UDP 与TCP相比来说,具有占用系统资源小的优点。但是缺点多多,UDP(用户数据报协议),不提供可靠性。
套接口: 网络进程的ID,其实网络之间的通信,说白了就是进程间的通信。因为每一个运行的任务就是一个进程,这个任务就是通信。
一个IP地址代表了一台PC,但是一台PC可以运行很多的process,那么怎么确定是哪个进程与哪个进程通信,这里socket就给出了一个解决方案。每个进程都有一个port,端口号与进程是one to one,这就确立了进程的唯一性,独立性,这样port号就明确进程。
socket()套接口 ===== IP ADDRESS PROT NUMBER
监听端 发话端
1 取得UDP()套接字 取得UDP套接字
socket() socket()
填入本地IP和port信息 填入远端IP和port信息
本地ip&prot 与bind()相连
等待接收 recvfrom() <-------------------------------- 向远端发送数据 sendto()
打印接收信息()printf() 打印发送成功信息 printf()
删除套接字close() 删除套接字()
结束 结束
在ARMlinux端运行 talk 程序,在宿主机运行lister 程序, 实现ARMLINXU发送字符到宿主机。
负载 talk.c
#define PORT 5000 // The port which is communicate with server
#define LENGTH 512 // Buffer length
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ int sockfd; // Socket file descriptor
int num; // Counter of received bytes
char sdbuf[LENGTH]; // Receive buffer
struct sockaddr_in addr_remote; // Host address information
char sdstr[]= {"MagicARM2410 UDP Experiment."};
/* Check parameters number */
if (argc != 2)
printf ("Usage: talker HOST IP (ex: ./talker\n");
return (0);
/* Get the Socket file descriptor */
if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1)
printf("ERROR: Failed to obtain Socket Descriptor!\n");
return (0);
/* Fill the socket address struct */
addr_remote.sin_family = AF_INET; // Protocol Family
addr_remote.sin_port = htons(PORT); // Port number
inet_pton(AF_INET, argv[1], &addr_remote.sin_addr); // Net Address
bzero(&(addr_remote.sin_zero), 8); // Flush the rest of struct
/* Try to connect the server */
num = sendto(sockfd, sdstr, strlen(sdstr), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr_remote, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
if( num < 0 )
printf ("ERROR: Failed to send your data!\n", argv[1], num);
printf ("OK: Sent to %s total %d bytes !\n", argv[1], num);
close (sockfd);
return (0);
listen.c 程序
#define PORT 5000 // The port which is communicate with server
#define BACKLOG 10
#define LENGTH 512 // Buffer length
int main ()
{ int sockfd; // Socket file descriptor
int nsockfd; // New Socket file descriptor
int num;
int sin_size; // to store struct size
char revbuf[LENGTH]; // Send buffer
struct sockaddr_in addr_local;
struct sockaddr_in addr_remote;
/* Get the Socket file descriptor */
if( (sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1 )
printf ("ERROR: Failed to obtain Socket Despcritor.\n");
return (0);
printf ("OK: Obtain Socket Despcritor sucessfully.\n");
/* Fill the local socket address struct */
addr_local.sin_family = AF_INET; // Protocol Family
addr_local.sin_port = htons(PORT); // Port number
addr_local.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; // AutoFill local address
bzero(&(addr_local.sin_zero), 8); // Flush the rest of struct
/* Blind a special Port */
if( bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr_local, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1 )
printf ("ERROR: Failed to bind Port %d.\n",PORT);
return (0);
printf("OK: Bind the Port %d sucessfully.\n",PORT);
sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
if(num = recvfrom(sockfd, revbuf, LENGTH, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr_remote, &sin_size) == -1)
printf("OK: %s.\n",revbuf);
return (0);
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