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2011-06-05 01:37:36

祝贺年轻的霍华德得到年度最佳防守队员的殊荣。刚刚得知我被选为第2名。我之前根本就没想过可能得到这个荣誉,但很高兴看到我们全队的努力得到认可。每天对我来说都是一个防守日。Trying to download videos, but doesn"t seem to be working.  Will work on it.What you all think of my Anta Swag? 季后赛第2场在主场迎战尼克斯。同样的场景,我们一打的强硬他们就无法执行既定的战术。隆多整晚简直像踏上了风火轮。其他年轻人也都被他感染。同样的结果,我们在防守端阻击对手在进攻端摧垮对手。比赛最后,里弗斯教练跟大家说把球交给在禁区的KG,然后凯文就看你的了,杰弗里斯会不惜一切限制你。我还是必须这么做,这也是为什么我每天都练习我的动作。最后我选择了跳投而不是上篮。然后我又在防守端抢到了球,把时间耗尽了。Game over! 为胜利做出自己的贡献并捍卫主场的感觉真爽!当然保卫波士顿是我们共同的目标!下一场比赛我们要更给力。Congrats to Young fella D. Howard for Defensive player of the year.  Just heard that I was voted 2nd.  Didn"t even think about it this year, but nice to see that the hard work our team does gets recognized.  Every day is a defensive day for me. Game #2 at home vs. Knicks.  Same issues, where we go hard, then don"t execute.  Rondo played with his foot on the gas all night.  Young fella getting after it.  Same result, we had to dig deep, get stops at the end and execute on the offensive end.  Doc said, get the ball to KG on the post, and KEV, DO WHAT YOU DO.  YOu"ll be isolated on Jared.  Had to do it and this is why I do my moves every day.  End result was a bucket, but no let up.  Got a tip on the other end and a time out.  Game over.  Glad I could do my part and felt good to hold home court.  That"s all we did though, hold home court.  we gotta come out firing next game. 我正在努力下载一些视频,但好像出了些问题,会继续琢磨它。你们喜欢我的那些安踏赛前家当吗?  KG
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