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2011-02-11 10:12:10

Mixed 2008 was in 2009 kickball of real morMixed 2008 was in 2009 kickball of real mor ugg classic tall boots sale =gb2312"> Dong Fangzhuo was exposed to the sun to had left Pu to exceed Sohu sports dispatch to be announced according to Portuguese media, sports season at the beginning of with wave the ba  se of a fruit not tender a place of strategic importance signs a by a definite date one year the Dong Fangzhuo of the contract sets foot on the road that lead a wandering life again, authoritative medium " the   ball signs up for " express, dong Fangzhuo transcends weak force line in Pu inside cannot base oneself upon, enter team name sheet hard even, final by wave the base of a fruit not tender a place of strategic importance abandons. I  t is reported, dong Fangzhuo heads for Cyprus, with the Saierweiyahaomenbeiergelai that training over assemble of team of heart red star undertakes those who count a day try train. Examine >  ; of news of more and abroad player>Since the portion returned England from Belgium in January 2007, dong Fangzhuo began " tragic " , the game still can be being played than second previously hand-in-hand ba  ll, but join in after graceful couplet, spend basically in the reserve force namely. As a result of Dongfang Zhuo Da is less than the requirement of graceful couplet, after old Telafude stayed more than one   year by end an agreement, he set foot on adrift road from now on. Mixed 2008 was in 2009 kickball of real moral character of old boss Dalian, opportunity 2009, let Dong Fangzhuo have go the opportunity of effectiveness of league ma  tches of polish first class, joined in Laijiya, who expects he is in 2010/11 sports season be about to in the begining, be driven away flintily by team. But under, dong Fangzhuo lightning joined in Pu exceeds   the base of a fruit of weak force wave not stay of tender a place of strategic importance. Regretful is, dong Fangzhuo just landed Pu to exceed receive an injury, later after heal of the condition of an injury, gr  aceful couplet archer also becomes devoid before condition, so he fails to capture very few come on the stage a few times the opportunity comes project oneself, final by wave the base of a fruit not tender a place of strategi  c importance advocate handsome infiltrate limbo. According to statistic, since half sports season, dong Fangzhuo represents wave the base of a fruit only not tender a place of strategic importance comes o  n the stage 4 times, among them Pu exceeds league matches 3 times, be worth what carry is, portuguese travel should compare polish travel to harvest a bit a little: Wave the base of a fruit not in the Portuguese cup contest   of tender a place of strategic importance to Xin Fangyi, dong Fangzhuo scores a lock to decide the one ball of score, help team 2-0 wins victory. And the peak of poetic perfection that this one goal also becomes Dong Fangzhuo to g  o up in Portuguese competition ground, portuguese authoritative medium " the ball signs up for " explode makings, wave the base of a fruit not tender a place of strategic importance is extremely dissatisfactory to coming from C  hinese Dong Fangzhuo, before the club just asks graceful couplet archer from seek one's fortune, so Dong Fangzhuo set foot on the road   that lead a wandering life to occupy Portuguese authoritative medium ag  ain " the ball signs up for " analysis, as a result of sports season at the beginning of, dong Fangzhuo and wave the base of a fruit not the working contract that tender a place of strategic importance signed a   by a definite date one year, so both sides has not parted company instantly now. Dong Fangzhuo is not hit inside team on the match, cannot enter team name sheet even, be in so below the circumstance, wave t  he base of a fruit not tender a place of strategic importance and Dong Fangzhuo all think, graceful couplet archer goes better from seek one's fortune before. So, both sides decides after final arrange with, dong Fangzhuo although the   contract did not end, but next homes that can search oneself. " the ball signs up for " divulge, dong Fangzhuo has headed for Cyprus, with the Saierweiyahaomenbeiergelai that trains over assemble of heart red s  tar, of course assemble is not autograph new contract, be a kind of property trying train only make an on-the-spot investigation. What need points out is, beiergelaide is a super rich and powerful family inside We  i Yaguo of Er of a place of strategic importance, had carried off cup of 23 league matches champion, home surpasses champion 25 times early or late, what make them proud most is, this ball still can hide so that pass E  uropean champion cup, they defeat Bucharest star group to ascend an Europe in uppercut of final of cup of champion of Europe of 1990/91 sports season. (Sohu sports is small hold in the palm) (responsibility edits: Jurgen)
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