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2010-11-13 17:19:16

Lead: Oh, the bride over here! The key moment in your rejoicing, regardless of the use of liquid foundation or cream foundation, the most important natural Refreshing! End products using the right makeup is that you shine an important part of a charming,   get it on your skin flawless it!
Misunderstanding the use of foundation of the bride
Foundation is too thick, too thin, uneven, etc., are usually not caused by the natural foundation of the culprit the bride, so make-up, we need to know about our foundation in use errors occur from time to time.

1 thick

Apply foundation a lot of the time the bride, considering the problems Tuozhuang thickly coated the foundation, the results for the whole face evenly coated with a thick layer of foundation, so the loss of the entire face three-dimensional, to something more a completely expressionless mask. Like "Memoirs of a Geisha" as geisha.

2 too thin

Some brides order to emphasize the natural foundation will play very thin, there are even those who are not on the foundation. Mac Cosmetics outlet  This foundation not only of the effect of modification, but no protection against the effect of skin from the outside world, lost the significance of applying foundation. This bride is not truly "natural" bride Oh!

3 is too uniform

If all parts of the face amount of coating was the same foundation, someone else will feel after seeing the bride face no nerves, face stiff stiff, not vitality. Popular is the "foundation of non-evenly," that is applied in different locations face different Bohou foundation, in order to highlight the contours of the three-dimensional sense.

4 uneven

Most people found that some brides face painted foundation, and pile foundation jaw and nose on both sides together, or the forehead and cheeks spread evenly, the whole face, a black and white looks, the way the rough beauty of a lot of people do not Unfortunately, this is the foundation uneven resulting "face" the bride.

Ignore the lower jaw and neck 5

Ignore the lower jaw and neck
Some brides just painted face when applying a foundation, like the jaw, face and neck transfer of the site, hard to take care of. Only take care of the face, regardless of color, how to get the body, its overall effect will be greatly reduced. You know, some of the bride in order to emphasize the natural, and even apply foundation it has a body!

6 too concerned about wrinkles

Foundation has covered a lot of brides think that the role that the wrinkles in the eye or the place, how many more wiping some,  wiping a bit thick, so to cover the wrinkles! In actual fact, the reason why there are wrinkles, it is because there are sunken areas of skin, if too much foundation, foundation make them sag in the gully, but highlighted the wrinkles.

5 coup bride to create natural-looking finish

When understanding the root causes of the error, the next we'd learn how to create a natural makeup foundation, but in fact approach is not difficult, once you have the following five codes, you will leave the most beautiful bride far the most natural.

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