Yesterday I fixed one issue that the XP and Fedora can't keep live togetehr. We insatll XP first and then Fedora.Of course you can install fedoa first and then XP. So grub and MBR are very important. How to install grub to MBR.
XP --> Fedora
Modify the grub's menu.lst:
root (hdx,y)
chainloader +1
That's OK. There you do your best to save the MBR.
Fedora --> XP:
insall grub to MBR.
boot from CD fedora. mount your installed hard drive and chroot .
grub --> root (hdx,y)--> setup(hdx)
Here I come across one issue. After you chroot, there is nothing in fold dev. you can try to exit current system and return the cd system. mount dev/ proc/ sys/ to your installed system and then chroot.
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