分类: 项目管理
2011-05-23 15:36:24
UNIQUE EACH INTERATION 迭代5次 Allocate 5 values for each Vuser 昨天试了几次都说: insufficient records for param 'NewParam' in table to provide the Vuser with unique data 查了一些资料: 有人说: 1.设置的用户参数记录不够为表里的虚拟用户提供唯一性的数据 意思是:参数记录不够多。比如参数中有70个记录,Allocate 5 values for each Vuser,同时设置了20个Vuser,那么Unique即每个参数出现唯一一次的记录不够多。 这个说法对的。因为我用20个Vuser的时候,只成功了14个~~~~~
但是我只设置了2个Vuser? 2.有人说是运行模式是线程还是进程的关系 在Runtime_settings中设置Miscellaneous——Multithreading——Run Vusers as a process/thread 2种都进行尝试。对运行结果没有影响。 3.继续。 在灵境空间中http://outstrike.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!e62cdc4d321315a4!151.entry 找到了答案! 大喜! 引用一段: “Do not delete script sections to avoid confusing the Controller. Instead, delete scripts you don't use from the Runtime Settings Run Logic section. However, actions not appearing in Run Logic are not available to the Controller. Conversely, parameters in actions deleted in the Controller still increment. This may result in this error message: -84800 "insufficient records for param '...' in table to provide the Vuser with unique data" (哈哈,想起来了自己曾经删除过一些参数) 于是乎,New—〉Record—〉Replace Parameter一阵忙碌重新把脚本录制一遍,并且一次性设置好参数的属性。运行LoadRuner,那该死的错误终于看不到啦!” 哈哈 |