int main(int argc,char*argv[]) { char*words[]={"first","second","third","fourth","fifth"}; /*calculate how many elements in words*/ size_t words_size =sizeof(words)/sizeof(char*); /*将数组长度加到指向第一个元素的指针上就可以得到指向超出数组末端的下一个位置
所指向的位置上存放的元素并没有复制*/ /*initialize words1*/ vector<string> words1(words,words+words_size); /*initialize words2*/ list<string> words2(words,words+words_size);
cout<<"The elements of words1 are below:"<<endl; for(vector<string>::iterator it=words1.begin();
it!=words1.end();++it) { cout<<*it<<" "; } cout<<endl;
cout<<"The elements of words2 are below:"<<endl; for(list<string>::iterator it=words2.begin();it!=words2.end(); ++it) { cout<<*it<<" "; } cout<<endl;
/*find midpoint int the vector--words1*/ vector<string>::iterator mid = words1.begin()+ words1.size()/2;
/*initialize vfront with first half of words1*/ vector<string> vfront(words1.begin(),mid); /*initialize vback with second half of words1*/ vector<string> vback(mid,words1.end());
实现该功能*/ /*initialize dfront with first half of words1*/ deque<string> dfront(words1.begin(),mid); /*initialize dback with second half of words1*/ deque<string> dback(mid,words1.end());
cout<<"The elements of vfront are below:"<<endl; for(vector<string>::iterator it=vfront.begin();it!=vfront.end(); ++it) { cout<<*it<<" "; } cout<<endl;
cout<<"The elements of vback are below:"<<endl; for(vector<string>::iterator it=vback.begin();it!=vback.end(); ++it) { cout<<*it<<" "; } cout<<endl;
cout<<"The elements of dfront are below:"<<endl; for(deque<string>::iterator it=dfront.begin();it!=dfront.end(); ++it) { cout<<*it<<" "; } cout<<endl;
cout<<"The elements of dback are below:"<<endl; for(deque<string>::iterator it=dback.begin();it!=dback.end(); ++it) { cout<<*it<<" "; } cout<<endl;
/*25 strings ,each is "love"*/ list<string> slist(25,"love"); intcount= 0; cout<<"The elements of slist are below:"<<endl; for(list<string>::iterator it=slist.begin();it!=slist.end(); ++it) { cout<<*it<<" "; ++count; if(count%5 == 0) { cout<<endl; } } // cout<