2012-02-22 20:47:22
打开终端,输入命令sudo apt-get install tasksel 安装tasksel软件包,输入root权限密码后即可完成安装。
Setp 2输入命令 sudo tasksel install lamp-server , 即可完成LAMP的安装。通过命令sudo tasksel 可查看LAMP安装是否成功。需要指出的是,通过tasksel软件包不仅可以安装LAMP组件,还可以安装其他服务器组件,比如DNS服务器,Mail服务器,打印服务器等。
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo gedit /var/www/info.php
Step 3
通过命令sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin 安装MySQL管理工具phpmyadmin。
It would ask if you want to configure it automatically for apache or lightppd choose apache (by pressing “spacebar” to display a star as shown below and then use tab to navigate to Ok and press enter.
It would be automatically configured, however it would ask if you want a database installed and configured, choose yes and press enter
On the next screen you would be asked to enter the MySQL root password, that you provided in first step
next it would ask you to enter a password to be used by phpmyadmin to register with thedatabase (basically it would create a user called “phpmyadmin” the password is for that, most likely you won’t be needing this password ever. You can even choose to assign a random password for it.
Confirm that password on the next screen. Once you have made your choices the installation would finish and you should be able to access phpmyadmin by pointing your web browser to