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2011-03-08 08:19:40







1.       配置好交叉编译的环境变量。

2.       添加tslibQt3.3.8的接口代码



contains( mouse-drivers, tslib ) {

                HEADERS +=$$EMBEDDED_H/qmousetslib_qws.h

                SOURCES +=$$EMBEDDED_CPP/qmousetslib_qws.cpp





./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++  -prefix ./../qte-3.38-arm -depths 4,8,16,32  -no-qvfb -no-mouse-qvfb -no-mouse-linuxtp -qt-mouse-pc -qt-mouse-tslib I /home/lishw/omap/tslib/build/include -L /home/lishw/omap/tslib/build/lib


QMAKE_PRL_LIBS=  -L/home/lishw/omap/tslib/build/lib -L/home/lishw/work8/qt-embedded-free-3.3.8/lib  -lts  -L/home/lishw/omap/tslib/build/lib -L/home/lishw/work8/qt-embedded-free-3.3.8/lib  -lm -lrt -lpthread –ldl


make install



Export QTDIR=上述lib的父目录所在路径

Export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=tslib:/dev/input/event2

Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=上述lib目录所在路径

运行测试程序:./test -qws



  1. #include "qmousetslib_qws.h"

  2. #if !defined(QT_NO_QWS_MOUSE_TSLIB) || defined(QT_PLUGIN)

  3. #include "qwindowsystem_qws.h"
  4. #include "qsocketnotifier.h"
  5. #include "qtimer.h"
  6. #include "qapplication.h"
  7. #include "qgfx_qws.h"
  8. #include "qregexp.h"
  9. #include "qvaluelist.h"
  10. //#include "qunicodetables_p.h"

  11. #include <unistd.h>
  12. #include <stdlib.h>
  13. #include <stdio.h>
  14. #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  15. #include <sys/types.h>
  16. #include <sys/stat.h>
  17. #include <fcntl.h>
  18. #include <errno.h>
  19. #include <termios.h>

  20. #include <tslib.h>

  22. # include <QtCore/QDebug>
  23. #endif

  24. /*!
  25.     \internal

  26.     \class QWSTslibMouseHandler
  27.     \ingroup qws

  28.     \brief The QWSTslibMouseHandler class implements a mouse driver
  29.     for the Universal Touch Screen Library, tslib.

  30.     QWSTslibMouseHandler inherits the QWSCalibratedMouseHandler class,
  31.     providing calibration and noise reduction functionality in
  32.     addition to generating mouse events, for devices using the
  33.     Universal Touch Screen Library.

  34.     To be able to compile this mouse handler, \l{Qt for Embedded Linux}
  35.     must be configured with the \c -qt-mouse-tslib option, see the
  36.     \l{Pointer Handling} documentation for details. In addition, the tslib
  37.     headers and library must be present in the build environment. The
  38.     tslib sources can be downloaded from \l
  39.     {}. Use the \c -L and \c -I options
  40.     with \c configure to explicitly specify the location of the
  41.     library and its headers:

  42.     \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_embedded_qmousetslib_qws.cpp 0

  43.     In order to use this mouse handler, tslib must also be correctly
  44.     installed on the target machine. This includes providing a \c
  45.     ts.conf configuration file and setting the necessary environment
  46.     variables, see the README file provided with tslib for details.

  47.     The ts.conf file will usually contain the following two lines

  48.     \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_embedded_qmousetslib_qws.cpp 1

  49.     To make \l{Qt for Embedded Linux} explicitly choose the tslib mouse
  50.     handler, set the QWS_MOUSE_PROTO environment variable.

  51.     \sa {Pointer Handling}, {Qt for Embedded Linux}
  52. */

  53. class QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate : public QObject
  54. {
  55.     Q_OBJECT
  56. public:
  57.     QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate(QWSTslibMouseHandler *h,
  58.                                 const QString &device);
  59.     ~QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate();

  60.     void suspend();
  61.     void resume();

  62.     void calibrate(QWSPointerCalibrationData *data);
  63.     void clearCalibration();

  64. private:
  65.     QWSTslibMouseHandler *handler;
  66.     struct tsdev *dev;
  67.     QSocketNotifier *mouseNotifier;
  68.     int jitter_limit;

  69.     struct ts_sample lastSample;
  70.     bool wasPressed;
  71.     int lastdx;
  72.     int lastdy;

  73.     bool calibrated;
  74.     QString devName;

  75.     bool open();
  76.     void close();
  78.     int qMax(const int &a, const int &b) ;
  79.     int indexOfMutating(const QStringList *that, QRegExp &rx, int from);
  80.     int QStringList_indexOf(const QStringList *that, const QRegExp &rx, int from);
  81.         int qAbs(const int &t);
  82. //    int indexOf(const QRegExp &rx)const;

  84.         //char *toLatin1(QString str,int len) const;

  85.     inline bool get_sample(struct ts_sample *sample);

  86. private slots:
  87.     void readMouseData();
  88. };

  89. QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate(QWSTslibMouseHandler *h,
  90.                                                          const QString &device)
  91.     : handler(h), dev(0), mouseNotifier(0), jitter_limit(3)
  92. {
  93.     //QStringList args = device.split(QLatin1Char(':'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);

  94.     QStringList args = QStringList::split(':',device,FALSE);
  95.     //QRegExp jitterRegex(QLatin1String("^jitter_limit=(\\d+)$"));

  96.     QRegExp jitterRegex(QString::fromLatin1("^jitter_limit=(\\d+)$"));
  97.     //int index = args.indexOf(jitterRegex);

  98.     //QValueList &args2=args;

  99.     //QString jitterStr=jitterRegex;

  100.     //int index = args2.findIndex("hello");

  101.     int index = QStringList_indexOf(&args,jitterRegex,0);
  102.     if (index >= 0) {
  103.         jitter_limit = jitterRegex.cap(1).toInt();
  104.         args.remove(;
  105.     }

  106.     devName = args.join(QString());

  107.     if (devName.isNull()) {
  108.         const char *str = getenv("TSLIB_TSDEVICE");
  109.         if (str)
  110.             devName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(str);
  111.     }

  112.     if (devName.isNull())
  113.        // devName = QLatin1String("/dev/ts");

  114.         devName = QString::fromLatin1("/dev/ts");
  115.     if (!open())
  116.         return;

  117.     calibrated = true;

  118.     int fd = ts_fd(dev);
  119.     mouseNotifier = new QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, this);
  120.     connect(mouseNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)),this, SLOT(readMouseData()));
  121.     resume();
  122. }

  123. QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::~QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate()
  124. {
  125.     close();
  126. }

  127. bool QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::open()
  128. {
  129.     dev = ts_open(devName.ascii(), 1);
  130.     if (!dev) {
  131.         qDebug("QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate: ts_open() failed"
  132.                   " with error: '%s'", strerror(errno));
  133.         qDebug("Please check your tslib installation!");
  134.         return false;
  135.     }

  136.     if (ts_config(dev)) {
  137.         qDebug("QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate: ts_config() failed"
  138.                   " with error: '%s'", strerror(errno));
  139.         qDebug("Please check your tslib installation!");
  140.         close();
  141.         return false;
  142.     }

  143.     return true;
  144. }

  145. void QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::close()
  146. {
  147.     if (dev)
  148.         ts_close(dev);
  149. }
  150. void QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::suspend()
  151. {
  152.     if (mouseNotifier)
  153.         mouseNotifier->setEnabled(false);
  154. }

  155. void QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::resume()
  156. {
  157.     memset(&lastSample, 0, sizeof(lastSample));
  158.     wasPressed = false;
  159.     lastdx = 0;
  160.     lastdy = 0;
  161.     if (mouseNotifier)
  162.         mouseNotifier->setEnabled(true);
  163. }

  164. bool QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::get_sample(struct ts_sample *sample)
  165. {
  166.     if (!calibrated)
  167.         return (ts_read_raw(dev, sample, 1) == 1);

  168.     return (ts_read(dev, sample, 1) == 1);
  169. }

  170. int QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::qAbs(const int &t)
  171. { return t >= 0 ? t : -t; }

  172. int QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::qMax(const int &a, const int &b)
  173. { if (a < b) return b; return a; }

  174. int QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::indexOfMutating(const QStringList *that, QRegExp &rx, int from)
  175. {
  176.     if (from < 0)
  177.         from = qMax(from + that->size(), 0);
  178.     for (uint i = from; i < that->size(); ++i) {
  179.         if (rx.exactMatch(*that->at(i)))
  180.             return i;
  181.     }
  182.     return -1;
  183. }

  184. int QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::QStringList_indexOf(const QStringList *that, const QRegExp &rx, int from)
  185. {
  186.     QRegExp rx2(rx);
  187.     return indexOfMutating(that, rx2, from);
  188. }
  189. /*
  190. int QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::indexOf(const QRegExp &rx)const
  191. {
  192.     return QStringList_indexOf(this, rx, 0);
  193.     return 0;
  194. }
  195. */
  196. /*
  197. char * QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::toLatin1(QString str,int len) const
  198. {
  199. #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
  200.     if (QTextCodec::codecForLocale())
  201.         return QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->fromUnicode(*this);
  202. #endif // QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
  203.     return unicodetoLatin1((QChar *)str,len);
  204. }
  205. */
  206. void QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::readMouseData()
  207. {
  208.     if (!qt_screen)
  209.         return;

  210.     for(;;) {
  211.         struct ts_sample sample = lastSample;
  212.         bool pressed = wasPressed;

  213.         // Fast return if there's no events.

  214.         if (!get_sample(&sample))
  215.             return;
  216.         pressed = (sample.pressure > 0);

  217.         // Only return last sample unless there's a press/release event.

  218.         while (pressed == wasPressed) {
  219.             if (!get_sample(&sample))
  220.                 break;
  221.             pressed = (sample.pressure > 0);
  222.         }

  223.         // work around missing coordinates on mouse release in raw mode

  224.         if (!calibrated && !pressed && sample.x == 0 && sample.y == 0) {
  225.             sample.x = lastSample.x;
  226.             sample.y = lastSample.y;
  227.         }

  228.         int dx = sample.x - lastSample.x;
  229.         int dy = sample.y - lastSample.y;

  230.         // Remove small movements in oppsite direction

  231.         if (dx * lastdx < 0 && qAbs(dx) < jitter_limit) {
  232.             sample.x = lastSample.x;
  233.             dx = 0;
  234.         }
  235.         if (dy * lastdy < 0 && qAbs(dy) < jitter_limit) {
  236.             sample.y = lastSample.y;
  237.             dy = 0;
  238.         }

  239.         if (wasPressed == pressed && dx == 0 && dy == 0)
  240.             return;

  242.         qDebug() << "last" << QPoint(lastSample.x, lastSample.y)
  243.                  << "curr" << QPoint(sample.x, sample.y)
  244.                  << "dx,dy" << QPoint(dx, dy)
  245.                  << "ddx,ddy" << QPoint(dx*lastdx, dy*lastdy)
  246.                  << "pressed" << wasPressed << pressed;
  247. #endif

  248.         lastSample = sample;
  249.         wasPressed = pressed;
  250.         if (dx != 0)
  251.             lastdx = dx;
  252.         if (dy != 0)
  253.             lastdy = dy;

  254.         const QPoint p(sample.x, sample.y);
  255.         if (calibrated) {
  256.             // tslib should do all the translation and filtering, so we send a

  257.             // "raw" mouse event

  258.             handler->QWSMouseHandler::mouseChanged(p, pressed);
  259.         } else {
  260.             handler->sendFiltered(p, pressed);
  261.         }
  262.     }
  263. }

  264. void QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::clearCalibration()
  265. {
  266.     suspend();
  267.     close();
  268.     handler->QWSCalibratedMouseHandler::clearCalibration();
  269.     calibrated = false;
  270.     open();
  271.     resume();
  272. }

  273. void QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate::calibrate(QWSPointerCalibrationData *data)
  274. {
  275.     suspend();
  276.     close();
  277.     // default implementation writes to /etc/pointercal

  278.     // using the same format as the tslib linear module.

  279.     handler->QWSCalibratedMouseHandler::calibrate(data);
  280.     calibrated = true;
  281.     open();
  282.     resume();
  283. }

  284. /*!
  285.     \internal
  286. */
  287. QWSTslibMouseHandler::QWSTslibMouseHandler(const QString &driver,
  288.                                            const QString &device)
  289.     : QWSCalibratedMouseHandler(driver, device)
  290. {
  291.     d = new QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate(this, device);
  292. }

  293. /*!
  294.     \internal
  295. */
  296. QWSTslibMouseHandler::~QWSTslibMouseHandler()
  297. {
  298.     delete d;
  299. }

  300. /*!
  301.     \reimp
  302. */
  303. void QWSTslibMouseHandler::suspend()
  304. {
  305.     d->suspend();
  306. }

  307. /*!
  308.     \reimp
  309. */
  310. void QWSTslibMouseHandler::resume()
  311. {
  312.     d->resume();
  313. }

  314. /*!
  315.     \reimp
  316. */
  317. void QWSTslibMouseHandler::clearCalibration()
  318. {
  319.     d->clearCalibration();
  320. }

  321. /*!
  322.     \reimp
  323. */
  324. void QWSTslibMouseHandler::calibrate(QWSPointerCalibrationData *data)
  325. {
  326.     d->calibrate(data);
  327. }

  328. #include "qmousetslib_qws.moc"

  329. #endif



#include "qmouse_qws.h"

#if !defined(QT_NO_QWS_MOUSE_TSLIB) || defined(QT_PLUGIN)

class QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate;

class QWSTslibMouseHandler : public QWSCalibratedMouseHandler
    explicit QWSTslibMouseHandler(const QString &driver = QString(),
                                  const QString &device = QString());

    void suspend();
    void resume();

    void calibrate(QWSPointerCalibrationData *data);
    void clearCalibration();

    friend class QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate;
    QWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate *d;




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