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2011-01-08 10:41:27

Obama reaffirmed his oppposition to the law,Obama reaffirmed his oppposition to the   law,Barack Obama says the decision to boycott Arizona
over its tough new law cracking down on immig
ration is for private citizens to decide, not
the president of the United States.Speakin  g
at a White House news conference, Obama said
he doesn't approve or oppose the boycotts tha
t some cities and groups have called for in r
esponse to the Arizona law, which makes it a
crime under state l  aw to be in the country il
legally.Obama reaffirmed his oppposition to t
he law, saying it's the wrong approach. He ha
s asked the Justice Department to review the
law to determine whether it violates civil li
berties.Obama says he will continue to push l
awmakers to work on a bipartisan approach to
comprehensive immigration reform. Copyright 2
010The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
This material may not be published, broadcas
t, rewritten, or redistributed.


In New York, the papers were filled with sca

Minnesota is 9-0-1 in home openers, winning

Zhang Yue says, instantly is the sports

None of her claims have been backed by evid

Report from our correspondent (Li Zhen of re

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