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分类: BSD

2010-11-09 09:03:15

Morning paper dispatch (reporter Wu XiaolingMorning paper dispatch (reporter Wu XiaolingMorning paper dispatch (reporter Wu Xiaoling) the
wet card dress that Xie Na publicized him wit
h small gain on October 28,   let vermicelli ma
de from bean starch know this plain the girl
already began development to have a brand one
self. Nevertheless, personage of know the ins
ide story discloses yesterday, in recreation
the ci  rcle mixes the Xie Na since the unboile
d water that get wind, had not satisfied at b
ecoming a compere, besides start dress brand
oneself, she returns plan and small shop run
by couple of Zhan  g Jie open, establish the mu
sic of a part, entertainment company that man
ages kimono act the role ofing to be an organ
ic whole. In addition, she still plans good f
riend lot falls into the banner beside hook i
n, mo  re Xiang Linzhi Ling casts an olive, be
about to act as agent into its inland broker.
According to the good friend discloses besid
e Xie Na, this brand is Xie Na and male frien
dly Zhang Jie establish jointly actually, cle  
an out treasure inn to just begin, 2 people n
ext the plan is to be in Beijing to open hypo
static store, and business shop already also
chose center of settle tide vogue 3 lis of cocreative recreations shoes website br>llect, border some large international brand.
Entertainment weak point is sowed >> > " new
image password " begin last night, museum of
contemporary and artistic design opens Xu Li
a  oyuan formally house, begin at the same time
still have " new image password " integrated
edition art exhibition, come from Belgian Gh
ent · of R of decanal horse fourth · Professo
r Ba Yan  si of royal design institute exhibite
d his 12 woodcut work. (Duan Zhen Xiang Yu) w
ater wood time solo flight yesterday, chengdu
of song a list of names posted up pulls a ti
cket to be able t  o be heated up in theater of
bright and beautiful river in hot hold, time
of spot water wood advocate the Geng Qu that
sing Lu discloses, the main energy of his ne
xt year will be hold guide the film of a greeclassic shox br>n subject matter of own playwrite, and Miao J
ie can participate in melodrama " fantasy " m
ake one's rounds acts, two people do not disb
and solo flight, develop severally temporaril
y. (Wu Xiaoling Xiang Yu) author: Wu Xiaoling
(article origin: Sichuan is online - morning
paper of weather government office)





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