -e 's/ /\./g'`
ping -c 4 g.cn >> /tmp/ping_result.txt
first_line=`cat /tmp/ping_result.txt | sed -n '1p'`
if ( [[ "$first_line" =~ "unkown host " ]] ); then
cat $conf_file | sed '/BOOTPROTO/d' >>ifcfg_1.txt
cat ifcfg_1.txt > $conf_file
cat $conf_file | grep IPADDR|awk -F "=" 'gsub($2,"'$ipaddr'")' >>ifcfg_2.txt
cat $conf_file | grep GATEWAY|awk -F "=" 'gsub($2,"'$gateway'")' >>ifcfg_2.txt
cat $conf_file |sed -e '/IPADDR/d' -e '/GATEWAY/d' >ifcfg_3.txt
cat ifcfg_2.txt | sed -e 's/\w\+ /&=/g' >>ifcfg_4.txt
cat ifcfg_3.txt >$conf_file
cat ifcfg_4.txt >>$conf_file
echo "BOOTPROTO=static" >>$conf_file
# at last you should remove the file /tmp/ping_result.txt
rm /tmp/ping_result.txt
rm ./ifcfg_1.txt
rm ./ifcfg_2.txt
rm ./ifcfg_3.txt
rm ./ifcfg_4.txt
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