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2011-01-08 10:33:08

Oakland Athletics left-handed starting pitchOakland Athletics left-handed starting pitchOakland Athletics left-handed starting pitchers pa
st and present engaged in a duel on Wednesday
.It was pretty much a draw between Barry Zito
and Brett Anderson.Zito won the American Lea
gue Cy Young Aw  ard with Oakland in 2002 but h
asn't found the same magic in San Francisco.
He gave up one run on four hits, walked three
and struck out two in 3 1-3 innings before t
he Giants rallied for a 6-1 victory at Phoe  ni
x Municipal Stadium.Anderson, who was 11-11 i
n 2009 and led AL rookie pitchers in strikeou
ts with 150, pitched four scoreless innings,
giving up just two hits and striking out one.
An RBI double by new third b  aseman Kevin Kouz
manoff gave the Athletics a 1-0 lead in the f
irst inning. Oakland had a chance to score mo
re in the third, but Zito managed to escape a
bases-loaded jam.Anderson looked   sharp by mi
xing his pitches. He left with a 1-0 lead, bu
t Brad Kilby then entered the game and gave u
p a game-tying home run to Juan Uribe.Zito le
ft the ballpark before reporters were allowed<  /br> in the clubhouse. But in previous starts thi
s spring, he said he was looking to make prog
ress with each start in terms of longevity an
d results, and he appeared to do that on this
occasion. He gave u  p two hits in four inning
s against minor leaguers in his previous star
t on March 12.By mixing up his pitches, parti
cularly his change-up, Anderson said that all
ows him to pitch longer into the   game. He gav
e up three runs on four hits in 2 2-3 innings
in his previous start against Arizona on Fri
day."It was a lot better out there today, pro
bably my best game so far," said A  nderson, wh
o was a second-round pick by Arizona in 2006
and came to the Athletics in 2007 as part of
the trade for right-hander Dan Haren."If I pi
tch to contact, I keep the innings short," A  n
derson said. "My first two starts, I didn't d
o that as well."The Giants broke the tie by s
coring three runs with two outs in the sevent
h inning.


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