xcode6.1.1建swift空项目,iphone4s ios8.1.2真机测试,闪退,错误提示:libswiftCore.dylib: mmap() error。stackflow上关于该问题比较靠谱的信息如下:
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswift_stdlib_core.dylib when running on iPhone
Update 2: This is an old question involving the developer beta of iOS 8 and Xcode. The problem was that the Swift standard library wasn't included in the iPhone 4s iOS 8 beta. The issue has been resolved in the release.
Update: I've been getting fed up with the errors and crashes that come along with beta software, so I decided to reset my phone to iOS 7.1.1 and now the error is gone... I have no idea what is going on, but I'm going to assume its a bug since iOS 8 is still in beta. I will file a bug report with Apple and hope it gets resolved with the next seed.
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