最近的一位沙发客抄写了一段话给我,是他在尼日利亚旅行的时候别人写给他的。原文是Kent Nerburn写给儿子的一封信。与君分享,共勉。
Why We Travel
We need to travel, if we don't offer ourselves to the unknown, our senses dull, our world becomes small and we lose our sense of wonder. Our eyes don't lift the horizon, our ears don't hear the sound around us, our experience is restricted as we pass our days in a routine that is both comforting and limiting. We wake one day and we find that we have lost our dreams in order to protect our days.
Don't let yourself become one of those people. The fear of the unknown and the lure of the comfortable will conspire to keep you from taking the chances a traveller has to take. But if you take them you will never regret your choice. Sure, there will be a moment of doubt when you stand alone, on an empty road, in an icy rain or when you are ill in a rented bed. In the end you will be a so much happier person, that's all the risks and hardships will seem like nothing compared to the knowledge you have gained and the life you have lived.
Happy travels.
感谢Verain's June的译文:
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