recompile your kernel enable:
Charactor devices ->; Standard/generic (8250/16550 and compatible UARTs) serial support ->; Support for console on serial port
and set some kernel parameters.
the USAGE of minicom on CentOS 5
minicom is a good tool in Linux system, which can connect to your target via serial port.
but how to make it work on CentOS 5 ?
if the system tell you '/dev/modem' is not found :
[root@localhost Desktop]# minicom minicom: WARNING: configuration file not found, using defaults Device /dev/modem access failed: 没有那个文件或目录. You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
please run this :
ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem
Ctrl A + Z to config minicom
choose O option to config serial:115200 8N1(different devices have different values ),change you device name to /dev/ttyS0 rather than /dev/modem,Save & Exit.
Linux下可以使用minicom通过串口对路由器, 交换机, 别的Linux服务器等设备进行配置,就像Windows下的超级终端一样, 不过功能更强大了.
输入minicom命令进入minicom界面, 按CTRL-A Z(同时按Ctrl和A, 然后按Z), 然后按O 选择cOnfigure Minicom进入minicom的配置界面(也可以输入minicom -s 在minicom启动时直接进入配置界面). 使用向上,向下方向键选择Serial port setup在弹出框中可以按左边的字母修改相应的值, 比如修改串口设备, 则按A, 修改硬件流控, 则按F, 串口设置完成后按回车回到minicom的配置窗口.
由于我们使用minicom作为超级终端控制路由器等设备, 而不是控制modem, 所以需要修改Modem and dialing, 将Init string, Reset string, Hang-up string设置为空. 设置完成后选择Save setup as dfl将当前设置保存为默认设置. 选择Exit离开minicom的设置窗口.
按CTRL-A Z, 然后按X选择eXit and reset退出minicom, 并重新启动使设置生效.
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