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2011-03-09 08:38:36

Git Study

As we will use this version control system---git , this page introduce some common commands in common operations , and we can know more about git.


This page based on Ubuntu10.04. The tools we should install as below:

# sudo apt-get install git-core


our git server address is git@ (“Server” instead),and project's name is “Project”. we need sure we have the permission for it ,and that's mean whether we send our key to administrator . Generate the key using command :

$ ssh-keygen

and we will find that file in ~/.ssh

Now we assume that we have a server as below :

Example :

current working directory: Study

project name : Test

branch master:

file name : Hello

file content : welcome

branch second :

file name: Hi

file content : OK

file name: Hello

file name :welcome

Get source code from git server:

    • git clone Server → project named Project will be loaded from Server in current directory, and create a branch named master by default, it is the same as branch of master on Server. Now server address can be instead by “origin” by default.

If there are many branch on Server, we may want work on other branch B,one method as below:

* git branch -a : it will show all branch on the Server

* git checkout -t remotes/origin/B : this will create the branch B ,and we now on branch B the same as Server.


git clone git@→ project directory is Study/Test

git branch -a → * master

remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master



git checkout -t remotes/origin/second→ now we are working on branch second

Remote repository

    • git remote : show all remote repositories, and they are just the name we give or system give ,and they stand the remote repositories. A remote repository is just a git repository server address.

    • git remote add name server-address : it will create a name stand the server ,and we can use it instead of server-address in future. System give a name with “origin” by default ,and it will use “origin” instead of server-address on this page

    • git remote rm remote-name : delete the remote name

Example :

git remote → origin

git remote add origin1 any-path → origin1 will be created ,and it stand server-address : any-path

git remote rm origin1 → delete remote name :origin1

Operations on branch

    • git branch : show all branch we create ,and branch with “*” is the current working branch

    • git branch A : create the new branch A

    • git checkout A : switch current working branch to branch A

    • git branch -d A : delete branch A if A is not current working branch

    • git merge branch1 : merge branch1 to current working branch, and if exist conflicts , we should modify them by ourselves .

Example :

git branch → master

* second

git branch third → branch third will be created,and you see it with command up

git checkout third → branch third now is the current working branch

git branch -d second → delete branch second

git merge master → git branch fourth

git checkout fourth

echo “good” >>Fine

git add Fine

git commit -m “fifth”

git checkout master

git merge fourth

Commit to git repository

    • git add files : if we add or modify some files ,use this commands to add them to staging area to wait.

    • git commit : commit the files in staging area to git repository,and we will write the commit message then.

-a : if we just modify them, we can skip the “add”,commit them with -a directory.

-m “message”: if we do not want to write message then, we use this.


just like “git merge master” up

Push local host git to Server

    • git pull origin branch2: get latest date on Server as data already updated by others on branch2, and merge branch2 to current working branch on local git .

    • git push origin : push our repository to Server with all branch.,it will merge all branch with the same name.

    • git push origin branch1: only push branch1 to branch 1 on the server, if branch1 is not exist on server ,it will create it named with branch1

    • git push origin branch1:branch2 : only push our branch1 to branch2 on the Server, if branch2 is not exist on server , it will create it named with branch2.

    • git push origin :branch2 : this will delete the branch2 on Server ,so please notice it.


git pull origin second → for there is no one change data,nothing change

git push origin → for the situation up, it will just push branch master to

the server .

git push origin fourth → it will create branch fourth on the server

git push origin :fourth → delete branch fourth on the server

Operations on tag

    • git tag : show all tag already exist

    • git tag tag-name :create a common tag

    • git tag -d tag-name: delete a tag

    • git push origin :refs/tags/v1.1 : delete a remote tag

    • git tag -a tag-name -m “message” : create a new tag named tag-name ,and add some message.

    • git show tag-name : show version information on this tag.

    • git push origin tag-name : push the tag to server . We need push it as tag is not pushed with branch .

Example :

git tag → nothing show as there is no tag

git tag v1.0 → create a tag named v1.0

git tag -a v1.1 -m “just test” → create a tag named v1.1 with message “just test”

git show v1.1 → it will show “just test” and commit information this tag point

git push origin v1.1 → push the tag to server

Recover data

    • If we add file but still not commit and want cancel it,operations like this:

git status : show status in staging area (contain file name )

git reset HEAD file : remove file from staging area.

git checkout file : load file before modify from git .

    • If we want to go back to status before a commit ,operations like this:

git reset --soft HEAD^ : go back to status before this commit,and we can modify

now as we like. We can do this any times ,and go to the version we like

git commit -a -c ORIG_HEAD : recover that commit just cancel


git status → if nothing will be committed ,it show nothing to commit

git reset HEAD file → git add file-changed

git reset HEAD file-changed

git checkout file

git reset --soft HEAD^ → git add file-changed

git commit -am “new”

git show

git reset --soft HEAD^

git show

the commit version “new” will be cancel ,you can modify again,then commit . If you want recover commit just cancel:

git commit -a -c ORIG_HEAD

Commit history

    • git log : show commit history.

    • git log -- filename : show a file's version history

Git repository status

    • git status : show commit version (not contain commit before loading from server)

    • git log : show all commit version

    • git diff : show different between content in git repository with current content (not committed)

Example :

git diff → echo “bye bye”>>Hi

git diff : it will show the difference between content in git and content not committed


every version control system have its client, include git .this introduce one of these named qgit .

Install qgit

#sudo apt-get install qgit

Use qgit

    • open qgit : Applications → Programming → qgit

    • open git repository : File → open → path/to/git

    • get more buttons : Action → Setup actions → New → OK →

→ Refresh view at the end

If our commands need parameters , we need select “Ask for command line arguments” ,and it will pop a window for your parameters input.

another :teamgit

Install teamgit

# echo "deb intrepid main" >>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/teamgit.list

#apt-get update

# apt-get install teamgit

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