分类: 虚拟化
2011-04-01 09:44:13
想让虚拟机 run in background 出现以下提示
Some virtual machines are still powered on.
The VMware Authorization Service is not running, so the virtual machines cannot be run in the background. You can choose to suspend them for later use or power them off now.
1. 最初我以为是两个虚拟机同时运行的原因,关闭其中一个,问题依旧
2. 后来又有人说要以系统管理员的身份登陆,
win+R àcmd à set username ;windows 下查看当前登陆用户名
3. 继续google:
“控制面板”/“管理工具”/“服务”中启动 VMware Authorization Service 服务就可。[参考]