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  • 注册时间: 2007-05-05 20:08








2007-06-12 03:46:17



#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/fcntl.h>
#include <asm/unistd.h>
#include <asm/ia32_unistd.h>
#include <asm/msr.h>

#define THIS_DESCRIPTION "Dynamically get sys_call_table/ia32_sys_call_table in kernel module.\n\t\tI don't think there would be anyone who won't enable CONFIG_IA32_EMULATION these days.\n\t\tso you can add the unessary check if you really want to."
MODULE_AUTHOR("albcamus ");

* TODO: if you want shut this up, comment the following line.

#define BY_IDT_DEBUG

#define dbgprint(format,args...) \
                 printk("get_syscall: function:%s-L%d: "format, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## args);
#define dbgprint(format,args...) do {} while(0);

* sys call table

void ** my_ia32_syscall_table;
void ** my_syscall_table;

* 10 bytes -- please refer to AMD64 Architecture Programmer's
* Manuals for more information.

struct idtr {
    unsigned short limit;
    unsigned long base; //in 64bit mode, base address is 8 bytes

} __attribute__ ((packed));

* in long mode -- 64bit mode and compatity mode,
* every IDT entry has a 16-byte size

struct idt {
    u16 offset_low;
    u16 segment;
    unsigned ist : 3, zero0 : 5, type : 5, dpl :2, p : 1;
    u16 offset_middle;
    u32 offset_high;
    u32 zero1;
} __attribute__ ((packed));

* Return the first appearence of NEEDLE in HAYSTACK. -- copied from PHRACK
* */

static void *memmem(const void *haystack, size_t haystack_len,
            const void *needle, size_t needle_len)
    const char *begin;
    const char *const last_possible
        = (const char *) haystack + haystack_len - needle_len;

    if (needle_len == 0)
        /* The first occurrence of the empty string is deemed to occur at
           the beginning of the string. */

        return (void *) haystack;

    /* Sanity check, otherwise the loop might search through the whole
       memory. */

    if (__builtin_expect(haystack_len < needle_len, 0))
        return NULL;

    for (begin = (const char *) haystack; begin <= last_possible;
        if (begin[0] == ((const char *) needle)[0]
            && !memcmp((const void *) &begin[1],
                   (const void *) ((const char *) needle + 1),
                   needle_len - 1))
            return (void *) begin;

    return NULL;

* Find the location of ia32_sys_call_table

static unsigned long get_syscall_table_ia32(void)
#define OFFSET_SYSCALL 100 /* from system_call/ia32_syscall, we'll read first 150 bytes */

    struct idtr idtr;
    struct idt idt;

    unsigned long sys_call_off;
    unsigned long retval;

    char sc_asm[OFFSET_SYSCALL], *p;

    /* well, let's read IDTR */
    asm("sidt %0"
        : );

    dbgprint("idtr base at %p\n", (void *)idtr.base);

     * Read in IDT for vector 0x80 (syscall)

    memcpy(&idt, (char *) idtr.base + 16 * 0x80, sizeof(idt));
    sys_call_off = ( ( (unsigned long)idt.offset_high ) << 32 ) |
        ( ((idt.offset_middle << 16 ) | idt.offset_low) & 0x00000000ffffffff );
    dbgprint("sys_call_off at %p\n", (void *)sys_call_off);

    /* we have syscall routine address now, look for syscall table
       dispatch (indirect call) */

    memcpy(sc_asm, (void *)sys_call_off, OFFSET_SYSCALL);
     * ia32_call > ia32_tracesys > ia32_do_syscall > 'call *ia32_sys_call_table(,%rax,8)'
     * Find callq *ia32_sys_call_table(,%rax,8)
     * (gdb) disassemble ia32_syscall
     * Dump of assembler code for function ia32_syscall:
     * 0xffffffff81066b98 : swapgs
     * 0xffffffff81066b9b : sti
     * 0xffffffff81066b9c : mov %eax,%eax
     * 0xffffffff81066b9e : push %rax
     * 0xffffffff81066b9f : cld
     * 0xffffffff81066ba0 : sub $0x48,%rsp
     * 0xffffffff81066ba4 : mov %rdi,0x40(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066ba9 : mov %rsi,0x38(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066bae : mov %rdx,0x30(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066bb3 : mov %rcx,0x28(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066bb8 : mov %rax,0x20(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066bbd : mov %gs:0x10,%r10
     * 0xffffffff81066bc6 : sub $0x1fd8,%r10
     * 0xffffffff81066bcd : orl $0x2,0x14(%r10)
     * 0xffffffff81066bd2 : testl $0x181,0x10(%r10)
     * 0xffffffff81066bda : jne 0xffffffff81066c04
     * End of assembler dump.
     * (gdb) disassemble ia32_tracesys
     * Dump of assembler code for function ia32_tracesys:
     * 0xffffffff81066c04 : sub $0x30,%rsp
     * 0xffffffff81066c08 : mov %rbx,0x28(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066c0d : mov %rbp,0x20(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066c12 : mov %r12,0x18(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066c17 : mov %r13,0x10(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066c1c : mov %r14,0x8(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066c21 : mov %r15,(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066c25 : movq $0xffffffffffffffda,0x50(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81066c2e : mov %rsp,%rdi
     * 0xffffffff81066c31 : callq 0xffffffff81073a02
     * 0xffffffff81066c36 : mov 0x30(%rsp),%r11
     * 0xffffffff81066c3b : mov 0x38(%rsp),%r10
     * 0xffffffff81066c40 : mov 0x40(%rsp),%r9
     * 0xffffffff81066c45 : mov 0x48(%rsp),%r8
     * 0xffffffff81066c4a : mov 0x58(%rsp),%rcx
     * 0xffffffff81066c4f : mov 0x60(%rsp),%rdx
     * 0xffffffff81066c54 : mov 0x68(%rsp),%rsi
     * 0xffffffff81066c59 : mov 0x70(%rsp),%rdi
     * 0xffffffff81066c5e : mov 0x78(%rsp),%rax
     * 0xffffffff81066c63 : mov (%rsp),%r15
     * 0xffffffff81066c67 : mov 0x8(%rsp),%r14
     * 0xffffffff81066c6c : mov 0x10(%rsp),%r13
     * 0xffffffff81066c71 : mov 0x18(%rsp),%r12
     * 0xffffffff81066c76 : mov 0x20(%rsp),%rbp
     * 0xffffffff81066c7b : mov 0x28(%rsp),%rbx
     * 0xffffffff81066c80 : add $0x30,%rsp
     * 0xffffffff81066c84 : jmpq 0xffffffff81066bdc
     * End of assembler dump.
     * (gdb) disassemble ia32_do_syscall
     * Dump of assembler code for function ia32_do_syscall:
     * 0xffffffff81066bdc : cmp $0x13d,%eax
     * 0xffffffff81066be1 : ja 0xffffffff81066c89
     * 0xffffffff81066be7 : mov %edi,%r8d
     * 0xffffffff81066bea : mov %ebp,%r9d
     * 0xffffffff81066bed : xchg %ecx,%esi
     * 0xffffffff81066bef : mov %ebx,%edi
     * 0xffffffff81066bf1 : mov %edx,%edx
     * 0xffffffff81066bf3 : callq *0xffffffff812e7c70(,%rax,8)
     * End of assembler dump.
     * (gdb) x/xw ia32_do_syscall+23
     * 0xffffffff81066bf3 : 0x70c514ff
     * (gdb)

    p = (char *) memmem(sc_asm, OFFSET_SYSCALL, "\xff\x14\xc5", 3);
    if (p == NULL) {
        printk("opcode not found, meats that we cannot find sys_call_table.\n");
        return 0;

    retval = *(unsigned long *) (p + 3);
    return retval;

* Find the location of long-mode sys_call_table

static unsigned long get_syscall_table_long(void)
#define OFFSET_SYSCALL 150
    unsigned long syscall_long, retval;
    char sc_asm[OFFSET_SYSCALL];

    rdmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, syscall_long);
    dbgprint("long mode: system_call is at %p\n", (void *)syscall_long);

    memcpy(sc_asm, (char *)syscall_long, OFFSET_SYSCALL);

     * Find callq *sys_call_table(,%rax,8)
     * -------------------------------------
     * (gdb) disassemble system_call
     * Dump of assembler code for function system_call:
     * 0xffffffff81063750 : swapgs
     * 0xffffffff81063753 : mov %rsp,%gs:0x18
     * 0xffffffff8106375c : mov %gs:0x10,%rsp
     * 0xffffffff81063765 : sti
     * 0xffffffff81063766 : sub $0x50,%rsp
     * 0xffffffff8106376a : mov %rdi,0x40(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff8106376f : mov %rsi,0x38(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81063774 : mov %rdx,0x30(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81063779 : mov %rax,0x20(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff8106377e : mov %r8,0x18(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81063783 : mov %r9,0x10(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81063788 : mov %r10,0x8(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff8106378d : mov %r11,(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81063791 : mov %rax,0x48(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff81063796 : mov %rcx,0x50(%rsp)
     * 0xffffffff8106379b : mov %gs:0x10,%rcx
     * 0xffffffff810637a4 : sub $0x1fd8,%rcx
     * 0xffffffff810637ab : testl $0x181,0x10(%rcx)
     * 0xffffffff810637b2 : jne 0xffffffff81063889
     * 0xffffffff810637b8 : cmp $0x117,%rax
     * 0xffffffff810637be : ja 0xffffffff8106387b
     * 0xffffffff810637c4 : mov %r10,%rcx
     * 0xffffffff810637c7 : callq *0xffffffff812e6d60(,%rax,8)
     * 0xffffffff810637ce : mov %rax,0x20(%rsp)
     * End of assembler dump.
     * (gdb) x/xw system_call+119
     * 0xffffffff810637c7 : 0x60c514ff
     * (gdb)

    retval = (unsigned long) memmem(sc_asm, OFFSET_SYSCALL, "\xff\x14\xc5", 3);
    if ( retval != 0 ) {
        dbgprint("long mode : sys_call_table is at %p\n",
                (void *) (* (unsigned long *)(retval+3)) ) ;
        retval = (unsigned long) ( * (unsigned long *)(retval+3) );
    } else {
        printk("long mode : memmem found nothing, returning NULL:( \n");
        retval = 0;

    return retval;

static int get_syscall_init_module(void)
    printk(KERN_DEBUG "get_syscall: Hi, you fucking linux!\n");

    my_ia32_syscall_table = (void **) get_syscall_table_ia32();
    if (my_ia32_syscall_table == 0)
        return -1;

    my_syscall_table = (void **) get_syscall_table_long();
    if (my_syscall_table == 0)
        return -1;

    dbgprint("ia32_sys_call_table address : %p\n", (void *) my_ia32_syscall_table);
    dbgprint("long mode : sys_call_table address : %p\n", (void *) my_syscall_table);

#define REPLACE_IA32(x) o_sys_##x = my_ia32_syscall_table[__NR_ia32_##x];\
    my_ia32_syscall_table[__NR_ia32_##x] = my_sys_##x

#define GET_OLD_IA32_SYSCALL_ADDR(x) my_ia32_syscall_table[__NR_ia32_##x]
// dbgprint("sys_read at %p, my_read at %p\n", (void *)GET_OLD_IA32_SYSCALL_ADDR(read), (void *)my_sys_read);

// REPLACE_IA32(read);

#undef REPLACE_IA32

    return 0;

static void get_syscall_exit_module(void)
    printk(KERN_DEBUG "get_syscall: bye, you fucking linux!\n");

#define RESTORE_IA32(x) my_ia32_syscall_table[__NR_ia32_##x] = o_sys_##x

// RESTORE_IA32(read);

#undef RESTORE_IA32


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