Evtouch is a Touchscreen-Driver for X. This site contains the description as well as the
possibility to the driver.
the tarball and extract it to some
temporary directory.
tar xzvf evtouch-xx.yy.tar.gz
Copy the file "evtouch_drv.so" to the appropriate location
(Some distributions use "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input" or
"/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/" (for Ubuntu)).
Insert the lines below to the file "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4" or
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "touchscreen"
Driver "evtouch"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/event1"
Option "DeviceName" "touchscreen"
Option "MinX" "98"
Option "MinY" "43"
Option "MaxX" "940"
Option "MaxY" "925"
Option "ReportingMode" "Raw"
Option "Emulate3Buttons"
Option "Emulate3Timeout" "50"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "On"
- Beware that some distributions use other names for the device. Some use
"/dev/input/evdevX" and others use "/dev/input/eventX".
- Add the line below to the file "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4" or
"/etc/X11/xorg.conf" to the section "ServerLayout".
InputDevice "touchscreen" "CorePointer"
If your Y-axis is interchanged you might have used the wrong
event-device. Maybe you should try the next few event-devices
Since Xorg 7.2 there is always a
default-mouse-pointer which will run simultaneously with evtouch if you
do not prevent it from loading. It is extremely important that you add
the following to your configuration. Otherwise you will get double click
events and all kind of strange things.
Add the following new input-device to your xorg.conf:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "dummy"
Driver "void"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Add the following line your your "ServerLayout"-section:
InputDevice "dummy"
Calibration is also supported since V0.6.0. You can also reuse your
settings from the old driver for the 2.6 driver. Actually you only
have to exchange the driver name in the "Inputdevice"-section from
"lbtouch" to "evtouch" and change the "Device".
With the state-machine based code you can have the three types of button
actions (button up, down, click) which are issued in different states
of the state-machine. So the complete behaviour is configurable.
Have a look at to see which default-actions are hard-coded in the driver and what you have to do to change the default-behaviour.
Changing Timers
If you are not confident with the default behaviour of your touchpanel you
can configure certain timers which change its behaviour.
Option |
Description |
TapTimer |
This timer starts when the state MAYBETAPPED is
entered. When this timer expires a tap-event is issued and the state
changes to UNTOUCHED. |
200 ms |
LongTouchTimer |
This timer is always started when the state TOUCHED
is entered. When the timer expires before you untouch the screen again the
state moves to LONGTOUCHED and on entering that state a longtouch-event is
issued. |
400 ms |
Emulate3Buttons |
Enable emulation of three button support |
true -- enabled |
Emulate3Timeout |
If both buttons are pressed/released before this timer
expires a
"middle press/release"-event is generated. This timer starts to run as soon as
a button is pressed. |
50 ms |
MoveLimit |
If the pen moves out of this radius a "mouse-press"-event
becomes impossible. |
30 Pixels |
Rotate |
There are two valid values:
CW -- Rotate the screen clockwise
CCW -- Rotate the screen counter-clockwise
Everything else will be treated as "no rotation".
no rotation |
SwapX |
This option is in the driver since V0.61. When set to 1
the X-axis is
swapped. This option is applied BEFORE the rotation-option.
false -- no swapping |
SwapY |
This option is in the driver since V0.61. When set to 1
the Y-axis is
swapped. This option is applied BEFORE the rotation-option.
false -- no swapping |
If you find bugs or if you have comment/wishes please send mail to
Touchscreen-Driver for X
This driver works for Xorg 7.x. XFree 4.x and Xorg 6.8.x. should also
work but these Versions are not tested anymore -- please report bugs
Have a look at the .
V0.8.2 was removed since it was broken -- sorry for the inconvenience.
V0.8.4 contains udev-rules for dynamically creating a softlink to the
"correct" device. Please feel free to add your rules to this file and
send the patches to me.
Precompiled driver for X V0.8.8 |
Precompiled driver for X V0.8.7 |
Precompiled driver for X V0.8.6 |
Precompiled driver for X V0.8.5 |
Precompiled driver for X V0.8.4 |
Precompiled driver for X V0.8.3 |
Precompiled driver for X V0.8.1 |
Precompiled driver for X V0.8.0 |
X driver sources V0.8.8 |
X driver sources V0.8.7 |
X driver sources V0.8.6 |
X driver sources V0.8.5 |
X driver sources V0.8.4 |
X driver sources V0.8.3 |
X driver sources V0.8.1 |
X driver sources V0.8.0 |
of the evtouch-driver
can be downloaded
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