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分类: C/C++

2011-11-04 18:02:28

  1. public 公共接口 :向外界开放,可通过对象或类名访问
  2. protected 受保护的访问:只向子类开放访问权限 ,不可通过对象访问
  3. private私有 :只有类成员可以访问,外界不可以通过任何形式访问
  1. public继承:父类成员的访问权限在子类中不变,仍为自己原来的权限。
  2. protected继承:父类的public成员访问权限在子类中变为protected;父类的protected成员和private成员在子类权限维持原来的权限不变
  3. private继承:父类的所有成员访问权限 子类中变为private


  需要禁止类以构造形式实例化类的时候,可以将类的构造函数声明为private 和protected 的形式。构造函数声明protected 的形式的类不能被直接实例化,但可以通过被继承,子类可以在实例化的时候调用父类的protected构造函数。
  构造函数声明为private的类的实例化不能依赖构造函数,可以提供public 的Instance()的方法,在Instance()定义中调用构造函数,返回类的实例。单例模式就是利用这个原理。

C++ Tutorial - Function members in classes:   
Functions declared inside a class can be any of the following four types. This C++ Tutorial explains each one of them as below.Ordinary member functions :   These are ordinary functions defined with a return type and parameters. The return type can also be void. The special trait about member functions is they can access the private/protected data members of their class and manipulate them. No external functions can access the private/protected data members of a class. The sample below this C++ Tutorial uses an ordinary member function Add(), returning an integer value.Constructors:   Constructors in C++ are special member functions of a class. They have the same name as the Class Name. There can be any number of  constructors inside a class, provided they have a different set of parameters. There are someimportant qualities for a constructor to be noted.
  • Constructors have the same name as the class.
  • Constructors do not return any values
  • Constructors are invoked first when a class is initialized. Any initializations for the class members, memory allocations are done at the constructor.
   In the example class given below in this C++ tutorial has the constructor Example_Class(), with the same name as the class.Destructors:   Destructors in C++ also have the same name, except for the fact that they are preceded by a '~' operator. The destructors are called when the object of a class goes out of scope. It is not necessary to declare a constructor or a destructor inside a class. If not declared, the compiler will automatically create a default one for each. If the constructor/destructor is declared as private, then the class cannot be instantiated. Check below for the sample class of the C++ tutorial for an example of destructor.C++ Tutorial - Access Level:   The classes in C++ have 3 important access levels. They are Private, Public and Protected. The explanations are as follows.Private:   The members are accessible only by the member functions or friend functions.Protected:   These members are accessible by the member functions of the class and the classes which are derived from this class.Public:   Accessible by any external member. Look at the sample class below.C++ Tutorial - Example of a class:

   class Example_class //Sample Class for the C++ Tutorial 
         int x; //Data member 
         int y; // Data member 
         Example_Class() //Constructor for the C++ tutorial 
             x = 0;
             y = 0;
       ~Example_Class() //destructor for the C++ Tutorial 
       { } 
      int Add() 
         return x+y;


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