- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <sys/select.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <sys/wait.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/ipc.h>
- #include <sys/shm.h>
- #include <time.h>
- /*
- 1. 检测到图像变化,报警
- 2. 检测到外部中断,报警
- 3. 3分钟能连续检测图像变化20次,则暂停2小时,2小时后在开启
- */
- /*define globe variable*/
- /*play_pid:当前播放的MP3子进程ID*/
- unsigned int play_pid = 0;
- /*gradchild:当前播放的MP3孙子进程ID*/
- unsigned int gradchild = 0;
- unsigned int play_flag;
- /*共享内存描述标记
- sharemem:
- byte1:孙子进程ID号
- byte2:是否有MP3播放标识play_flag_2
- //byte3:MP3播放次数
- */
- int shmid;
- char *p_addr;
- /*报警铃声歌曲名,song1图像变化报警铃声
- song2外部中断报警铃声*/
- char *song1="11.mp3";
- char *song2="22.mp3";
- //char *song="234.mp3";
- /*定时器时间为3分钟*/
- #define THREE_ALARM 3*60
- /*睡眠时间为2小时*/
- #define SLEEP_TIME 2*60*60
- #define CPM_CNT 20
- int threemin_alarm = 1;
- static int con_cnt=0;
- int sleep_flag = 0;
- unsigned int time_tmp;
- #define max(flag) (flag) >1 ? "pic":"key"
- //#define DEBUG
- int alarm_flag;
- static int pic_cnt;
- int cnt_fd;
- /*计算图像变化次数,超过2次则认为有图像变化*/
- #define COMPARE_CNT 5
- /*************************************************
- Function name: count_pic
- Called by : 函数main
- Parameter : void
- Description : 计算图片变化数
- Return : int
- Autor & date : ykz 10.4.25
- **************************************************/
- int count_pic(void)
- {
- int fd,ret;
- char *buf;
- buf = (char *)malloc(10);
- system("ls /root/motion | wc -l > count.txt");
- lseek(cnt_fd, 0 ,SEEK_SET);
- ret = read(cnt_fd , buf , 10);
- if(ret)
- ret = atoi(buf);
- free (buf);
- return ret;
- }
- /*************************************************
- Function name: my_func_sleepalarm
- Called by : 函数my_func_3alarm
- Parameter : sing_no
- Description : 3分钟连续变化20次后,延时2小时后的唤醒函数
- Return : void
- Autor & date : ykz 10.4.25
- **************************************************/
- void my_func_sleepalarm(int sign_no)
- {
- if( sign_no == SIGALRM){
- printf("Now sleep time finished!start a new work!\n");
- /*则睡眠表示sleep_flag为0*/
- sleep_flag = 0;
- }//end sing_no
- }
- /*************************************************
- Function name: my_func_3alarm
- Called by : 函数restart_caculate_play
- Parameter : sing_no
- Description : 每隔3分钟检测图像连续变化是否超过20次
- Return : void
- Autor & date : ykz 10.4.25
- **************************************************/
- void my_func_3alarm(int sign_no)
- {
- if( sign_no == SIGALRM){
- struct tm *p;
- time_t timep;
- unsigned int second;
- printf("\n------------------warning------------------\n");
- printf("[%s]3alarm!con_cnt=%d\n",max(alarm_flag),con_cnt);
- /*判断图像运动次数是否超过20次
- 如果是:则系统睡眠2小时;
- 不是,则系统继续添加下一个3分钟的定时器*/
- if( con_cnt >= CPM_CNT){
- if(play_flag){
- kill(play_pid,SIGKILL);
- kill(gradchild,SIGKILL);
- wait(NULL);
- }
- //sleep (1);
- time(&timep);
- p = localtime(&timep);
- second = (p->tm_hour)*60*60 + (p->tm_min) * 60 + p->tm_sec;
- time_tmp=second;
- printf("Now maybe it is rainning!,system will sleep %d seconds!\n",SLEEP_TIME);
- con_cnt = 0;
- /*置睡眠标识sleep_flag为1*/
- sleep_flag = 1;
- /*系统睡眠2小时*/
- if(signal(SIGALRM,my_func_sleepalarm)<0)
- perror("signal");
- alarm(SLEEP_TIME);
- }
- else{
- printf("Nornal test!not rainning!\n");
- con_cnt = 0;
- /*添加下一个3分钟的定时器*/
- if(signal(SIGALRM,my_func_3alarm)<0)
- perror("signal");
- alarm(THREE_ALARM);
- }
- printf("\n------------------warning------------------\n");
- } //end sing_no
- }
- /*************************************************
- Function name: play
- Called by : 函数startplaymp3
- Parameter : void
- Description : 子进程创建孙子进程播放MP3
- Return : void
- Autor & date : ykz 10.4.2
- **************************************************/
- void play(void)
- {
- pid_t fd;
- char *c_addr;
- char *song_name;
- int play_flag_gradchild1=1;
- int play_flag_gradchild2=2;
- int i=0;
- /*创建孙子进程*/
- fd = fork();
- if(fd == -1)
- {
- perror("fork");
- exit(1);
- }
- else if(fd == 0) /*孙子进程,播放MP3*/
- {
- printf("\n--------------play mp3----------------\n");
- if(alarm_flag==1)
- song_name=song1;
- else song_name=song1;
- printf("THIS SONG IS %s\n",song_name);
- /*使用madplay播放MP3*/
- execl("/motion/madplay","madplay",song_name,NULL);
- printf("\n\n\n");
- }
- else /*子进程*/
- {
- /*把孙子进程的id传入共享内存*/
- memcpy(c_addr,&fd,sizeof(pid_t));
- /*目前在播放MP3,将播放标记传入共享内存*/
- memcpy(c_addr+sizeof(int),&play_flag_gradchild1,4);
- /*等待孙子进程结束,只要结束:
- 传回play_flag_gradchild2=2,表示现在MP3没有播放*/
- if(fd == wait(NULL))
- {
- printf("\n------------------warning------------------\n");
- /*通过共享内存传回play_flag_gradchild2=2,表明后面的一定不是连续的MP3播放*/
- memcpy(c_addr+sizeof(int),&play_flag_gradchild2,4);
- printf("Gradchild normal finish!\n");
- printf("------------------warning------------------\n");
- }//end if(fd == wait(NULL))
- }
- }
- /*************************************************
- Function name: startplaymp3
- Called by : 函数caculate_play,restart_caculate_play
- Parameter : pid_t *childpid
- Description : 主进程创建子进程
- Return : void
- Autor & date : ykz 10.4.2
- **************************************************/
- void startplaymp3(pid_t *childpid,int flag)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- pid_t cun_pid;
- /*创建子进程*/
- cun_pid = fork();
- if(cun_pid == -1)
- {
- perror("son fork");
- exit(1);
- }
- if(cun_pid == 0) /*子进程*/
- play();
- if(cun_pid > 0) /*父进程*/
- {
- *childpid = cun_pid;
- sleep(1); /*让孙子进程先执行*/
- /*如果是图像运动变化,将全局变量con_cnt加1*/
- if( flag == 2 )
- con_cnt++;
- printf("\nNow con_cnt=%d\n",con_cnt);
- /*把孙子进程的pid传给父进程*/
- memcpy(&gradchild,p_addr,sizeof(pid_t));
- }
- }
- /*************************************************
- Function name: caculate_play
- Called by : 函数key_pic_mp3
- Parameter : int flag
- Description : 连续播放时,计算连续播放时间,调用函数startplaymp3开始新的播放
- Return : int
- Autor & date : ykz 10.4.2
- **************************************************/
- int caculate_play(int flag)
- {
- int ret;
- /*kill掉当前播放MP3的子进程,孙子进程*/
- kill(play_pid,SIGKILL);
- kill(gradchild,SIGKILL);
- wait(NULL);
- /*将共享内存清空*/
- memset(p_addr,'\0',1024);
- startplaymp3(&play_pid , flag);
- return 1;
- }
- /*************************************************
- Function name: restart_caculate_play
- Called by : 函数key_pic_mp3
- Parameter : int flag
- Description : 未超过连续播放时间时,有新的图像或者外部中断检测到时调用函数
- Return : void
- Autor & date : ykz 10.4.2
- **************************************************/
- void restart_caculate_play(int flag)
- {
- int ret;
- /*add 3 minute alarm*/
- if(threemin_alarm){
- if(signal(SIGALRM,my_func_3alarm)<0)
- perror("signal");
- ret = alarm(THREE_ALARM);
- printf("[%s]Start add 3 minute alarm!\n",max(flag));
- threemin_alarm = 0;
- }
- #if 1
- /*判断是否有子进程,或者孙子进程,如果有则KILL掉*/
- if(play_flag){
- kill(play_pid,SIGKILL);
- kill(gradchild,SIGKILL);
- wait(NULL);
- //sleep(1);
- }
- #endif
- play_pid = 0;
- gradchild = 0;
- memset(p_addr,'\0',1024);
- /*开始播放MP3*/
- startplaymp3(&play_pid,flag);
- }
- /*************************************************
- Function name: key_pic_mp3
- Called by : 函数main
- Parameter : int flag
- Description : 当检测到有外部中断,或者图像变化时处理函数
- Return : int
- Autor & date : ykz 10.4.2
- **************************************************/
- int key_pic_mp3(int flag)
- {
- printf("------------------------- KEY_PIC_MP3 ----------------------------\n");
- printf("[%s]Now detect ** %s ** have change\n",max(flag),max(flag));
- int ret = 0;
- int over_flag_2;
- int play_flag_2;
- /*sleep_flag 用于判断,检测系统是否处于2小时的睡眠状态*/
- if(sleep_flag){
- printf("It is rainning!system is sleeping!\n");
- struct tm *p;
- time_t timep;
- unsigned int second;
- time(&timep);
- p = localtime(&timep);
- second = (p->tm_hour)*60*60 + (p->tm_min) * 60 + p->tm_sec;
- printf("summary time:%d seconds,sleep:%d seconds,need sleep:%d seconds\n",
- SLEEP_TIME,second-time_tmp,SLEEP_TIME-(second-time_tmp));
- return 0;
- }
- alarm_flag = flag;
- /*从sharemem中读出是否有MP3处在播放状态标识*/
- memcpy(&play_flag_2,p_addr + sizeof(int),sizeof(int));
- // printf("===>key_pic_mp3,play_flag_2=%d\n",play_flag_2);
- play_flag = play_flag_2;
- /*play_flag_2:当前是否有MP3在播放
- 0:当前没有MP3播放
- 1:子进程当前处在MP3播放状态
- 2:孙子当前播放MP3正常结束,且当前没有MP3播放*/
- /*当前有MP3在播放*/
- if(play_flag_2 == 1){
- printf("[%s]Yes,have mp3 play\n",max(flag));
- /*调用*/
- ret = caculate_play(flag);
- }
- /*当前无MP3在播放*/
- else{
- printf("[%s]No, have not mp3 play\n",max(flag));
- restart_caculate_play(flag);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*************************************************
- Function name: main
- Called by :
- Parameter : void
- Description : 主函数,检测按键是否有按下,通过pic.txt检测图像是否有变化
- Return : int
- Autor & date : ykz 10.4.2
- **************************************************/
- main(void)
- {
- int buttons_fd,pic_fd;
- char pic_buf[1];
- int key_value;
- int flag;
- int ret;
- int tmp_cnt;
- /*设备文件的打开*/
- buttons_fd = open("/dev/buttons", 0);
- if(buttons_fd < 0) {
- perror("open device buttons");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("open buttons sucess!\n");
- /*文件pic.txt记录是否有图像变化。
- 1:有图像变化
- 0:没有图像变化*/
- pic_fd = open("pic.txt",O_RDWR | O_CREAT,0666);
- if(pic_fd < 0) {
- perror("open pic.txt");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("open pic.txt success!\n");
- /*文件count.txt用于图像连续变化时,记录/root/motion中图片张数*/
- cnt_fd = open("count.txt",O_RDWR | O_CREAT,0666);
- if(cnt_fd < 0){
- perror("open count.txt");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("open count.txt success!\n");
- system("ls > count.txt");
- /*共享内存申请*/
- if((shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,20,PERM))== -1)
- exit(1);
- p_addr = shmat(shmid,0,0);
- memset(p_addr,'\0',1024);
- /*主循环,首先判断是外部中断还是图像变化*/
- while(1){
- /*外部中断检测,监听获取键值*/
- ret = read(buttons_fd, &key_value, sizeof key_value);
- if (ret != sizeof key_value)
- perror("read buttons\n");
- else {
- if(key_value){
- printf("====================================================================\n");
- printf("\n\n\n====================================================================\n");
- printf("[type1]button detect,buttons_value: %d\n", key_value);
- /*外部中断处理*/
- key_pic_mp3(1);
- }
- } //end else
- /*图形变化检测,当有图像变化时motion会产生一个事件,
- 事件处理为脚本/motion/appon,该脚本先点亮LED灯;
- 然后向文件/motion/pic.txt写入字符"1"表明现在有图像变化被检测到;
- 读取文件/motion/pic.txt第一个字符
- 0:没有图像变化
- 1:有图像变化*/
- lseek(pic_fd, 0 ,SEEK_SET);
- ret = read(pic_fd, pic_buf, 1);
- if(ret==1)
- {
- if(pic_buf[0] == '1'){ /*有图像变化被检测到*/
- printf("====================================================================\n");
- printf("\n\n\n====================================================================\n");
- printf("[type2]pic motion detect!\n");
- lseek(pic_fd, 0 ,SEEK_SET);
- if((ret = write(pic_fd, "0", 1)))
- lseek(pic_fd, 0 ,SEEK_SET);
- // system("rm /root/motion/* -rf");
- pic_cnt = count_pic();
- //printf("first pic_cnt=%d\n",pic_cnt);
- /*图像运动变化处理*/
- key_pic_mp3(2);
- }
- else if(pic_buf[0] == '0'){
- tmp_cnt = count_pic();
- if( (tmp_cnt-pic_cnt) > COMPARE_CNT){
- printf("====================================================================\n");
- printf("\n\n\n====================================================================\n");
- printf("[type3]pic motion detect!\n");
- // system("rm /root/motion/* -rf");
- pic_cnt = count_pic();
- /*连续图像运动变化处理*/
- key_pic_mp3(2);
- }
- } //end else if
- }
- sleep (2);
- }//end while
- close (cnt_fd);
- close (pic_fd);
- close (buttons_fd);
- exit(0);
- }
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