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2011-12-21 20:18:23

Belstaff Colonial Travel Shoulder Bag 561-Mountain Brown

NAME: Belstaff Colonial Travel Shoulder Bag 561-Mountain Brown

PRICE: $1,000.00 $350.00    from    

  • Model: BLB1024025

NAME: Belstaff Leather Rectangular Wallet Brown

PRICE: $178.00 $120.00     from   

  • Model: BLP1024192

leather garments should pay  .net attention to moisture, or mildew if wet, they will lose their luster, impact fastness. Mildew fungus is the main cause of leather clothing, and moisture is the source of mold propagation, rain, sweat and oil are three main ways to produce moist. If leather garments stained with sweat or rain water from the surface layer after enzyme or even visible mold, should be promptly wipe with a damp soft cloth sweat or rain, and then wipe with professional leather care products leather surface, and then hung to dry in the shade dry, not exposure or dry with a hairdryer. If it is suede leather clothing, dry in Cawan also slightly harder to brush application graze, so fluffy.Finally, do not put mothballs in the closet, mothballs and other insect agents, de-worming agents cause such a strong smell leather infected and difficult to eliminate. The correct way is: After the leather off leather care professional should be sent to the store to conduct a comprehensive cleaning and disinfection, grease, re-tanning, re-finishing and ironing plastic and other professional care, after the maintenance on the special leather care leather bag (non-common type suit storage bag), hanging in a dry ventilated wardrobe.Edit this paragraph Chinese leather business development strategy In an increasingly competitive market environment, China's leather industry can achieve such results is not easy, and thus proved that the strong vitality of China's leather industry and the powerful. Leather and its products, market potential is great, the world's total demand of leather about 1.0 million square meters, equivalent to 300 million leather (standard skin) production, leather production is equivalent to the standard leather China nearly 70 million, accounting for about 23.33% global leather production. However, the Chinese leather footwear and related industries, companies should also address to the, we are now in many areas there are also inadequate, although China is the world's largest producer of leather, leather power but not in quality, value remains weak position, the need in this market environment to hone and improve.Edit this paragraph When buying leather, how to identify the authenticity of it?Natural leather is not planning the shape, thickness is not uniform, the number or severity of the surface of some disability; leather surface smooth, detailed procedures vary, abdomen relaxed; leather surface of the pores and the pattern was in general a pile of leather . The synthetic leather (referring to non-textile cloth, cloth for textile and synthetic leather are easy to distinguish) from the shape of the point of view are the rules, the thickness is very uniform, the surface without disabilities, even texture, and pores and the pattern is very uniform, No reform in the pile.In terms of leather, figuring the way, the general should start with the appearance, texture is very uniform, no disability, no coarse grain, no defects could be fake leather. There should be a real difference in the texture of leather, especially leather and the main body should be some minor differences between the parts. And then carefully observe the distribution and shape of the pores, the pores are mostly natural leather deep and difficult to hit the bottom, slightly tilted. Vertical pores and visible light may be modified synthetic leather or leather (a natural leather). In addition, from the cross-section view, natural leather cross-sectional fiber has its own characteristics, different fiber thickness with changes in the surface layer of the coating agent, and the levels of basic synthetic fiber leather uniform, but the surface was a layer of plastic film-like. Can drop, easy to absorb water for the natural leather. Does not absorb water as artificial leather.Edit this paragraph How to choose leather Note Leather: Leather, a soft leather, no residual defects, color uniformity, no obvious color difference. A fur coat is shiny, the color is coordinated. Carefully touch the fur, in the end you should feel the tight-knit cashmere soft, smooth, soft hairs, rather than coarse hair hard. 2 leather, sewing: car line straight, neat, no jumper, no change after exposing the needle hole marks, folding should be straight.3, auxiliary accessories: buttons in the correct position, good fastness, no defects; in the phenomenon of cloth too short not too long; pocket stitching fastness; The straight line is a tough uniform-style jacket features shirt to keep tight fit, do not have too much layering. Colors and exaggerated style jewelry can temporarily close up. Uniform decoration was ornate enough to focus on complex jewelry but superfluous.Rock Style: focus on elements of punk leather jacket and tight leather pants or jeans shoes +The streets of the influx of people to send this series will focus on how to mix only the most tide, there is no rule at all, show your personality is the only goal. The most commonly used method is layered mix, used a single product is a short leather jacket or vest, alternative jeans (holes, dyeing, camouflage), shorts or shorts, personalized T-shirt, multi accessories, cool hats, gloves or fur, bandage boots with personality makeup, they can definitely turn heads in the streets pocketed. Found knitting, silk and leather can be used with a wonderful Edit this paragraph Production of leather material commonly Mink General mink is a very noble leather, usually less for handbag design, usually used for clothing. Mink are in the animal taxonomy mammalia, Carnivora, ferrets are small, valuable fur animals. In the wild, there are two kinds of American mink and European mink. Now in captivity around the world are the descendants of US-European mink, mink clothing we have seen

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