?? #define CONFIG_VIDEO_SED13806
?? #define CONFIG_VIDEO_SED13806_16BPP
?? #define CONFIG_NEC_NL644BC20
?? #define DISPLAY_WIDTH 800
?? #define DISPLAY_HEIGHT 600
?? #define SED13806_REG_ADDR 0x30000000
?? #define FRAME_BUFFER_OFFSET 0x200000
?? #define TOTAL_SPACE_SIZE 0x1400000
?? #define DEFAULT_VIDEO_MEMORY_SIZE 0x140000 //其实和上面的宏重复了
??void *video_hw_init (void)
?? unsigned int *vm, i;
?? printf("*** zhs: drivers/sed13806.c: video_hw_init() ***\n"); /*zhs_change*/
?? memset (&sed13806, 0, sizeof (GraphicDevice));
?? /* Initialization of the access to the graphic chipset
?? Retreive base address of the chipset
?? (see board/RPXClassic/eccx.c) */
?? /* zhs: board_video_init()也要进行修改 */
?? if ((sed13806.isaBase = board_video_init ()) == 0) { /*这里初始化板子上的相关的io口和ics1523*/
?? return (NULL);
?? }
?? sed13806.frameAdrs = sed13806.isaBase + FRAME_BUFFER_OFFSET;
?? sed13806.winSizeX = board_get_width ();
?? sed13806.winSizeY = board_get_height ();
?? sed13806.gdfIndex = GDF_16BIT_565RGB;
?? sed13806.gdfBytesPP = 2;
?? sed13806.memSize = sed13806.winSizeX * sed13806.winSizeY * sed13806.gdfBytesPP;
?? /* Load SED registers */
?? /* init sed13806's registers */
?? EpsonSetRegs (); /*设置s1d13506的寄存器*/
?? /* (see board/RPXClassic/RPXClassic.c) */
?? //board_validate_screen (sed13806.isaBase); //zhs: don't know why do this
?? /*zhs:TODO:show the logo here*/
?? //s1d_show_logo(); //zhs_change add
?? /* Clear video memory */
?? /*
?? i = sed13806.memSize/4;
?? vm = (unsigned int *)sed13806.frameAdrs;
?? printf("i is %d, vm is %x\n", i, vm);
?? while(i--)
?? *vm++ = 0xffffffff;
?? */
?? //return (&sed13806);
?? /*根据uboot初始化函数数组的要求,
?? * 规定了如果成功则要返回0 */
?? return 0; //zhs_change
??首先,拷贝static const S1D_REGS init_regs[]数组,这个数组定义了13506的寄存器配置,用来初始化的。里面有两个,通过宏来区别,这里只拷贝16bpp的。也可以把宏控制给去掉了。对于寄存器数组的修改可以参考linux内核里的数组设置。
??然后是board_video_init()函数。eccx.c里面的内容全部可以删掉了,因为是对那个cpu的设置,和这边的板子无关。内容的话拷贝linux源码里面arch/arm/mach-at91rm9200/board-dk.c里面dk_init_video()内的内容。主要是配置IO口、初始化static memory controller和ics1523。但是,本质上虽然是对cpu的寄存器赋值,但是linux风格的赋值和uboot风格的赋值不一样,要改成uboot的,具体怎么改可以参考这个文件里已有的寄存器赋值代码。这里函数内容如下:
?? * board_video_init -- init EPSON s1d13506
?? *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
?? */
??unsigned int board_video_init (void)
?? /*zhs:copy from linux source tree arch/arm/mach-at91rm9200/board-dk.c*/
?? /* NWAIT Signal */
?? //at91_set_A_periph(AT91_PIN_PC6, 0);
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOC->PIO_IDR = (unsigned int) (1 << 6);
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOC->PIO_ASR = (unsigned int) (1 << 6);
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOC->PIO_PDR = (unsigned int) (1 << 6);
?? /* Initialization of the Static Memory Controller for Chip Select 2 */
?? /*at91_sys_write(AT91_SMC_CSR(2), AT91_SMC_DBW_16
?? | AT91_SMC_WSEN | AT91_SMC_NWS_(4)
?? | AT91_SMC_TDF_(1)
?? );*/
?? AT91C_BASE_SMC2->SMC2_CSR[2] = (unsigned int)( (1 << 13) | (1 << 7) | (4 << 0) | (1 << 8) );
?? at91_ics1523_init();
?? return (SED13806_REG_ADDR);
??同样在这个文件里还要拷贝eccx.c里面剩下的函数:board_get_regs(), board_get_width(), board_get_height()。
??首先拷贝linux源码中arch/arm/mach-at91rm9200/ics1523.c到uboot中board/at91rm9200dk/ics1523.c中,拷贝linux:include/asm/arch/ics1523.h到include/asm/arch-at91rm9200/ics1523.h,同时观察ics1523.h里面所要用的宏和变量可以还需要拷贝linux里面的头文件at91_twi.h, gpio.h到同目录下。
?? * arch/arm/mach-at91rm9200/ics1523.c
?? *
?? * Copyright (C) 2003 ATMEL Rousset
?? *
?? * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
?? * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
?? * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
?? * (at your option) any later version.
?? *
?? * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
?? * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
?? * GNU General Public License for more details.
?? *
?? * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
?? * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
?? * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
?? */
??/* TWI Errors */
??#define AT91C_BASE_TWI 0xFFFB8000
??static void *twi_base;
??# define chk_io_ptr(x) (void)0
??#define raw_writel(v,a) (chk_io_ptr(a), *(volatile unsigned int *)(a) = (v))
??#define raw_readl(a) (chk_io_ptr(a), *(volatile unsigned int *)(a))
??#define at91_twi_read(reg) raw_readl(twi_base + (reg))
??#define at91_twi_write(reg, val) raw_writel((val), twi_base + (reg))
??/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
?? * Initialization of TWI CLOCK
?? * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
??static void at91_ics1523_SetTwiClock(unsigned int mck_khz)
?? int sclock;
?? /* Here, CKDIV = 1 and CHDIV = CLDIV ==> CLDIV = CHDIV = 1/4*((Fmclk/FTWI) -6) */
?? sclock = (10*mck_khz / ICS_TRANSFER_RATE);
?? if (sclock % 10 >= 5)
?? sclock = (sclock /10) - 5;
?? else
?? sclock = (sclock /10)- 6;
?? sclock = (sclock + (4 - sclock %4)) >> 2; /* div 4 */
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_CWGR, 0x00010000 | sclock | (sclock << 8));
??/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
?? * Read a byte with TWI Interface from the Clock Generator ICS1523
?? * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
??static int at91_ics1523_ReadByte(unsigned char reg_address, unsigned char *data_in)
?? int Status, nb_trial;
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_MMR, AT91_TWI_MREAD | AT91_TWI_IADRSZ_1 | ((ICS_ADDR << 16) & AT91_TWI_DADR));
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_IADR, reg_address);
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_CR, AT91_TWI_START | AT91_TWI_STOP);
?? /* Program temporizing period (300us) */
?? udelay(300);
?? /* Wait TXcomplete ... */
?? nb_trial = 0;
?? Status = at91_twi_read(AT91_TWI_SR);
?? while (!(Status & AT91_TWI_TXCOMP) && (nb_trial < 10)) {
?? nb_trial++;
?? Status = at91_twi_read(AT91_TWI_SR);
?? }
?? if (Status & AT91_TWI_TXCOMP) {
?? *data_in = (unsigned char) at91_twi_read(AT91_TWI_RHR);
?? return ICS1523_ACCESS_OK;
?? }
?? else
?? return ICS1523_ACCESS_ERROR;
??/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
?? * Write a byte with TWI Interface to the Clock Generator ICS1523
?? * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
??static int at91_ics1523_WriteByte(unsigned char reg_address, unsigned char data_out)
?? int Status, nb_trial;
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_MMR, AT91_TWI_IADRSZ_1 | ((ICS_ADDR << 16) & AT91_TWI_DADR));
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_IADR, reg_address);
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_THR, data_out);
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_CR, AT91_TWI_START | AT91_TWI_STOP);
?? /* Program temporizing period (300us) */
?? udelay(300);
?? nb_trial = 0;
?? Status = at91_twi_read(AT91_TWI_SR);
?? while (!(Status & AT91_TWI_TXCOMP) && (nb_trial < 10)) {
?? nb_trial++;
?? if (Status & AT91_TWI_ERROR) {
?? /* If Underrun OR NACK - Start again */
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_CR, AT91_TWI_START | AT91_TWI_STOP);
?? /* Program temporizing period (300us) */
?? udelay(300);
?? }
?? Status = at91_twi_read(AT91_TWI_SR);
?? };
?? if (Status & AT91_TWI_TXCOMP)
?? return ICS1523_ACCESS_OK;
?? else
?? return ICS1523_ACCESS_ERROR;
??/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
?? * Initialization of the Clock Generator ICS1523
?? * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
??int at91_ics1523_init(void)
?? int nb_trial;
?? int ack = ICS1523_ACCESS_OK;
?? unsigned int status = 0xffffffff;
?? struct clk *twi_clk;
?? twi_base = AT91C_BASE_TWI;
?? /* Map in TWI peripheral */
?? /*
?? twi_base = ioremap(AT91RM9200_BASE_TWI, SZ_16K);
?? if (!twi_base)
?? return -ENOMEM;
?? */
?? /* pins used for TWI interface */
?? //at91_set_A_periph(AT91_PIN_PA25, 0); /* TWD */
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_IDR = (unsigned int) (1 << 25);
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_ASR = (unsigned int) (1 << 25);
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_PDR = (unsigned int) (1 << 25);
?? //at91_set_multi_drive(AT91_PIN_PA25, 1);
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_MDER = (unsigned int) (1 << 25);
?? //at91_set_A_periph(AT91_PIN_PA26, 0); /* TWCK */
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_IDR = (unsigned int) (1 << 26);
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_ASR = (unsigned int) (1 << 26);
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_PDR = (unsigned int) (1 << 26);
?? //at91_set_multi_drive(AT91_PIN_PA26, 1);
?? (AT91PS_PIO) AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_MDER = (unsigned int) (1 << 26);
?? /* Enable the TWI clock */
?? /*
?? twi_clk = clk_get(NULL, "twi_clk");
?? if (IS_ERR(twi_clk))
?? return ICS1523_ACCESS_ERROR;
?? clk_enable(twi_clk);
?? */
?? AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_PCER = (unsigned int)(1 << 12);
?? /* Disable interrupts */
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_IDR, -1);
?? /* Reset peripheral */
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_CR, AT91_TWI_SWRST);
?? /* Set Master mode */
?? at91_twi_write(AT91_TWI_CR, AT91_TWI_MSEN);
?? /* Set TWI Clock Waveform Generator Register */
?? at91_ics1523_SetTwiClock(60000); /* MCK in KHz = 60000 KHz */
?? /* ICS1523 Initialisation */
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_ICR, (unsigned char) 0);
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_OE, (unsigned char) (ICS_OEF | ICS_OET2 | ICS_OETCK));
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_OD, (unsigned char) (ICS_INSEL | 0x54));/*0x7F));*/ //wy
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_DPAO, (unsigned char) 0);
?? nb_trial = 0;
?? do {
?? nb_trial++;
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_ICR, (unsigned char) (ICS_ENDLS | ICS_ENPLS | ICS_PDEN /*| ICS_FUNCSEL*/));
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_LCR, (unsigned char) (ICS_PSD | ICS_PFD));
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_FD0, (unsigned char) 0x3A);//wy /*0x39) ;*/ /* 0x7A */
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_FD1, (unsigned char) 0x00);
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_SWRST, (unsigned char) (ICS_PLLR));
?? /* Program 1ms temporizing period */
?? //mdelay(1);
?? udelay(1000);
?? at91_ics1523_ReadByte ((unsigned char) ICS_SR, (char *)&status);
?? } while (!((unsigned int) status & (unsigned int) ICS_PLLLOCK) && (nb_trial < 10));
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_DPAC, (unsigned char) 0x03) ; /* 0x01 */
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_SWRST, (unsigned char) (ICS_DPAR));
?? /* Program 1ms temporizing period */
?? //mdelay(1);
?? udelay(1000);
?? ack |= at91_ics1523_WriteByte ((unsigned char) ICS_DPAO, (unsigned char) 0x00);
?? /* Program 1ms temporizing period */
?? //mdelay(1);
?? udelay(1000);
?? /* All done - cleanup */
?? /*
?? iounmap(twi_base);
?? clk_disable(twi_clk);
?? clk_put(twi_clk);
?? */
?? //AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_PCDR = (unsigned int)(1 << 12);
?? return ack;
?? for (init_fnc_ptr = init_sequence; *init_fnc_ptr; ++init_fnc_ptr) {
?? if ((*init_fnc_ptr)() != 0) {
?? hang ();
?? }
?? }
??init_fnc_t *init_sequence[] = {
?? cpu_init, /* basic cpu dependent setup */
?? board_init, /* basic board dependent setup */
?? interrupt_init, /* set up exceptions */
?? env_init, /* initialize environment */
?? init_baudrate, /* initialze baudrate settings */
?? serial_init, /* serial communications setup */
?? console_init_f, /* stage 1 init of console */
?? display_banner, /* say that we are here */
?? dram_init, /* configure available RAM banks */
?? display_dram_config,
?? video_hw_init, /*zhs: init sed13506*/
??#if defined(CONFIG_VCMA9)
?? checkboard,
?? NULL,
??为了显示开机logo,这里并没有使用uboot的CONGIF_LOGO, CONFIG_SPALSH等机制来显示,这些都是uboot代码级的,搞不懂,而是另辟蹊径,既然可以在uboot里面直接操作显存,像mw那样,那么就可以使用tftp或者cp.b来将要显示的数据拷贝到显存中,这样就ok了。
??首先要准备图片,使用图片软件制作一张bmp,16位的,r5g6b5的图片。制作图片有个问题,不知道是因为bmp图片的格式问题(是由下向上进行扫描的),需要将要显示的图片进行垂直颠倒才能正常显示在lcd屏上。然后烧到nor flash中,这里的开始地址是0x10300000,图片的大小为800x600x2 = 960000B,但是图片的大小为960070,为0xea646,暂时就用这个。使用命令cp.b 10300000 30219000 ea646即可显示图片了 960000 = 0xea600 /*可能是用这个命令是对的:cp.b 10300046 30219000 ea600 */
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