分类: IT业界
2011-06-17 15:25:03
Throughout, there is an attempt to garner and maintain support from a range of organisations, such as the police federation.The agitation that the VALA was engaged in seems to be a blueprint for other lobbying organisations. However, interestingly, the keyword lobby does not belong in the corrective action category at all.
As shown in Table 7.3, lobby is most certainly a scapegoat category word.Lobby in the MWC is a word with a powerful negative semantic prosody.As will be shown later (Figure 7.3),lobby links into a negatively loaded collocational network, with the words homo***ual and permissive being its immediate link nodes.Its collocates (anti-censorship,myths,tactics,permissive,claim,humanist, homo***ual),are linked to groups or concepts Whitehouse was opposed to (anti-censorship, permissive,humanist, homo***ual) or represent a negative evaluation of the lobby concerned (myths).