I upgraded my computer from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 and now the OS doesn't boot correctly. I keep getting the same error msg after selecting Ubuntu from the grub: 'The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present.'
Underneath that line is the other msg: 'Continue to wait; press S to skip or M for manual recovery.'
I tried them both and if i press S then it gives another err msg: 'The disk drive for /tmp is not ready or not present' ; 'Continue to wait; or press S to skip or M for manual recovery'
now if i press S then it shows a black screen with this msg:
mountall: Plymouth command failed
mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth
How do i recover my system now... I don't want to reinstall the whole of ubuntu 11.04 but i just want the old system back or Ubuntu 11.04 back in working order. I f i continue to wait nothing happens except the screen goes black. I know theres a way through the command line but how?
Thanks for all your help!
It could be several things, but maybe the problem is due to the update didn't finished properly. If it is your case, try the following:
Press 'M' when asked to try to solve the problem manually.
In the console write the following, to remount / disk in Read&Write
mount -n -o remount,rw /
To finish the upgrade write
dpkg --configure -a
It could take several minutes.
Then reboot.
Let me know if it works out
PS: 如果挂载时提示已挂载,而之后执行dpkg时提示文件系统只读,则可以先卸载根目录,然后重新执行挂载命令。