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  • 注册时间: 2010-11-26 12:27




2010-12-22 15:13:12

  Ladies and gentlemen,
  Boys and girls,
  Good morning!
  Today I’m going to say something about the importance of learning English. The title of my talk is “Let’s study hard to learn English well.”
  At first, I’ll tell you a little story.
  One day, a mother mouse and her babies were playing in the garden.Suddenly, a cat appeared, shouting at them,”Meow, Meow,”The baby mice were so frightened that they couldn’t move.But the mother mouse was very calm and said,”My dears, don’t be frightened,watch this,’Then she barked at the cat like a dog.”Wang,Wangwang!”The cat ran quickly .Then the mother said proudly,”My dears,now you see how important it is to learn a foreign language!”
  As we know, English is the most widely used language in the word today.With more than 300.000,000people speaking English in the United Kingdon,the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countres.There are many counries using English as the second language.The number is more than ten million.That is to say, one in five people speaks English. Sixty percent of broadcasting programs are spoken in English.Seventy percent post mails are written in English.Eighty percent computer nets are made in English.So someone says,”If someone doesn’t learn English,he will become a new blind man in the 21st century.”
  Boys and girls, do you still remember? During the Olympic games in Beijing,when we were watching the sports,what we saw was English. And what we heard was also English. In the street,we could see lots of volenteers|,taxi drivers 、waiters 、waitresses speaking English everywhere. Now, our country is getting stronger and stronger.China must face to the word,face o the futue,we need English.
  Boys and girls,English is important,English is beautiful. If you put your heart into it with the help of the teachers,English is interesting, English is also easy.Let’s study hard to learn English.
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