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2011-01-08 10:40:49

Obama paid tribute to the five Camp PendletoObama paid tribute to the five Camp PendletoFirst lady Michelle Obama is lau  nching a national
challenge for every American to find ways to
make life easier for the families of U.S. tro
ops.First lady Michelle Obama speaks during a
visit to U.S. Marine Base Camp Pendle  ton in
California, Monday, June 13, 2010. (K.C. Alfr
ed/Reuters)More PhotosObama spoke to 3,500 tr
oops and their families at the Marine base Su
nday as part of her ongoing mission to help m
ilitary familie  s. She called Camp Pendleton a
nd the surrounding Southern California cities
a model for community support of troops.But
California Republicans called Obama's appeara
nce a publicity stunt to help Democr  atic Sen.
Barbara Boxer, who is running for a fourth t
erm and has been criticized by opponents for
not doing enough to support troops. President
Barack Obama has flown to California twice i
n recent   months to help the imperiled incumbe
nt's fundraising efforts.Boxer and U.S. Rep.
Susan Davis, D-Calif. accompanied Obama durin
g her visit to the San Diego-area base on a s
unny afternoon.Oba  ma paid tribute to the five
Camp Pendleton Marines killed in the last we
ek in Afghanistan. She told the crowd she cam
e to the base for a simple reason:"To help th
e rest of our country better u  nderstand and a
ppreciate the incredible service of you and y
our families, and to make sure your voices ar
e heard back in Washington and that your need
s are met."Obama began focusing on the needs
of military f  amilies during the 2008 presiden
tial campaign as the country fought two wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan and service members a
nd their loved ones endured multiple deployme
nts to the combat zones.President Oba  ma has p
roposed millions of dollars more for counseli
ng, support services and military child care
in his 2011 budget. Aides justified the spend
ing on military families by saying their w  elf
are is an important part of U.S. national sec
urity.Marine Sgt. Keyonna Adkins, a single mo
ther, said she could use the help.The 23-year
-old has struggled to find day care for her 3
-year-old son. The base had such a long waiti
ng list for its day care center, she finally
went to a private one in nearby Oceanside, wh
ere she pays high rates.


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